take attendance

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take attendance

To review a list of people who are supposed to be in attendance and mark down who is actually present. Make sure you take attendance as soon as the bell rings, because it must be noted if a student is late.
See also: attendance, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

take attendance

to make a record of persons attending something. The teacher took attendance before starting the class. I will take attendance each day.
See also: attendance, take
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

take atˈtendance

(American English) check who is present and who is not present at a place and mark this information on a list of names: The teacher took attendance at the beginning of every class.
See also: attendance, take
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in periodicals archive ?
The images will retrieve the identity of the student and take attendance for that student.
Meng and Mahinderjit [9], implement an attendance, which take attendance by using RFID.
A program in PC will retrieve the student's identity from the database using the identification code that received and take attendance for that student.
This is both a way to take attendance and to test students' ability to apply key concepts,
Table-1: Different ways of taking attendance (n = 110) Ways of taking attendance No of faculty Percentage of faculty Roll calling 100 90.90 Passing around a sign-in sheet 5 4.55 Others 5 4.55 Table-2: Time (when) of taking attendance (n = 110) Time of taking attendance No of faculty Percentage of faculty Before class 7 6.36 During class 4 3.64 After class 99 90 Table-3: Time (how much) required to take attendance. (n = 110) Time range(in minutes) No of faculty Percentage of faculty 0-5 28 25.45 5-10 67 60.91 10-15 15 13.64 Table-4: Faculties' preferred Audio-visual aids during lecture.
As a writer, thinker, and polemicist, I find it mind-numbing to be assailed on an almost daily basis by mandatory inane paperwork and jabber about the need to take attendance, correct, collect, and grade homework, verify student lab work, and, in general, to track students, as if they were children.
And currently, the school is upgrading its palmOne fleet to WiFi-enabled Tungsten C models and adding eSIS software from Media-X that will let teachers take attendance with a click.
The students paid for the class; I did my best to teach them to write well; we wrote; we discussed; we learned; we read; but I didn't take attendance for a grade.
They can be secretaries and take attendance on a separate sheet of paper.
"But if you want to see for yourself, just be sure to come on time -- because at this school, they know how to take attendance."