Investing in the games leaders of the future.

Lvp is a gaming-focused venture capital fund investing exclusively across the games ecosystem. We make investments globally in interactive entertainment, studios, content, technology, platforms, and services.

Funding the future leaders of the industry

Our team is comprised of industry veterans and operators with vast experience in the games ecosystem. In a creative industry, you want deep expertise, wide-reaching connections, and hands-on support to deliver the best results.


How we operate

We’re gaming investors who invest in great ideas at all stages: angel, pre-seed, seed and growth. We know a good idea when we see one.

We invest in people. That means founders with the potential to build the best in the world, teams with creative games development skills, or entrepreneurs with revolutionary ideas … and a vision that sets them apart.

500mm players,100mm daus,
5mm developers, $30bn value

We’ve been successful investors in a host of amazing games companies including Supercell, Unity, Playfish, NaturalMotion and Futureplay.


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