Latest News

The AAS Open Access Publishing Model: Open, Transparent, and Fair

As of 2022, all AAS journals are open access. What does our business model look like for the journals now, and why did we choose it?

The AAS Publication Support Fund: Preserving Author Access to the AAS Journals

Ethan Vishniac outlines the AAS Publication Support Fund which provides financial support to authors for the publication of their journal articles.

Response to NASA RFI: NASA Public Access Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of NASA-Supported Research

AAS Publishing staff and editors have contributed a response to NASA’s recent Request for Information on their Public Access Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of NASA-Supported Research. Read AAS’s full response here.

On the Use of Chatbots in Writing Scientific Manuscripts

Ethan Vishniac discusses editorial guidelines for the use of chatbots in preparing manuscripts for submission to the journals of the AAS.

Author Resources

AAS Nova Research Highlights

How Common Are Solar Systems Like Our Own?

Astrobites reports on the likelihood of exoplanetary systems having both small, close-in planets and large, far-out gas giant planets.

The post How Common Are Solar Systems Like Our Own? appeared first on AAS Nova.

Meet the Progenitor of the Latest Nearby Supernova

Supernova hunters have been busy: SN 2024ggi is the second nearby supernova in less than a year. What do archival observations tell us about this supernova's progenitor star?

The post Meet the Progenitor of the Latest Nearby Supernova appeared first on AAS Nova.

A New Way to Grow a Supermassive Black Hole

Simulations suggest that black holes could have grown to supermassive size with the help of young star clusters in the early universe.

The post A New Way to Grow a Supermassive Black Hole appeared first on AAS Nova.

The Curious Case of Twin Fast Radio Bursts

A pair of nearly identical fast radio bursts from different sources gives a hint to the cause of these powerful radio flashes.

The post The Curious Case of Twin Fast Radio Bursts appeared first on AAS Nova.

AAS Journals Editorial Board

The AAS Editor in Chief, the ApJ Letters Editor, the PSJ Editor, and a team of seven Lead Editors and more than 30 Science Editors manage peer review of its flagship research journals.

AAS Publications Committee

The AAS Publications Committee works with the AAS Editor in Chief to oversee the policies, editorial personnel, and new initiatives of AAS publishing.