ankle biter

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ankle biter

slang A young child, often a toddler. Hey, I know I said I'd babysit, but I can't watch five ankle biters all by myself! Can you please get these ankle biters out of the house? I have so much work to do today! She really wants me to watch her kids? But I'm an only child—I'm not great with ankle biters!
See also: ankle, biter
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

ankle biter

See also: ankle, biter
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
It's not just the ankle biters roaming cyberspace anymore.
So you might well be hauling a precious cargo of three ankle biters but you will still be able to give wee Andy from the check-out at Morrisons a run for his money when he starts revving his engine at the lights.
The great attraction of the clock for us ankle biters was that at seemingly random occasions, the toucan would make off with the zoo keepers cap and that alone kept us watching for hours.
These are games for the ankle biters and young at heart to enjoy.
Security experts dismiss such hackers as "ankle biters" and roll their eyes at prognostications of doom.
There were so many kids and families out I slightly regretted not bringing the ankle biters but Herself doesn't like us drinking in front of them.
And now ankle biters can see the much-loved characters live as they take to the road in this national live arena tour, headed by Justin Fletcher.
Females can wear footless leggings under skirts, but skinny jeans - also known as drainpipes, pencils and ankle biters - are A-OK for indie, punk and emo scenesters.
Mini ankle biters 4 to 6 year olds pounds 20 per week or pounds 6 per day.
Experts say the ankle biters could be mutants caused by radiation from the Chernobyl disaster.
Did I mention it was one of Hampshire's top attractions?" "Yes, Kitten, at least 14 times." So, glad of a distraction for the kids during these endless school holidays, me and Jesse's godmother Ali surgically removed the ankle biters from their iPads and took them for an educational day out in Portsmouth.
Some deluded X-Files watching folks talk about tall grey beings, while others have described being whisked into a space-ship by stumpy little ankle biters with long fingers and sharp teeth.
Now, I know maths isn't my strong point, but even I can work out that a 43-year-old widow with one child - three-year-old Jesse - isn't going to knock out three more ankle biters before she starts on the HRT chasers.
DISNEY'S GREATEST HITS (BMG Telstar) - Put the ankle biters to bed with this and party with something else.