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intrigue against (someone)

To plot or conspire against someone else. What will they do if they find out that we're intriguing against the chairman of the board?
See also: intrigue

intrigue with (someone)

To plot or conspire with someone against someone else. What will they do if they find out that I'm intriguing with Tom against the chairman of the board?
See also: intrigue

intrigue with (someone) against (someone)

To plot or conspire with someone against someone else. What will they do if they find out that I'm intriguing with Tom against the chairman of the board?
See also: intrigue

palace intrigue

In-fighting and power struggles within a particular organization. I'm not surprised he tried to sabotage my presentation—we're both up for the promotion, and palace intrigue is the norm around here. The former CEO's memoir exposes the palace intrigue at Spikerosoft in the years leading up to his resignation.
See also: intrigue, palace
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

intrigue someone with someone or something

to fascinate someone with someone or something. Walter intrigued the baby with his keys and funny faces. The king intrigued the guests with a seductive dancer who had trained in the Far East.
See also: intrigue

intrigue (with someone) (against someone)

to conspire with someone against someone. You are guilty of intriguing with an enemy against the government. I did not intrigue against anyone.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
"Our state will definitely overcome this separatist intriguer that tries to harm the stability, unity and solidarity of our country," he said.
It's th origin they Joe A come of AI CROWDED HOUSE Intriguer Time hasn't stood still for the reconfigured Crowded House.
It was the base for Finn to write the forthcoming Crowded House album, Intriguer. The band reformed in 2006 after splitting up 10 years previously.
Malik was described as an intriguer and responsible for creating disharmony in the team.
Tracks from new album Intriguer were mixed up with a definitive set of hits, including Four Seasons In One Day, Distant Sun, It's Only Natural and Locked Out.
There is the business of the forthcoming Crowded House album, Intriguer.
This helped break the ice on a night when the band showcased several songs from the soon to be released album Intriguer, including latest single Saturday Sun.
D'abord parce qu'elle est elle-meme un cas d'intertextualite.(55) Et ensuite parce qu'elle n'a cesse d' intriguer, depuis 1838, un grand nombre de lecteurs (et d'ecrivains).
Wilson emerges as 'too promiscuous an intriguer', (66) yet one who articulated rather than moulded the strategic preconceptions of his fellow officers in the pre-war debate on the extent of a Continental commitment; who successfully oiled the wheels of the Anglo-French alliance at crucial moments, as in 1918; and who, as CIGS, was compelled to match limited resources with widening commitments.
Grimhild is a malicious but short-sighted intriguer; always she looks to the Niflungs's immediate advantage but never beyond that.
Oswald's curious relationship with the veteran intriguer George De Mohrenschildt will always fascinate conspiracy buffs.
Wheelock, Jr., curator of northern baroque painting at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, linked three 1920s-vintage Vermeer forgeries to the workshop of a Dutch art-world intriguer named Theo van Wijngaarden, long known as a mentor and associate of Van Meegeren.
Notorious as an extremist, intriguer, and back-stabber, Hekmatyar has bedeviled Afghanistan's politics for three decades.
He was a compulsive intriguer for whom treachery was very much a relative term: "They think that I am immoral and Machiavellian, yet I am simply impassive and disdainful.
Hamlet momentarily steps back from the role of troubled intriguer to show the audience his connoisseurship of plays, acting, and dramatic poetry.