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IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter

#1 January 2020

In this newsletter:

0) From the Editors
1) Call Opened for Participation in the 2020 Open Astronomy Schools project
2) Worldwide Activities Celebrate Pale Blue Dot’s 30th Anniversary and the Earth
3) Daily Podcast Enters Second Decade of Sharing Astronomy With the World
4) Light Sound Project Expands Outreach During Annular Eclipse in Malaysia
5) IAU Announces Results of the IAU100 NameExoWorlds Campaign
6) News from Nicaragua
7) IAU Office of Astronomy for Education Agreement Signed
8) IAU Symposia Outreach Programmes for 2020
9) Meetings & Global Events
10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in Other Languages
11) Contributions to IAU Outreach Newsletter

0) From the Editors

Dear friends and colleagues,

We want to start the first newsletter of 2020 by thanking all our contributors — the collaborators who, over the past years, have shared their favourite and relevant astronomy outreach initiatives from across the globe here, in this newsletter, and who are a vital part of our fantastic community.

In this issue, we hope to take a moment to see how the last year finished, like the conclusion of the IAU100 NameExoWorlds campaign or the 1st IAU-Shaw Workshop. But a new year brings plenty of new opportunities to get involved with astronomy outreach projects, such as Pale Blue Dot or Open Astronomy Schools projects  — there is an exciting year in astronomy outreach coming up and we hope you are motivated to join us in the fun.

During 2019, we have had special items mostly focused on the IAU100 celebrations, but in 2020 we will return with our usual format and continue to share your news to the community. We are looking forward to hearing from you and to share your stories with us in 2020!

Wishing you the clearest skies for 2020 and all the very best!
Lina Canas & Izumi Hansen, on behalf of the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach Team  

1) Call Opened for Participation in the 2020 Open Astronomy Schools project

To harness the vast skills in education, outreach and inspiration of astronomy educators around the globe, IAU100 is launching a second call for proposals for the promotion of the Open Astronomy Schools (OAS) teacher training events in 2020. The deadline to submit proposals is January 31, 2020.

Find out more here:

2) Worldwide Activities Celebrate Pale Blue Dot’s 30th Anniversary and the Earth

After one year of looking at one hundred years of milestones in astronomy with IAU100, the IAU is now looking back at us, planet Earth. In the final IAU100 global project, events around the world will show how astronomy helps us understand the place of our home planet in the universe and how we can address global challenges. Events will take place on and around 13-20 February 2020.

Find out more here:

3) Daily Podcast Enters Second Decade of Sharing Astronomy With the World

The award-winning podcast 365 Days of Astronomy now enters its second decade of publishing, celebrating 10 years of educating the public on astronomy every day of the year. With content from exobiology to exoplanets, supernovae to superclusters, the show shares exciting breakthroughs from space science and the joys of learning about astronomy.

365 Days of Astronomy invites new and existing podcasters to share not only astronomy discovery stories, but also information on current and future space missions as well as the importance of astronomy as a tool to learn science. Participating podcasters can share information on astronomy topics, their experiences, or even tips on how to do astronomy as a hobby.

Find out more here:
We want to send our warm thank-yous to Avivah Yamani for sharing the news.

4) Light Sound Project Expands Outreach During Annular Eclipse in Malaysia

People in Southeast Asia experienced an annular eclipse on 26 December 2019. A viewing event was held at the national park Tanjung Piai, the most southern point of mainland Eurasia. Universities, astronomy clubs, and private individuals provided 120 telescopes for the event in addition to live streaming of the eclipse for safe viewing and educational opportunities through a science bus, workshops, and stargazing events. Hefez Murtza and his team, from Apadilangit; Universe Awareness Malaysia, demonstrated the Light Sound device, which translates light into sound, during the event for the nearly 6000 attendees, allowing more people to experience the eclipse. The event was also made more accessible thanks to braille books.

You can find a news article of the event (in English) here:

We want to send our warm thank-yous to Hafez Murtza for sharing the news.

5) IAU Announces Results of the IAU100 NameExoWorlds Campaign

On 17 December 2019 the names of 112 sets of exoplanets and host stars named in the IAU100 NameExoWorlds campaigns were announced at a press conference in Paris, France. Within the framework of the International Astronomical Union’s 100th anniversary commemorations (IAU100) in 2019, 112 countries organised national campaigns that stimulated the direct participation of over 780 000 people worldwide, who proposed and helped select names for exoplanets and their host stars.

See the chosen names and read the official press release here:

6) Amateur Astronomy Course in Nicaragua

The Association of Amateur Astronomers of Nicaragua "Carl Sagan" (ANASA) is holding its 15th Course of Amateur Astronomy in Managua, Nicaragua. The course runs from 27 January 2020 to 30 March 2020. The goal of this course is to raise awareness among the public about the importance of astronomy as a tool for development for societies and encourage people to observe the skies and wonder about our place in the Universe.

Further information is available on Facebook (in Spanish): (Flyer available on Google Drive.)

We want to thank Emilio Zúniga, our NOC from Nicaragua, for sharing this event.

7) IAU Office of Astronomy for Education Agreement Signed

The agreement to establish the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) was signed by the IAU and Max Planck Institute for Astronomy during the 1st IAU-Shaw Workshop from 17 to 19 December 2019. With support generously provided by the Shaw Prize Foundation, the first of a series of annual workshops was held at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) auditorium near the IAU Headquarters in Paris. Approximately 50 workshop participants actively discussed a variety of topics in astronomy education.

Find out more here:

8) IAU Symposia Outreach Programmes for 2020

Eleven IAU symposia will take place in 2020 and the following symposia are currently planning to host outreach activities for the public:

IAUS 359 in Bento Gonçalves, Brazil from 2-6 March 2020

  • Educational and outreach activities with local colleges for secondary and post-secondary students Activities related to the two outreach programmes, “Meninas na Ciência” (“Girls in Science”) and “Observatório Educativo Itinerante” (“Observatory brought to the schools”), of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Evening stargazing at the hosting hotel
  • Participation of graduate students in the area of extragalactic astrophysics in the symposia
More information here:

IAUS 360 in Hiroshima, Japan from 2-6 March 2020

  • Educational programming open to the public to be held on 22 March 2020 near the conference venue.
More information here:

IAUS 361 in Ballyconnell, Cavan, Ireland from 18-22 May 2020

  • Public talks (To be determined)
  • Stargazing (To be determined)
More information here:

IAUS 363 in L’Aquila, Italy from 22-26 June 2020

  • To be determined
More information here:

IAUS 364 in Iasi, Romania from 6-10 July 2020

  • Public talks on dynamics of celestial bodies
  • Planetarium presentations for students
More information here:

IAUS 366 in Leuven, Belgium from 5-10 October 2020

  • To be determined
More information here:

IAUS 367 in Bariloche, Argentina from 9-14 December 2020

  • Workshops for teachers regarding the local solar eclipse and other topics in astronomy
  • Public events related to the total solar eclipse on 14 December 2019
More information here:

Links to all the symposia are here:

9) Meetings and Global Events 

Here you can find a list of astronomy outreach & education conferences and events around the world. Plan ahead for a very special year for astronomy full of interesting events!

a) Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting (APRIM)
Date: 6-10 July 2020
Location: Perth, Australia
More information:

b) CAP Conference 2020
Date: 21-25 Sep 2020
Location: Sydney, Australia
More information:

Have we missed something? Then share your astronomy outreach and education international meetings or events with us via

10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in Other Languages

Interested in translating our newsletter into your language? Please let us know via

Our newsletter is being translated into the following languages:

Translations into Japanese are available, carried out by Akihiko Tomita through the Astronomy Translation Network: If you want to receive the Japanese newsletter translation, please subscribe through the Japanese Amateur Astronomers Association ( or the Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy (

Translations into (European) Portuguese are available, carried out by Catarina Leote, João Ferreira & Jonas Souza through the Astronomy Translation Network (ATN) Portuguese Language Group (the previous issue can be found here).

Translations into Spanish are available by Emílio Zuniga, the Association of Amateur Astronomers from León, Nicaragua:;

Translations into Galician are available by Martin Pawley, Agrupación Astronómica Coruñesa Ío, in Spain here:;    

Translations into Serbian are available by Dr Liliana Gracanin from Serbia:;

Translations into Italian are available by Eleonora Piromalli, AstronomiAmo, from Italy here:;

Translations into Russian are available by Artem Mokhnaktin, Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pulkovo. You can find the latest translations of the newsletter here.  

11) Contributions to the IAU Outreach Newsletter—looking forward to hearing from you in 2019

Here at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, we’re always looking for news about astronomical education and outreach events around the world. Please continue to share your stories with us in 2019! If you are organising large-scale events at a regional or international level, offering astronomy education or communication job positions, have any innovative projects or inspiring stories, looking for professional-amateur collaboration in astronomy, or have created any educational resources, let us know by sending an email to 

You can send us your suggestions until the 4th (for issue #1) and the 17th (for issue #2) day of each month. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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