We made mobile programmatic easier and more efficient than ever

Grow your app with programmatic user acquisition and retargeting


10+ years

experienced team in programmatic field

HYBE is an in-house mobile programmatic DSP with full transparency empowered by AI.

Our holistic platform is designed to make it simple for app developers to understand, identify, and communicate with their users.

Our main goal is to help you reach your audience

Experience the power of our post-black-box approach

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Find not just new users but loyal customers

User acquisition:

Achieve your user acquisition goals using our AI algorithms and acquire the right audience for your app/ website. We work on performance-based pricing models to ensure conversion of your users to customers.


May the engagement be long!


Apply advanced retargeting strategies to re-engage dormant users. Encourage your users from time to time through highly granular retargeting to ensure high lifetime value, retention metrics, and maximum ROAS.

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Product features

Intuitive and convenient interface makes our DSP more accessible and easy-to-use.

Be flexible.

Embrace all the key elements of in-house ecosystem

  • Audience builder

    Build audiences based on the MMP postbacks or custom events. Set the lookback window or frequency of the events. Define revenue value per user and other parameters to create a right audience.

  • API Integrations

    For enhanced analytics transfer all statistics, reporting and data via API to your side. Moreover, get full MMP integration to collect the audiences based on attribited and unattributed events.

  • AI models for smarter buying

    Our ML algorithms combine various data sources to choose the right user to show an ad at the right time.

  • SmartBid Optimization

    Streamline your ad spends and increase its efficiency by applying optimized bidding models and calculating the probability of performance.

  • Dynamic Creative Optimization

    DCO algorithms change the content of the creative depending on the trigger and show personalised ads for better engagement.

  • 3-Layer Anti Fraud solution.

    Filter all the traffic to identify fraudulent bid requests and actions to save your budget and have only true data.

  • Creative Studio

    Let our team of experienced designers create unique ad sets for your ad campaign to bring even more performance.

Be hybrid.

Why marketers choose us as an advertising partner?


  • Fully transparent dashboard and custom widgets with event funnel, conversions and cost per any action. Build custom widgets to slice and dice data in meaningful ways for better performance of your campaigns.

  • Enjoy true SaaS pricing without additional fees with self service or managed service models.

  • We provide the log-level data access to all your campaign data through SQL queries such as loss notification, bid floors, publishers that are blocking you and many more.

What people say about us

  • We have been collaborating with Hybe for almost one year, and it is a good partner to achieve our goals in the long run. We got valuable insights on campaign optimization, users, placements, and we are happy to continue our cooperation.

    Giorgio Gurashvili

    Head of User Acquisition / Merkur24

  • “Together with Hybe, we managed to launch a test on IOS and quickly reach CPI / CPO indicators within the KPI. Initially, there were fears that the traffic would be expensive and it would take a very long time to optimize advertising campaigns, but in 1 month it turned out to lower the cost of conversions several times and get an effective result.”

    Vladislav Bury

    Digital media manager / Dodo Pizza

Request a demo now

Embrace maximum transparency and follow the path of driving performance and engagement.