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Hypocrisy People are calling the shooters “incels” despite none of them having ever identified as such.



Feb 8, 2019
For the longest time, normies, cucks and virtue signalers have preached that “Just because someone’s a virgin doesn’t make them an incel! They have to identify with the incel label in order to be one!”

But it seems that every time an unattractive man does something bad, those same people will be the first to call him an incel, even when they never identified as one.

The shootings that have happened in the past week are the perfect examples of this. I’m sure you have seen the picture of the shooters at Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton. They’re all not great looking and they all wear glasses.


I saw one tweet saying that all the shooters had that “same incel look” and countless other tweets calling them “incels” despite none of them ever identifying as such. The El Paso shooter was a white nationalist, and the Dayton shooter was a hardcore leftist/Elizabeth Warren supporter, but neither of them (nor the Gilroy shooter) were incels. However, I’m barely surprised because everyone conflates incels with white nationalists/“literal Nazis”/whatever because everyone wants to paint us as badly as possible.

Most of the people calling them Incels are either doing so for three reasons.

1. They don’t know what an incel is but they’ve been brainwashed by the soy media to believe “incels bad” and they just say the word incel to sound cool. (When I first heard the word incel i didn’t know what it meant but I thought it was a cool sounding word.)

2. They want to demonize incels by assigning the incel label to people who never went by it and had nothing to do with us.

3. They are judging him as an incel based on his looks alone, and are not even trying at all to hide all the blackpills they drop.

While I’m at it, the way most people on Twitter and other popular social media sites react to mass shootings in general is not good either, but I can’t say I’m not surprised.

It happens like clockwork. Every time a shooting occurs, the cucks and blue check marks on Twitter immediately arm themselves with their keyboards and get tweeting. First, without even waiting for the details to come out, they start screeching about guns, video games, or whatever else they want to blame. Then comes the discussion of race and gender. The cucks and blue check marks will whine endlessly about how most shootings in the US are committed by white males so that means that every white person and every male in existence is just as bad as the shooter. Some of these fuckwits even get excited when the shooter turns out to be a white male so they can continue to proselytize about “white supremacy” and “toxic masculinity”. Many of them don’t even care about the victims or their families, they just want to exploit tragedies for SJW brownie points. Sure, white supremacy may be bad, but that doesn’t make everyone with pale skin a murderer, nor does it increase the risk of an individual with pale skin being a murderer.

There is no one race or one gender that’s causing the shootings to happen. Personally, I do not blame anyone for the shootings except for the perpetrators, and on days like these, people like them should be burning in hell for what they’ve done. My thoughts go out to everyone affected by the shootings and I hope for a speedy recovery for those who were injured. But pointing fingers before the bodies are even cold isn’t going to accomplish anyone.
People, as in, people on this forum? Because that's happening too. This forum has become part of the problem. Or maybe it always was.
Even Elliot Rodger never indentified himself as incel and the label exists since 1993.
People, as in, people on this forum? Because that's happening too. This forum has become part of the problem. Or maybe it always was.
Being feared feels better than being ridiculed, and notoriety is fun.
People, as in, people on this forum? Because that's happening too. This forum has become part of the problem. Or maybe it always was.
People on this forum calling the shooters incels is a bit annoying because they’re just making incels look bad, but not a big part of the problem. The problem is cucks calling everyone who does something remotely bad an incel.
People on this forum calling the shooters incels is a bit annoying because they’re just making incels look bad, but not a big part of the problem. The problem is cucks calling everyone who does something remotely bad an incel.

But that's what we're doing too. Calling anyone who murders anyone an incel because he must've done it out of a need for pussy. Or if he was already getting some, MORE pussy.

Being feared feels better than being ridiculed, and notoriety is fun.

Being respected feels the best, though.
But that's what we're doing too. Calling anyone who murders anyone an incel because he must've done it out of a need for pussy. Or if he was already getting some, MORE pussy.
Most of us are just joking around. It’s a bit annoying but bearable. Cucks calling everyone they don’t like an incel and making us look like scum is not.
Most of us are just joking around. It’s a bit annoying but bearable. Cucks calling everyone they don’t like an incel and making us look like scum is not.

I don't think we are joking. This isn't the first time we've tried to claim non-incel criminals as part of our club.
But that's what we're doing too. Calling anyone who murders anyone an incel because he must've done it out of a need for pussy. Or if he was already getting some, MORE pussy.
This, I was under the assumption that calling the shooters "saints" was just a meme, cucktears and the media latched onto it and now we're associated with these monsters. at the most cels agree with some of their frustrations, not their actions. as a community we should be disassociating ourselves with these kinds of people. Freedom of speech is shrinking and peaceful incels will pay the price for an extreme few.
I don't think we are joking. This isn't the first time we've tried to claim non-incel criminals as part of our club.
If that’s the case, then I do think Incels trying to “claim” non-Incels is not good for our public image. But I don’t want to regulate speech on this forum.

Cucks and uninformed roasties calling everyone an Incel is annoying.
They are all kinda ugly. Incel is just the new word for ugly. Its so great because people can openly shit on ugly people without it seeming as harsh or socially unacceptable.

You fucking ugly incel bastard, fuck off and die.
People, as in, people on this forum? Because that's happening too. This forum has become part of the problem. Or maybe it always was.
People on this forum calling the shooters incels is a bit annoying because they’re just making incels look bad, but not a big part of the problem. The problem is cucks calling everyone who does something remotely bad an incel.
We can say it because we are blackpilled, if they say the same they basically admit that we are right. Let me explain, we say they are incels because we know they can't get laid because of their looks, if normies call them incel solely because of their ugly appearence they are basically saying that it's very difficult for ugly men to get laid thus admitting that the blackpill is real.
When it comes to normals, whatever is convenient at the time to push their narrative is what they go with.
I have an idea to improve the way we are seen on this forum, for the better. We can use ethnic and niggers, show their photos and start being more SJW oriented.

Example: Now we start opening a huge amount of threads about the racepill, with disgusting niggers talking about how they are "oppressed" and how they want free shit. That's very progressive and hip, great for our public relationships with SJWs

We have to show everyone that we are oppressed crybabies and SJWs championing the rights of a random minority group.
Example: Now we start opening a huge amount of threads about the racepill, with disgusting niggers talking about how they are "oppressed" and how they want free shit. That's very progressive and hip, great for our public relationships with SJWs
You think the media will care about that? They would never do that.. they have a narrative to follow.
I don't think we are joking. This isn't the first time we've tried to claim non-incel criminals as part of our club.
It wouldn't matter at the end of the day anyway.. if the media wants to portray us as monsters we will look like monsters.
Being respected feels the best, though.
Respect gets you nothing. A Man who pays his taxes is respected by society.. but does that Man achieve anything at all worth of merit for his struggles.. do any of his payed taxes go back to him? Respect might feel better but it is not better. We have science backing up the Blackpill.. we don't need Respect from society, we need society to listen to us or suffer. We actually live in society sad to say, so we can all benefit from society being healthier over all.
I have an idea to improve the way we are seen on this forum, for the better. We can use ethnic and niggers, show their photos and start being more SJW oriented.

Example: Now we start opening a huge amount of threads about the racepill, with disgusting niggers talking about how they are "oppressed" and how they want free shit. That's very progressive and hip, great for our public relationships with SJWs

We have to show everyone that we are oppressed crybabies and SJWs championing the rights of a random minority group.
You think they would fall for that? Though I do agree the Racepill is a powerful pill.. I doubt the effectiveness in the long run.. NPCs don't exactly see new things. NPCs only run on patterns. NPCs will only ever attack what they are told to attack.
They are all kinda ugly. Incel is just the new word for ugly. Its so great because people can openly shit on ugly people without it seeming as harsh or socially unacceptable.

You fucking ugly incel bastard, fuck off and die.
A form of bullying that is allowed.. society deserves these tragedies. It makes me laugh that society has the thought to even complain about these things that they themselves have created. :feelskek: I feel nothing for these tumours being removed.
public image.
We have one of those? How the Public see Incels is down the Barrel of a Gun or looking down the sight of one.. Any Man with a gun can automatically be labelled as an Incel.. that is how Propaganda works. Society will eat it up and shit out bombs on our heads.
I don't think we are joking.
Satire is a form of comedy. If we have to police our jokes we might as well ban free speech because some bitch got shot by a White Supremacist Elephant Man. It isn't our fault that the world is fucked.. I'm done apologizing for it, society made us and let's not stray from that point.
like i said cucks call every shooter incel no matter what
Every mass shooter from now on will be called incels.
Every mass shooter from now on will be called incels.
Everyone who does something remotely bad is an incel. Even someone who SAYS something that implies they’re not a complete cuck is an incel. Have you seen incel tears lately? They post screenshots of anyone who dares to hint that a woman may be at fault for anything and brand them as incels.
They're calling them incels because they're ugly.

They're basically confirming the blackpill without knowing it.

They wouldn't call them incels if they looked like Jeremy Meeks.
Society has irrational hate towards us because we speak truth.
It wouldn't matter at the end of the day anyway.. if the media wants to portray us as monsters we will look like monsters.

Respect gets you nothing. A Man who pays his taxes is respected by society.. but does that Man achieve anything at all worth of merit for his struggles.. do any of his payed taxes go back to him? Respect might feel better but it is not better. We have science backing up the Blackpill.. we don't need Respect from society, we need society to listen to us or suffer. We actually live in society sad to say, so we can all benefit from society being healthier over all.

Respect, equal respect, is all I want. I can't force a woman to have sex with me and I wouldn't do it anyway. But if I can get the same respect a woman gets, then I can hang up my incel hat and be done with the fight.
People, as in, people on this forum? Because that's happening too. This forum has become part of the problem. Or maybe it always was.

your shitty tweets are part of the problem too, especially the drama segment where you argue with autistic normies attempting to make them see reason
Being respected feels the best, though.

Fear is the most legitmate form of respect, every other form is merely what someone CHOOSES to have for you, I'd much prefer respect that is undeniable like gravity, not something someone chooses, but something they can't deny or choose, its just a reality, fear is that kind of respect.
Same old stupid meaningless shit not realiuzing their own hypoucrisy and feel in the moural right standing on people's dead bodies regurgitating
your shitty tweets are part of the problem too, especially the drama segment where you argue with autistic normies attempting to make them see reason

Them seeing reason is the solution!

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