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1. A derogatory term for someone who is stupid and cloddish. Of course he broke the vase—that guy is such a blob. Can you believe that blob is still pushing the door marked "pull"? Yeah, he's a linebacker for the football team, but he's no blob—he's at the top of his class academically.
2. A derogatory term for someone who is fat or obese. I felt like a real blob before I started eating a healthier diet and working out regularly. A: "Have you seen Phil recently? He's really become a blob since college." B: "Really? Huh, I remember him being a scrawny dork." He used to be one of the most athletic students back in high school, but he's kind of a blob these days.
3. A derogatory term for someone considered a coward; a wuss or wimp. That kid's a blob—you can totally steal his lunch money. We're all doing the bungee jump. Don't be a blob, Bob! A: "Quit punching me! Help!" B: "Ah, you're such a blob. Go cry to Mom."

blob out

1. To stop working or thinking about important or difficult issues and simply relax. After such a tough week at work, all I want to do this weekend is blob out in front of the TV. Well, I've been blobbing out and scrolling mindlessly on my phone, and that has been a nice distraction from my anxiety. I can't wait till vacation—I really need to sit in the sun and blob out for a while.
2. rude To become overweight or obese. He used to be one of the most athletic students back in high school, but he's really blobbed out recently. I had blobbed out, yeah, before I started eating a healthier diet and working out regularly. A: "Have you seen Phil recently? He's really blobbed out since college." B: "Really? Huh, I remember him being a scrawny dork."
See also: blob, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. n. a fool; an oaf. Don’t be a blob. Get up and get going.
2. n. a useless dishrag of a person; a wimp. I’m amazed that blob can tie his own shoes.
3. n. a very fat person. What a blob! Must have been kicked out of Fat Watchers.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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