TGF Fellowship Application submission form

Note: Two letters of reference from people who have worked or collaborated with the applicant at some stage in their career must be uploaded directly by the referees themselves. After submitting an application, the applicant will receive a link to distribute to these referees. Once these 2 letters have been submitted, they will automatically be linked to the applicant's submitted application, which will only then be considered complete.

Deadline: Complete applications (including letters) must be uploaded no later than 11:59pm (Paris time) on 1 March 2025. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Queries should be addressed to

Applicants will be notified by the IAU General Secretary of the outcome of the selection before 31 May 2025. The name of the selected TGF Fellow 2025 and that of the host institute will be announced on the IAU website.

Fields marked with * are mandatory