
military-grade tinnitus

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Got tagged by @pozerjacket


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OC: Franck Lacazette - supposed to be my first playable character for Cyberpunk but the character customisation wasn’t up to my bitch ass standards at the time, also, there was no mods to have with. His build focus on shotgun and heavy weaponry, by far the most fun playthrough I have in term of combat.
Lacazette is an overseas security consultant, he’s a member of a non-government paramilitary organization which is based in Belgium and operates mainly in Europe, Africa and America. Lacazette formerly served in the Belgian Armed Force, he’s highly trained in orientation, technical, tactical phase, and an expert at close quarters knife combat.

  • His name is the combination of two French footballers,Franck Ribéry and Alexandre Lacazette.
  • He speaks 7 languages: French, Spanish, Italian, English, Dutch, Portuguese, German and can understand some Moroccan Arabic. Even when speaking in English he still finished his sentence with “hé” or “hein”.
  • He has a Bachelor Degree in Medieval History focusing on Weaponry and Armour, he will mostly speak of the 15th century and into the 16th, since that is his own period of specialization.
  • Lacazette once join a hunt for narwhal off the coast of Norway when he was 17 years old, joined the butchering and ate the meat as well, he describe the flesh as “pungent oily rubber that make you crave for konijn met pruimen” Great experience but clearly not a favourite.
  • He owns a Pontifical Swiss Guard uniform.


by @sidver

Every colour and every taste
Every breath that whispers your name
It's like emeralds on the pavement
(I got your honey, baby)
At the heart of some kind of flower
Stuck in glitter, strands of saliva
Won't you get me right where
the hurt is?

Robyn, "Honey"

I am at a loss for words—metaphorically at a loss of course, as I am nothing if not a writer. I cried once before when I received a commission (this incredible piece of Val by khymeira), which incidentally was a year ago yesterday; and now today when I was blessed by this gorgeous piece.

More blubbering (and WIP Wednesday) under the cut.

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