Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
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  • 1.9% Retired
  • 73% Rating
  • 248 Beat
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry Box Art

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barbapapa's Avatar'

80%Xbox One

9h 30m Played
Updated 1 Year Ago


RapperRapMan's Avatar'

100%Xbox One

8h 50m Played
Awesome af. Best lsl game I've played
Updated 1 Year Ago


camman007's Avatar'

80%Nintendo Switch

This was a great classic point and click adventure game. I want to say the controls could've been a bit better, but the puzzles were challenging and I had a great time
Updated 1 Year Ago


JuanmaLegend's Avatar'


6h 45m Played
Seven hours of obscene jokes non-stop.

It's a classic Larry graphic adventure (I didn't play them a lot back in the days, but you know what kind of jokes and point and click you gonna get in this kind of game). It's good that the systems are modernized so mechanics aren't tedious. It's entertaining, definitely.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


SuperSuck64's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

Leisure Suit Larry is a series I'd imagine would be hard to reboot in this day and age. You can't exactly have a game starring a perv trying to get laid in today's PC age. Fortunately I think they managed to pull it off.

The bulk of the game consists of Larry trying to score dates to earn points to boost his "Timber" profile, which unsurprisingly take the form of typical adventure game fetch quests/puzzle solving. It does feel like the game is about to bury you in "late 10's" humor and lingo at the beginning, though it eases up after a bit. The game's humor is very lewd and crude, but tactful, managing to preserve the series' charm without being too offensive to modern sensibilities, and is for the most part pretty funny.

Unfortunately, like way too many adventure games, it falls victim to the classic obtuse puzzles with obscure solutions, some of which border on outright nonsensical. There were quite a few instances where what seemed like a perfectly plausible solution did nothing. I get that adventure games require outside-the-box thinking, but some solutions were really odd and I don't know how anybody would ever figure them out on their own, and several actions that seemed perfectly sensible did nothing. (To give one such example, using a pencil with a pencil sharpener gives a generic "that won't work" message. While I can understand using both objects in a different way than one normally would, this extremely obvious action that many people would think of doing regardless stood out. A simple "this pencil's sharp enough already" would've sufficed.) There's also some ham-fisted political commentary late in the game that, while well-intended, feels forced and instantly dates the game, and felt rather unnecessary considering what the rest of the game is like before and after that point. There's also an epilogue that mostly consists of a really long cutscene and one short escape room-type puzzle that it felt like an afterthought.

Overall Wet Dreams Don't Dry is an alright adventure game, though it could've done with a lot less moon logic puzzles. I can't say how well it stacks up against the original games, but for the most part I had an alright time with this game.
Updated 2 Years Ago


TripleLSupreme's Avatar'


11h 46m Played
As someone who grew up on Leisure Suit Larry games I was pleasantly surprised at this game in the series. Taking Larry straight out of the 80s and dropping him in the 21st century create a nostalgic feel to a new world. The game is non-stop sexual innuendos and puns and I don't feel like it ever got old.

For the most part the inventory puzzles were never too difficult though I did look up hints a few times. The only real negative I have against the game is that as you end up having three or more objectives and the inventory can become quite huge adding to complexity on figuring out puzzles.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Coruchiril's Avatar'


5h 42m Played
I like the artstyle and the voice-acting and plot aren't too bad, but the dialog and much of the gameplay are a bit of a letdown.

Some of the negative points of the game for me were:
You cannot fast travel to another location when not outside, while you can justify it in the story, in terms of gameplay it wastes a few seconds every time you have to go to a new location.
Most missions consist of you going back and forth between two or more locations, so the first point becomes quite an annoyance.
The UI is bad, the way you call up your inventory and use items feels so clunky. The text options dialog box only showing three lines feels bad as well.
It doesn't autosave, while it's almost completely linear. Some things can be done out of order, but most tasks rely on some other task being finished.
No autosave wouldn't be that bad, but I had a softlock when entering a password too quickly, causing me to lose 90 minutes of playing and another 40 or so to redo everything, as travel times and menu times added up to a lot.
The humor is awful, even the outdated jokes in the originals hold up better than this.

While this game modernizes the Leisure Suit Larry games quite a bit, it still doesn't feel like a modern game and it has somehow lost its charm.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


bersi84's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 5

8h Played
The game is overall not bad. Although it is a classic Larry game which means there is not much sense behind most of the story, things and if you dont enjoy erotic humor the game is definitely a pass-by for you. For franchise fans or people who liked classic old point & click adventures the game kind of clicks and is enjoyable.

The game took me around 8hrs to platinum. I personally do recommend the game if you see yourself qualified to what I ve written above but only on a fair discount of 50%. I feel the ratio of game length, content and money is then fair to take.
Updated 3 Years Ago


Mewa's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

8h Played
Updated 3 Years Ago


woojto's Avatar'


10h Played
I really liked this game! It's pretty funny, the voices. music and graphics are great. Larry is back! The ending was kind of disappointing, but with the free DLC epilogue it's a lot better now. Get it if you liked the old Larry games!
Updated 4 Years Ago


acjessen's Avatar'


10h Played
Top Gameplay, gute Sprecher
Updated 4.5 Years Ago


Mandulum's Avatar'


10h Played
Haiku Review: After playing this / I had to go look up if / screwnicorn was real
Favorite Thing: Surprising, it's a sold adventure game!
Least Favorite Thing: Suffers from my least favorite adventure game problem of "too much junk" syndrome.

Date Completed: 2019-01-15
Playtime: 10h
Enjoyment: 8/10
Recommendation: Fellow adventure game connoisseurs will find it a delight.
Updated 5 Years Ago