big tent

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Related to big-tent: Big tent politics

big tent

1. noun A group, movement, or philosophy that appeals or caters to, or encompasses, the broadest and most diverse amount of members possible. We pride our church on being something of a big tent, welcoming any and all who wish to join us. The party is trying to establish itself as a big tent, broadening its aims to appeal to the widest amount of voters possible. Specialized, targeted marketing can be very effective, but most of the time you want to position your company as a big tent applicable to most consumers.
2. adjective Appealing or catering to, or encompassing, the broadest and most diverse amount of members possible. Often hyphenated. In my opinion, their big-tent politics, while reaching more people, dilute the potency of their goals. I know you want everyone to like you, but you can't hide who you are behind a big-tent persona forever. What does she stand for, though? Her speeches have had too much of a big-tent flavor for my liking.
See also: big, tent
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

a big tent

A big tent is a group such as a political party that includes people with a wide range of opinions. They argue that the party should be a big tent, whose only qualification for membership should be a common belief in lower taxes and smaller government.
See also: big, tent
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012
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References in periodicals archive ?
Calling people names, suggesting they are subhuman for their views, does not a big-tent party make.
After meeting in Brussels with NATO foreign ministers, Clinton said, "We presented the idea of what is being called a big-tent meeting, with all the parties who have a stake and an interest in Afghanistan.
The deal means the hospital's Imagine appeal will be showcased at each big-tent concert this summer, and will receive the support of every celebrity performer.
Because of the infrequent nature of this kind of big-tent event, no organization would loose control over its own identity for that short period of time; yet, they would all foster greater cooperation both within the global interfaith movement and without.
Most or all of these would have been anathema in the era of big-tent Cold War liberalism; in an age where the individual's duty to the state is no longer so clear, we live with them comfortably.
As a gay man, I am tired of being lumped into a big-tent category that includes the gender-dysphoric."
Here's another ambition for our governor, one that will boost his national ambitions to boot: become the Big-Tent Republican we keep hearing about.
To the consternation of the Christian Coalition, Dole and McCain (who rank second and third in most polls) have also been preaching the big-tent rhetoric that almost disappeared from the GOP lexicon following the 1994 Gingrich revolution.
Though a long-time Republican, Bauer shares none of his party colleagues' current obsession with cultivating a "big-tent" image for the GOP.
"We subscribe to the big-tent theory," he says, noting that participants and volunteer trainers are from such diverse groups as Greenpeace, Earth First!, and the Native Forest Network.
John Cornyn - bedeviled by some in the tea party who'd prefer him to be more Ted Cruz-like - said Friday Republicans must prove they can govern like 'responsible adults' and be a big-tent party welcoming a variety of people who share their principles."