
(redirected from pudding-head)
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slang A foolish, stupid, or idiotic person (i.e., someone with pudding for brains). It's no surprise to me that the country's economy is tanking with that puddinghead in charge. How can you be such a puddinghead about this?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. someone, usually a male, who acts very stupid. That puddinghead sold my antique table for junk!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
He refutes the notion of Jefferson as a "nostalgic pudding-head, obsessed with installing millions of Horatian farmers in the vast American wilderness." Burstein admits that Jefferson is not a mind of the highest profundity or creativity, compared to, say, Hume or Smith.
But if this is supposed to be Pride and Prejudice for the 21st century, I'd like to know why Bridget has been reduced to a pudding-head dork with the IQ of a cucumber.
Get on Your Bike opens with an argument between friends, during which one is invited to "Just get on your bike and leave!" So that's just what Bobby does - only in his anger and desire to ride swiftly away from "pudding-headed William" he opens doors to new possibilities.
GIVE short shrift to the pudding-headed parents of Halesowen's Colley Lane primary.
And until last week that consisted solely of re-watching the same clip of the pudding-headed Essex lad's dismal appearance on The Weakest Link.
They're as wearisome as the PC pudding-heads hell bent on stifling the spirit out of us all.
What is clear is the pudding-headed anchors--a soft-news woman with hard hair (played by Janet Zarish) and her vacant-faced colleague (the reliable John Cunningham)--and the newsmakers, who include the word-mangling President, the perpetually prickly Secretary of Defense and the moralistic Attorney General (dead-on impersonations of all by Andrew Polk).