side by side

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side by side

1. Literally, in a line next to each other, close together and facing the same direction. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. Please place the vases side by side so we can compare them. Cyclists are being warned not to ride side by side in the street, but to stay single file.
2. In unison; simultaneously. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. I've been running two different businesses side by side for too long now—I think it's time to hire someone to take over one of them. The software allows you to run multiple operating systems side by side on the same computer.
3. United or banded together. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. The two political parties are standing side by side in opposition to this proposal. People from across the country are fighting against the dictatorship side by side.
See also: by, side
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

side by side

(of two or more people or things) lined up so their sides are adjacent. We walked side by side across the lawn.
See also: by, side
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

side by side

Next to each other, close together, as in They were walking down the street side by side when the taxi jumped the curb, or In the new Russia communism and capitalism are trying to live side by side. [c. 1200]
See also: by, side
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ˌside by ˈside (with somebody/something)

1 close together and facing in the same direction: The two dogs lay side by side on the floor.There were two children ahead, walking side by side.
2 together, without any difficulties: Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.We have been using both systems, side by side, for two years.
See also: by, side
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

side by side

Next to each other; close together.
See also: by, side
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Additionally, the economic conditions globally and various macroeconomic indicators are analyzed and studied to come to a conclusive understanding of the global Automotive Side By Side Vehicles (SSVs) Market.
Side by Side Co-ordinator Amy Syron-Mallenby said: "It's so rewarding to witness both Carolyn and Lucy benefitting from their gettogethers.
Side by Side was established to support parents or family members who live with children with disabilities, by providing them with valuable information to take care of these children.
"Side by Side, now celebrating its 27th year receives no government, local council or arts funding and is reliant on the generosity of local company sponsors, voluntary groups, individuals and fund raising by local civic dignitaries.
Users of side by sides manufactured to meet the mandated changes in vehicle characteristics may also experience a decrease in utility, with an accompanying loss in consumer surplus, because of changes in the performance of side by sides.
This event will also give fans the chance to mingle with Giants stars, with all proceeds going to the Side by Side campaign.
Flow in behind of pair cylinders with side by side arrangement depend on T/d ratio and other parameters such as pressure gradient, initial conditions and Reynolds number [3].
So the singer and Feeder bassist Taka Hirose, born in Mizuho, Japan, have pledged all profits from Side By Side to the British Red Cross, who have sent aid to people who've lost family members and homes.
"Colleagues whose countries are at war put aside their differences and work side by side.
"Churches and synagogues have been co-existing side by side throughout Anatolian territories for centuries in full harmony.
Unquestionably the best method of improving your cooking skills is to work side by side a master chef.
Do you remember a rule that states when your ball hits another player's ball you can place the balls side by side, touching?
The two artists always worked side by side on the same picture with Elizabeth (right) being responsible for the overall composition while Dorothy specialised in filling in the details.
The pictured case was the result of me absentmindedly feeding a 9mm round into my .40 Glock 22 while shooting it side by side at the range with my Beretta 92FS.
[] Elevation/depression 2 contiguous (side by side) leads ([greater than or equal to] 1 mm)