Women in Localization Italy

Women in Localization Italy

Traduzione e localizzazione

The Italy Chapter of the global Women in Localization association

Chi siamo

The Italian chapter of Women in Localization was established at the beginning of 2020. Our mission is to connect, support and inspire all the amazing women working in the localization industry in Italy, as well as to bridge the gap between companies, LSPs, freelancers and the Academic world. We strongly believe that we can all learn from each other's experiences: "stronger together" is our motto! 2023 Leadership Team: Stella Paris – Chapter Manager Daniela D’Amato – Sponsorship Manager - North Gaia Celeste – Sponsorship Manager South-Center Alessandra Gobbi – Social Media Manager Genny Cabas – Marketing Manager Sara Pisano – Mentorship and Education Manager Valentina Turra - Membership Manager Gloria Gallinaro - Memebership Manager Giulia Tarditi - Event Manager North Roberta Tabolacci - Event Manager South-Center Women in Localization (W.L.) is the leading professional organization for women and their allies in the localization industry with thousands of members globally. It aims to foster a global community that inspires professional equality in the localization industry and supports women through all phases of their careers. Started in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2008, Women In Localization provides opportunities for networking, education, career advancement, mentoring and recognition for their accomplishments through its global chapters.

Sito Web
Traduzione e localizzazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Women in Localization Italy


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