align oneself with

align (oneself) with (someone or something)

To support, agree with, or form an alliance with a particular person or idea. As soon as I explained how the plan would benefit the company financially, the CFO aligned himself with the idea. Heather aligned herself with an animal rights group and began promoting veganism. No, no, I'm not aligning myself with either one of you. I just want you two to make up!
See also: align
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

align oneself with someone or something

Fig. to bring oneself into agreement with someone or someone's ideas; to associate oneself with someone or someone's cause. She sought to align herself with the older members.
See also: align
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
One can only align oneself with deductions by Transparency International (TI) which already dubbed this fraudulent Tradermoni scheme a vote buying trick,' Ogundipe said.
It's a tricky task to align oneself with both China and the United States.
The British thought that sheltering terrorists was a good solution, but they did not realise that one can never align oneself with the devil, and they did precisely that for years and years."
Michels says it is more important than ever to align oneself with a company that is prepared to accept the challenges associated with today's fast-paced market.
Being emotionally intelligent means striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence and making a commitment to align oneself with the goals of the group or organization.
He wrote, "The Law empowers sin, not just because it causes the evil in us to be revealed, but also because it spawns self-righteous 'good.'" To be merely good is to align oneself with conscience alone--an impoverished stand-in for divine initiative.
She acknowledges that in the lives of the women who have come before her, identifying as part of a particular wave may have been an important way to align oneself with a particular movement.
There is no temptation to align oneself with the victors; grandeur and tragedy belong to the vanquished, who fight, not for an ideology, but rather, like Yeats's Irish airman, for "a lonely impulse of delight"; no celebration of Nazism or imperialism but rather admiration for invention and drive in the service of madness, a madness not very different from that of the American pilots in the '30s who raced in circles in some remote part of the Midwest or who lost their lives to establish a speed record that someone else would break a few years later.
But then, every country is, because all individuals have a slightly different spiritual outlook, whether or not it is close enough to one of the organised religions to permit one to align oneself with that belief.