love is primary directive

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

winkyblinkyandstew asked:

Hi, theloverstemperance is my sideblog, and a while ago I posted a photo of So Mi on the roof of the sunset motel wearing a moon shirt, which you reblogged with the tag that it vibes rlly well with her post-OHN, and I just wanted to share how delighted I am, now that I've finally read it, to have accidentally captured your portrayal of her so well 🥺😭🥰 I read the whole thing in one day and loved every minute of it; def going in my bookmarks 💖💞💗💕

oh my goodness hello there !! getting to this super late bec ive been off tumblr for a while but!! that photoset really did capture that post-OHN carefree vibe id alw imagined for her :’) i !! loved it a lot !! and thank u so much for taking the time to read my lil ol fic. i am so glad u enjoyed it

thanks very much friend!! u have a good day now :’)

asks winkyblinkyandstew !!!! thank u also for the gift of that photoset it is truly glorious a plus