tend to do

tend to

1. To focus or apply one's attention to someone or something; to take care of someone or something. You really need to tend to the lawn—it's getting pretty overgrown! I'm taking some time off of work to tend to my daughter while she is sick.
2. To be inclined or have a tendency to do something. Sarah has a lot more experience than me in this aspect of the business, so I tend to defer to her opinions on such matters. I tend not to believe rumors like these until I see some actual evidence.
See also: tend, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

tend to do something

to have a tendency to do something. Jill tends to play with her hair while she works. Sam tends to say things like that when he is upset.
See also: tend, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
"Girls tend to do more of the slender, delicate cutting across the wrist areas, or they'll cut on the back of their legs, while boys tend to bruise their arms or legs or will burn their arms with cigarettes," says Ponton.
As Showalter argued, refugees from academia tend to do extremely well in a variety of professions.
The one fast food chain that does not rely on heavy lunch traffic is Dunkin' Donuts, who tend to do 85 percent of their business before noon.
When the going gets rough, people tend to do what they've always done, but with greater intensity - getting up earlier, working later, and really applying themselves.
People and institutions tend to do tomorrow what they did yesterday," argues Spira.
Consequently, particles nearer the surface are pushed in to the mass of the molding and do not protrude from the surface as untreated particles tend to do. The lubricated surface of treated particles might also account for the improved mold flow observed when polymeric surface treated particulate is used.