About Listonic


Our Mission

Why would you reinvent the shopping list? Shopping lists are simple and effective. Many people still use pen and paper to great effect. But what if you could make small and smart improvements that make shopping lists even better?

At Listonic, we don’t aim to completely change your life and your grocery list, we just want to make modest but impactful improvements. That’s why we keep the app as simple and easy to use as possible, but with features that make a real difference.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Shopping List?

We use technology to your advantage to bring you a simple and easy to use list full of great little features. Our goal with these is to make shopping lists easier and faster to use. This in turn makes shopping a more hassle-free experience. We also want to make sure sharing and syncing lists are as straightforward and effective as possible.

Your shopping list won’t save the world. However, it will save you time and money, and make shopping that little bit easier.

Our Story

The idea for Listonic was created by three friends who met at the University of Łódź, Poland, whilst studying computer science back in the days when flip-phones and PDAs were all the rage. Whilst living together in Coventry, UK, they came across certain issues they had when doing their shopping: forgetting items or buying things they already had. So, they came together to tackle these simple challenges using a digital shopping list. They completed the app as part of their studies back in Poland, and even won a prize for it.

Then the smartphone revolution came, and the three friends decided to turn their app into a product. The company they set up over 15 years ago became one of the most successful startups in Poland. Now, their modest product is used by millions of users and has been translated into more than 40 languages. The trio are still active in running the company and developing the app. Their continued aim is to carry on improving and enhancing shopping lists beyond what was once thought impossible.

What’s next?

We want to make shopping lists better by using technology to make them smarter, but without sacrificing their simplicity. For the past 15 years, Listonic has always been looking to be at the forefront of app technology to make shopping lists more effective. These features are often small but impactful, as a result of our growing AI (artificial intelligence) expertise.

We also look at how our millions of users shop and what they buy to help us determine what new features we can develop or how we should be improving existing features. This means Listonic is always evolving with our customers needs and habits, directly meeting and helping to resolve the challenges modern shoppers face.

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