• data marketplace

Data Marketplace

Enhance your data strategy and fill in your customer intelligence gaps with access to safe, externally sourced third-party data.

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Discover and test more strategically

Search and find the right data and employ innovative strategies to improve campaign performance.

  • Discover overlaps, segmentation and data appends
  • Plan and analyze your data strategy to improve targeting, measurement, and customer intelligence
  • Easily distribute data to extend reach for more effective audience targeting

Flexible pricing by design

From flat-fee licensing to CPM to percent of media, there are pricing options that fit your use case needs. Choose the data and pricing model that’s right for you and the data will be translated to the identity space you require.

Speed up access to data through automated API workflows. A simplified procurement and contractual process removes operational hurdles that normally slow transactions down.

Desk with gavel, notebook and law book

Global data ethics standards

LiveRamp’s privacy reviews ensure the Data Marketplace stays in step with evolving privacy regulations, that data is ethically-sourced, and used as it was intended.

  • Ethical standard requirements of all data partners – sellers and buyers
  • Verification of consumer notice, choice and opt-out options
  • Reviewed regularly for consumer-privacy adherence with all relevant industry standards and privacy regulations, even as they evolve
“We’re able to utilize LiveRamp’s Data Marketplace in order to gain second-party segments or third-party data in order to expand our reach, and that’s actually been pretty integral.”
Uber logo Tesäen Chavis, Former DMP Manager, Uber

Solutions built for your needs

  • Marketing

    LiveRamp helps you reach and measure customers at every precision level across hundreds of platforms, including digital, search, social, and TV.

  • Data Sellers

    Drive more monetization opportunities by making your data accessible on more platforms for easy access to data buyers.

Get started today

Find out how you can maximize the value from data and strengthen customer relationships.

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