check out from (something)

(redirected from check out from something)

check out from (something)

1. To confirm that one has vacated one's hotel room (and pay the bill). We have to check out from the hotel in an hour, so you guys seriously need to start packing! The man's body was discovered when he didn't check out from his hotel room at the appointed time. Wait, we seriously have to check out from our hotel room at 11:00 AM? What are we supposed to do until our flight?
2. By extension, to complete the necessary steps that will allow one to leave a particular place. I can't check out from the office right now, but I'll be home as soon as I can. Did you scan your ID card? That'll unlock the door and allow you to check out from the records room. Make sure you set the alarm before you check out from the office for the day.
3. To complete the necessary steps so that one can borrow something from a system, such as a library. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is can be used between "check" and "out." What books did you check out from the library this week? I'm sorry, it looks like someone has already checked that book out from our branch. But I can see if any of the other local libraries have it. Hey, where are you going with all that equipment? Did you check it out from the lab first?
See also: check, out
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