cover for

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cover for (someone or something)

1. To hide one's wrongdoings from someone else. In this usage, the phrase can also be written as "cover up for." If I sneak out and go to the party tonight, will you cover for me? Just tell Mom I went to bed early or something. I knew Richard was one mishap away from being fired, so I covered for him and told the boss I was the one who set off the alarm. We have evidence that your boyfriend was involved in the crime, so you can stop covering for him, ma'am.
2. To do something in place of someone else. I'm working today because I'm covering for Joanna, who's on vacation. I can't work the late shift on Thursday. Can anyone cover for me? If you're scheduled to work in the Writing Center, you better be here, or you better get someone to cover for you.
3. To provide insurance against a problem or scenario. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "cover" and "for." Does our homeowner's insurance cover the house for flood damage? Your roadside assistance company covers you for flat tires. Call them, they'll come out and help. Of course my health insurance doesn't cover me for this new drug the doctor prescribed.
See also: cover, for
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

cover (up) for someone

to conceal someone's wrongdoing by lying or concealing the evidence of wrongdoing. Are you covering up for the person who committed the crime? I wouldn't cover for anyone.
See also: cover, for

cover someone or something for something

[for an insurer] to provide protection to someone or something for a particular price. One company will cover the car for about a thousand dollars. This policy covers you for a few dollars a week.
See also: cover, for

cover for someone

1. to make excuses for someone; to conceal someone's errors. If I miss class, please cover for me. If you're late, I'll cover for you.
2. to handle someone else's work. Dr. Johnson's partner agreed to cover for him during his vacation.
See also: cover, for
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

cover for

1. Also, cover up for. Conceal a wrongdoing or wrongdoer, as in Bill was supposed to be on duty but went to a ballgame and Alan agreed to cover for him or I covered up for my friend when her mother called to find out where she was. [1960s] Also see cover up, def. 2.
2. Substitute for someone, act on someone's behalf, as in Mary was asked to cover for Joe while he was on jury duty. [c. 1970]
3. cover for something. Provide protection against some hazard, as in This policy covers the house for fire but not for theft. This idiom employs the verb to cover in the sense of "protect" or "shield," a usage dating from the 13th century.
See also: cover, for
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Player Covers: Liam Dawson (cover for Shakib al Hasan)
Player Covers: Dinesh Ramdin (cover for Mustafizur Rahman)
It's not cheap - PS3500 cover for computers and camera equipment could cost around PS200 a year, but this gives cover against loss, accidental damage and theft and covers you anywhere in the UK as well as 30 days anywhere else in the world.
Again, the important things to be aware of are any limits on levels of cover for valuable items and if the student is covered only in the flat or elsewhere on campus or the UK.
Choosing the right pool cover for the right situation is part of keeping a swimming pool clean, comfortable, and most importantly, safe."
Drivers, the canvas cover for your vehicle's intake and exhaust grilles is made to keep ice, snow and other debris out of the engine compartment when the vehicle's not in use.
NAPWA also is calling on insurers to stop categorizing HIV-positive people as uninsurable and to stop rejecting life cover for them.
Sanlam Life does provide a special risk policy with limited cover for people with any type of incurable illness, including HIV/AIDS, but premiums are high.
CINIGLIO: The biggest hurdle is selling the safety cover for what it's worth and what the installer is worth.
But you need to make a cover for laser range finder lenses.
Thompson is no stranger to working for prestigious clients--for example, he built a cover for comedian Jeff Foxworthy.