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1. noun A student specializing in agricultural studies, usually at a college, especially Texas A&M. (The "A" in the school's name stands for "agriculture.") He's always had an interest in farming, so I'm not surprised to hear that he became an aggie. You're an aggie, huh? So what are they teaching you in school? I could have become an aggie, like my father and grandfather, but the world of agriculture just doesn't interest me enough.
2. noun An agricultural futures contract, as on the stock market. (This is a type of financial contract in which the assets are related to farming, specifically to crops or animals.) How are the aggies doing this quarter? How much money do we stand to make? I'm getting out of aggies, they're just not earning enough. What does your stock broker say about investing in aggies? Is it a good idea?
3. noun A playing marble made from or resembling agate (a type of quartz). The kids are having a blast playing with my old aggies. Grandpa taught us how to play with aggies today! A: "Kids today have no interest in aggies the way we did." B: "Of course not—not when they have tons of different video games and TV shows to entertain them!"
4. adjective A shortening of the word "agricultural." I'm sick of this aggie program—I think I want to major in something else. It's known as an aggie school, though. Why are you going there if you don't really want to become a farmer? I wanted to go to a liberal arts college, but my parents insisted I attend the same aggie school they went to.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. mod. agricultural. She spent a year at some aggie college, but didn’t like it.
2. n. a student of an agricultural (college) training program. (Specifically, Texas A&M) More and more aggies are going back for their MBAs.
3. n. an agricultural futures contract. (Securities markets. Usually plural.) The March aggies are looking good right now.
4. n. an agate marble or a glass imitation of one. I found the old aggies I played with when I was a kid.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Baileys: Dad Edison, mum Aggie, older son Michael and younger son James
And Aggie confesses: "For 10 years I didn't go out with anyone.
aggie " Aggie also has advice for women who, like her, may be divorced - or widowed - and whose children have flown the nest.
In that that time, Aggie Creamery has refined its process and paved the way for the local ice cream manufacturers that came after.
Specifically, Gould said he was pleased with the way the FCS-level Aggies were able to run against Oregon, with running back Manusamoa Luuga gaining a game-high 96 yards on 22 carries with three touchdowns.
"Our Spanish Network is a brilliant addition to cater to many fans who are faithful Aggie followers and part of a fast-growing demographic in the state of Texas," Eric Hyman, A&M's director of athletics, said in a statement.
The penalty appears to have brought a quick end to an investigation that could have ruined the seventh-ranked Aggies' upcoming season.
TV personality Aggie MacKenzie appeared in the 2011 series of which cooking show?
TV personality Aggie MacKenzie appeared in Pietersen first play when he came to the 2011 series of which cooking show?
AGGIE Pelekanou, 35, runs Monty's Deli just off Colmore Row, and watched on CCTV as dozens of teenage looters ripped apart the business that he had spent five years building up - causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.
The presence of outsiders from the city further upsets the tenuous balance when Irma's thirteen-year-old sister, Aggie, distances herself from her father.
FIT TO BE DEAD is the first in the author's Aggie Mundeen mystery series, and presents the character of Aggie, who is terrified of approaching middle age and determined to avoid decrepitude.
Ostracized by the popular girls in ninth grade, Aggie began hanging out with Sylvia, a goth girl who taught her that acting tough meant being left alone.