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IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter

#2 December 2018 — 2018 Last Issue & IAU100 Special

In this newsletter:

0) From the Editors
1) Participate in the 100 Hours of Astronomy
2) Become an Einstein School
3) Bring the Above and Beyond Exhibition to your Community
4) Celebrate IAU100 Women and Girls in Astronomy Day in Your Country
5) "Under One Sky" Short Story Competition
6) Call for Participation in the Open Astronomy Schools Project
7) Help Save the Milky Way for Future Generations — Open Call for Educational Kits
8) Don’t miss the IAU Symposiums for 2019

9) Meetings & Global Events
10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in other languages

11) Contributions to IAU Outreach Newsletter

0) From the Editors

Dear friends and colleagues,

We can hardly believe this is the last issue of the IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter of 2018! And for our team what a fantastic journey it was! With the IAU Astronomy Translation Network (ATN) reaching nearly 350 translators in 49 different languages. Communicating Astronomy with the Public Conference 2018 in Fukuoka, Japan being the largest and the most diverse so far, with 460 participants from 53 different countries. Two issues of the Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal have been published with a printed publication of 3000 copies distributed internationally. Our proposal for hosting the first IAU Symposium for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has been accepted and will take place in Japan, from November 12 to 15, 2019. Also in 2018, our office reached a worldwide network spread of 100 National Outreach Coordinators (NOCs).

And like every other journey, ours is much better because we share it with friends around the world! From our colleagues here at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), with their strong support and friendship every step of the way, to our extended family in Paris, Cape Town, Garching and Leiden. And of course, we can never forget the support of the many astronomy professionals that are part of the IAU, the hard work of our National Outreach Coordinators and the dedication of our ATN translators — all the collaborators we are lucky to have in our lives. It is our wish we can continue to hear from you and to continue to support each other on this amazing journey. And what an exciting one awaits us next year!

In 2019 we will be celebrating the IAU's 100 years of existence and with it, the remarkable discoveries and accomplishments astronomy has had and that contributed to the betterment of our society as a whole — stimulating critical thinking, international cooperation, tolerance and peace. We couldn't think of a better way but to celebrate it together with you all. 
Wishing you the clearest skies for 2019 and all the very best!
Lina Canas, on behalf of the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach Team   

1) Participate in the 100 Hours of Astronomy

It is only a few days before the yearlong centennial celebration of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) takes place! As a big kick-off event, the global 100 Hours of Astronomy project is organised to take place 10-13 January 2019. Over 300 activities have been registered in more than 60 countries worldwide! There is still time to register your astronomy activity, with prizes available for event participants and organisers! Everyone around the globe can participate in this joint effort to bring astronomy to the general public.

Find all information on the official website:

2) Become an Einstein School

The Einstein Schools program encourages talented youth around the world to learn and communicate about gravity in astronomy. As part of an international network, the schools will be able to share experiences, benefit from high-quality resources, and access astronomy professionals as mentors in your activities.

Find how to become an Einstein School on the official website:

3) Bring the Above and Beyond Exhibition to your Community

The IAU100 Above and Beyond open-source exhibition features some of the most relevant and astonishing astronomical breakthroughs that have shaped science, technology, and culture throughout the last century. Now you can bring this exhibition to a venue near you in an affordable customised way that suits the needs of your community.

The IAU100 Secretariat has just released three versions of the exhibition that can, in an affordable and customised way, support the enjoyment of the exhibition in your community:

Above and Beyond Full-scale Travelling Exhibition
You can bring the Full-scale Travelling Exhibition that was featured at the IAU General Assembly in Vienna to your country.

Above and Beyond Full-scale DIY Exhibition
You may also produce your own version of the Full-scale exhibition and localise it to your own language.

Above and Beyond Downscale Exhibition
The budget version of the exhibition has been designed as a scaled-down version of the original full-scale exhibition.

Read more:
Above and Beyond Exhibition Official Website: 

4) Celebrate IAU100 Women and Girls in Astronomy Day in Your Country

Under the theme "Inclusive Astronomy" the IAU100 celebrations will organise a wide array of global activities and events throughout the year to promote inclusivity, equity, and diversity in astronomy. These events will kick off around 11 February 2019 with the celebration of the IAU100 Women and Girls in Astronomy Day within the framework of the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This is the perfect opportunity to celebrate girls and women in astronomy — by encouraging girls to consider careers in astronomy and by celebrating women astronomers. We encourage everyone to get involved with the Women and Girls in Astronomy Day by running events in your local community.

Read more: 

5) "Under One Sky" Short Story Competition 

We are pleased to invite astronomy students worldwide to take part in the IAU100 written “Under One Sky” contest. The IAU values the engagement of young scientists in its activities and this competition is aimed at stimulating astronomy students’ creativity and imagination, by soliciting short written stories related to the themes 'Under One Sky' and 'Inspiring Stars'. Participants will get a chance to attend the IAU100 Flagship event in Brussels, Belgium. The IAU100 Under One Sky Event will take place at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels (Belgium) from 11 to 13 April 2019.

Read more:

6) Call for Participation in the Open Astronomy Schools Project

The Open Astronomy Schools (OAS) project will build teachers’ capacity to deal with scientific topics and teaching techniques by organising teacher trainings worldwide that enable the development of scientific literacy and acquisition of modern teaching skills. The call for proposals is targeted at providing seed funding (up to 500 Euros) and basic support to stimulate teacher training workshops in developing regions. This funding to support the OAS activities that can be used to produce materials to distribution to workshop participants or travel/subsistence support for teachers to attend the workshop.

The call for proposals will be open until the end of the IAU100 celebrations. Proposals requesting funds have to be submitted by 31 January 2019 at 11:00 pm UTC. All applicants requesting financial support will receive feedback regarding the decision in February 2019.

Find more information:
Official Website:

7) Help Save the Milky Way for Future Generations — Open Call for Educational Kits

The IAU100 Global Project Dark Skies for All project aims to raise awareness for the preservation of quiet and dark skies and claim the right to future generations to continue to access our true night skies. The IAU100 is issuing a call for proposals to receive the “Turn on the Light” educational kit and encourages educators, astronomy professionals and enthusiasts around the world to apply.
Throughout the IAU100 Global Program, about 200 educators around the world will be able to have this kit at production cost. Around 50 additional kits will be attributed and distributed for free by the IAU100 Secretariat to those who cannot afford the production cost. To apply for these IAU100 special conditions, please submit the completed application by 1 March 2019.

More information here:

8) Don’t miss the IAU Symposiums for 2019

The program of scientific meetings is one of the most important means by which the IAU pursues its goal of promoting the science of astronomy through international collaboration. In 2019 don’t miss an exciting year filled with a diverse program of IAU symposia all around the world. One of the main components associated with each symposium, are the planned satellite events with educational and outreach programs and that engage the attending scientists with the wider community. 

Learn more and plan ahead for an exciting year: 

9) Meetings and Global Events 

Here you can find a list of astronomy outreach & education conferences and events around the world. Plan ahead for a very special year for Astronomy, full of interesting events!

a) IAU100: 100 Hours of Astronomy
Date: 10-13 January 2019 
Location: All around the world
More information: 

b) IAU100: Women and Girls in Astronomy Day
Date: 11 February 2019 
Location: All around the world
More information:

c) Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) Asian Regional Meeting
Date:  6-8 March 2019
Location: Pokhara, Nepal
More information: 

d) 8th International Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education”
Dates: 21 - 22 March 2019
Location: Florence, Italy
More Information: 

e) Yuri’s Night
Date: 12 April 2019
Location: All around the world
More information:

f) European Week of Astronomy and Space Science
Date: 24 – 28 June 2019
Location: Lyon, France
More information:

g) Starmus Festival V: A Giant Leap
Date:  24–29 June 2019
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
More information:  

h) Asteroid Day
Date: 30 June 2019
Location: Around the world
More Information:

i) 3rd Workshop on Dissemination and Education of Astronomy (WDEA III)
Dates: 2 July (Solar Eclipse), 4- 5 July 2019
Location: San Juan, Argentina
More information at

j) IAU100: Moon Landing 50th Anniversary - Let's All Observe the Moon! 
Date: 20 July 2019  
Location: All around the world
More information: 

Have we missed something? Then share your astronomy outreach and education international meetings or events with us via

10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in other languages

-     Translations into Serbian are available, by Dr Liliana Gracanin from Serbia: ;
-     Translations into Japanese are available, carried out by Akihiko Tomita through the Astronomy Translation Network: If you want to receive the Japanese newsletter translation, please subscribe to the Japanese Amateur Astronomers Association here:, or the Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy here:;
-     Translations into Galician are available, by Martin Pawley, Agrupación Astronómica Coruñesa Ío, in Spain here:    
-     Translations into Spanish are available by Emílio Zuniga, the Association of Amateur Astronomers from León, Nicaragua:;
-     Translations into Italian are available by Eleonora Piromalli, AstronomiAmo, from Italy here:

-     Translations into Russian are available by Artem Mokhnaktin, Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pulkovo. You can find the latest translations of the newsletter here.  
-      Translations into (European) Portuguese are available, carried out by Catarina Leote & João Ferreira through the Astronomy Translation Network (ATN) Portuguese Language Group (the previous issue can be found here). 

If you are interested in translating our newsletter into your language, please let us know via

11) Contributions to the IAU Outreach Newsletter—looking forward to hearing from you in 2018

Here at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, we’re always looking for news about astronomical education and outreach events around the world. Please continue to share your stories with us in 2018! If you are organising large-scale events at a regional or international level, offering astronomy education or communication job positions, have any innovative projects or inspiring stories, looking for professional–amateur collaboration in astronomy, or have created any educational resources, let us know by sending an email to 
You can send us your suggestions until the 4th (for issue #1) and the 17th (for issue #2) day of each month. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach · 310 South Building, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan · 2-21-1 Osawa · Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 · Japan