go bust

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Related to go bust: go over

go bust

To experience financial failure or ruin, often as of a business. I'm going to go bust if I have to pay any more medical bills this month! I'm surprised his business went bust—I really thought it was poised for success. Your company will go bust if you keep spending so much on a lavish office space.
See also: bust, go
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

go ˈbust

(informal) (of a business) fail financially; become bankrupt: The firm went bust and fifty workers lost their jobs.
See also: bust, go
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

go bust

To go bankrupt.
See also: bust, go
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Because many high street brands continue to be under threat, I've put together a guide on what happens when firms go bust on the Resolver website resolver.co.uk/news/ your-rights-when-firms-gobust.
Gareth Alan Davies | scabs dont care for wales just want to feather own nests let regions go bust.
The veteran Labour councillor said the authorities "would therefore have to be bailed out by someone", adding that he had heard two councils "would go bust next year".
"Clubs, when they go bust, need to completely go bust and start from scratch again, instead of going bust on a Wednesday and playing again on a Saturday," said Sugar.
Blastland says more travel firms "trading in the toughest market for many years" are bound to go bust in the coming months.
Customers' money will now be held in ring-fenced accounts so they get it back if firms go bust.
Unions Community and Amicus have brought the case against the UK Government, saying the Government failed to comply with an EU Directive that says member states have to have protection in place for workers whose firms go bust.
However, the realist in me says that all ACL/city council have done is put off the inevitable and ACL will probably go bust over the next 12 to 18months, leaving Sisu to come in and return CCFC to the Ricoh Arena to play their football, which is of course what the fans are asking for isn't it?
"It is almost inevitable that some companies will go bust in a recession."
WEST HAM co-owner David Gold yesterday declared he wants Portsmouth to go down - but not to go bust.
Fewer businesses are set to go bust this year than during 2003 as the UK economic recovery gathers pace, a report claims today.
A CHILDREN'S charity could go bust after a thief stole a mobile phone and ran up a huge bill calling raunchy premium numbers.
It doesn't really make sense, because if our high street banks did go bust it would be a catastrophe on an unprecedented and unimaginable scale, but even so - I'd still be laughing.