QPL = Single Airbus Qualified Parts List of Couples manufacturer-material.

For Material/Standard Parts/Specified Parts/Standard Vendor Parts to be procured by Subcontractors, their Sub-tiers and Distributors/Stockists shall use only qualified material products from Airbus approved sources which are identified as "procurable" or "Procurable with condition."



It covers all these types of parts with an effectivity on at least one Airbus or ATR Aircraft Program (Commercial Aircraft, excluding A220):

  • Standard parts: Hardware, fasteners and electrical parts
  • Standard Material: Aluminum, Titanium, Special Alloys, Composites
  • Standard Vendor Parts: components of Paints, Sealants, Adhesives or Lubricants linked to Engineering Technical Notes : TN 10050, TN 10010, TN 10053, TN 10054 & TN 10006
  • Specified items and blanks


AQPL Files

You are about to extract data from a valid Airbus Source. You shall not use this data outside of the scope of your professional activity.

  • Please ensure, when forwarding this information, that the recipient is aware of the data governance rules (e.g. private, confidential, EC..) and require access to such data only for the scope of their activity with Airbus. 
  • Do not share/copy/download/transfer or republish this information on other publicly available platforms (other website, shared files). 


AQPL files are updated once a bi-monthly and are available in two files:

Airbus QPL (csv) with Material starting with the letter A

Csv65.83 MB

Airbus QPL (csv) NOT starting with A

Csv101.36 MB

P-Status Rules


P statusP status impact
PAIn progress
P2Almost completed, no risk


AQPL premium solution application

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