Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice
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  • 73% Rating
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Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice Box Art

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camman007's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

Did not like as good as the first, but still had a decent time. I did not enjoy the story as much, and there were also some really cheap pixel hunting puzzles
Updated 1 Year Ago


try_again's Avatar'


9h 18m Played
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Coruchiril's Avatar'


8h 8m Played
These modern Larry games are a strange beast, they are extremely old-school in some regards, but also implement quite a few modern quality-of-life features, just not everything you'd expect.

It has a checklist of what to do, but no hints other than perhaps a bit of sign-posting in dialogue. You'd expect more though, such as a remark when inspecting items, but usually those remarks are lame jokes and not really helpful. So this results in trying everything everywhere and your inventory becomes quite large (20+ items) during the mid-game. The game also leaves items that you no longer need in your inventory, except once or twice, so you're stuck with loads of red herrings.

It has multiple sections where you have to repeat almost the exact same things a few times, having to walk back and forth repeating the same steps. This just feels like padding and is in no way interesting.

It has mazes that were deemed annoying enough to warrant a condescending question about whether you want to skip them.

You're basically spamming the spacebar to show interactable objects constantly, otherwise you're bound to overlook something. It's good that the game has the spacebar, but it's not good that it's barely playable without it.

The map becomes far too large at the end of the mid-game, so when you're stuck you have a dozen or so locations to revisit to find that one thing that you missed.

The whole interact/inspect system isn't great, it rarely makes sense to have both, so why not make it a combined button. So often you get a "I'm not touching that" instead of just giving the information that inspect would've given.

It's an extremely buggy game, it crashed twice in my 8 hours of playtime (luckily it has autosave this time), and has numerous audio bugs where a wrong line plays or the same line plays twice. I've even seen a bit where a voice-actor read a line that was obviously meant for a different character.

The humour is more miss than hit, but I guess that part comes down to taste. What I do find strange is that it doesn't seem to know how "adult" it wants to be. The sex-scenes are extremely tame and the only nudity is a painting on a wall, but at the same time every plant and rock looks like genitalia and every name is some sort of sexual innuendo or other form of pun. It's both too racy to play in front of others, and not enough to be arousing in any sort of way. I do enjoy the art-style, it has a lot of charm and is quite expressive for how little the characters actually move.

Overall I sort of enjoyed my time, but I do think it overstayed its welcome. Every time I thought the game was done I was greeted by another chapter. Your mileage may vary depending on whether you enjoy the humor.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


woojto's Avatar'


15h Played
A proper sequel to the previous Larry game. A lot of humor and bold sex references. The middle part of the game is the best as you are on tropical islands looking for love. Unfortunately they ruined it with the last chapter taking you back to the city corpo building where you have to wander endless boring corridors and instead of a quick epilogue it drags for too long. Even developers must have realized part of that because they allow you to skip some of that "fun" labyrinth of corridors.
So the ending drags for too long and you just want to be over with it and the game doesn't let you because you have to repeat some tasks until you do everything perfectly. Because of that I have to lower the final score.
Also I was surprised to encounter so many bugs (almost two years after release!). A few times game crashed on me and once it skipped the whole segment of cutscenes (when I reached the hotel manager for the first time). So I had to go to youtube to see it for myself because I didn't know what happened. I don't remember such problems with the previous Larry game from that developer. Looks like they had to cut some budget on QA for this one...
Still, I enjoyed most of the time I spent with this game, so it's still recommended for Larry fans.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


justdoitalready's Avatar'


17h 52m Played
The Ending is so annoying. It keeps draggin and one (!) mistake and you have to replay some part of the game. Everything before that is funny.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago