Ghost of Tsushima
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  • 1.8% Retired
  • 88% Rating
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Jrode's Avatar'


32h Played
The freedom of movement is really good. Encountered very few invisible walls. It's fun to use charm combos to become over-powered. Unskippable cutscenes are a drag, and there's too much time spent walking behind NPCs while listening to them talk - although most of the time you can sprint and they will also speed up, which is good. Graphics are really impressive, but it's hard to suspend my disbelief when all the foliage is in perfect season - flowers in bloom (spring) but orange trees leaves cascading (fall)? Haha, just a minor gripe.
Updated 6 Days Ago


DestroyerOfHumanity's Avatar'

95%PlayStation 4

May be one of the best games I've ever played
Updated 1 Week Ago


PezetBoy's Avatar'


25h Progress
Piękna gra, przyjemne mechaniki i zadowalająca walka. Niestety jest dość powtarzalna, misje polegają w zasadzie na tym samym, historia nie porywa oryginalnością i zwrotami akcji. Muszę porzucić grę po zakończeniu 1 aktu (uwolnienie wuja z zamku).
Updated 1 Week Ago


Erstwhile's Avatar'


70h Played
O jogo em si é muito bom, fluido, mecanica de parry e combates muito boa, a história é boa, o final tanto do jogo base quanto da DLC são épicos, mas ele cai no mesmo problema da maioria dos jogos da sony, enchem de colecionaveis e extras repetitivos para a platina, chega uma hora que fica massante ter que fazer os haikus ou entrar nas termas, as atividades extras em si não são ruins o problema é ter 50 de cada, mas se fizer a historia principal e um que outro extra o jogo fica top.
Updated 1 Week Ago


zehnni's Avatar'

65%PlayStation 5

27h Played
6/10 || Really good story and amazing character development, but the start doesn't grab you very well and is one of those "Trust me it gets good later in" kinda games
Updated 1 Week Ago


Nixy's Avatar'


I must say, although I mostly enjoyed my time with this game I have to address its big issues. Gameplay gets repetitive very quickly, and it is not nearly challenging as I wanted it to be. And the funny thing is that you do not need a high level to beat the game so doing all this side stuff is not only the same but also kinda worthless in terms of XP and items.

The story is good but facial animations are somewhat sloppy. The graphics and the world itself are great but not enough to be a wonderful game. Sekiro is miles above with its gameplay mechanics and fluidity. I wanted to like this game more because it looks so cool but man I just wanted to get to the finish and never look back. I didn't even feel like doing the DLC stuff because it is basically more of the same which I honestly had plenty of.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


Boostgoose's Avatar'


100% it. The combat was fun but not complex. The story interesting. The DLC was a great addition to the game. I wish their was more things to do in the open world. The world is massive, it's just it's only filled in with 6 different additional activities. This game is great when you want to watch something on the side. Characters in this game are really amazing, they give out excellent performances, acts very realistic and not some cartoon character. Did not do anything with the legends mode because you would have to sign in through psn.
Updated 2 Weeks Ago


THEALI3N's Avatar'


37h 42m Played
This might be one of the best games I have ever played, granted I’ve only really played like 10 that in know of after playing FPS games.

Riding Through the Fields I have to pause and pan around the camera and look at the flowers, wind, snow is just a chefs kiss. Especially for how old this game is, I am playing on the PC 2024 version, but still.

Story 10/10
Level Design 10/10
Characters 10/10
Gameplay 9/10
Graphics 10/10
Music and Sound 9/10
Voice Acting 8/10
Overall 9.5/10

Did I cry almost every time in act 3 that I called my horse and it wasn’t Sora, yes, yes I did.

At the end of the game, you fight Lord Shimura. The arena, cemetery, whatever you wanna call it. Might have been the best fight arena that I have played. The half and half red and white flower pedals surrounding the cemetery is just wow.

Updated 2 Weeks Ago


Thijmentnt's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 5

120h Played
assasins creed but with samurai and a good combat and a story must play
Updated 2 Weeks Ago


Saihook130's Avatar'


Updated 2.5 Weeks Ago


Levibl's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 5

13h Played
Pretty fun game, combat was satisfying. Missions felt a little repetitive and I wish there were more boss fights because I enjoyed them.
Updated 2.5 Weeks Ago


Bartolomeo1's Avatar'


75h Played
Another amazing game from SONY. I decided to play the game on the hardest difficulty level "Lethal" right all the way, and there were couple of times, when I wanted to eat the remote from frustration but it was worth it at the end. The game has good story, interesting characters and truly breathtaking graphics at times. If you enjoy open world games like Witcher 3 , Horizon Zero Dawn etc. you will like this game a lot. I cannot really think of anything negative to say about this game.
Updated 2.5 Weeks Ago


mylovich's Avatar'


Ghost of Tsushima is a great game with a compelling story and incredible visuals. However, the gameplay can become quite repetitive, and the open-world activities feel very Ubisoft-style. This makes the game drag on if you engage in side quests, camps, or collectibles. While the core experience is strong, the repetitive nature of the gameplay and side content can detract from the overall enjoyment.
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


dmatsirt02's Avatar'


63h 55m Played
Quite possibly one of the most refined games of the last few years. An awesome PC version that's gorgeous to look at and it well optimized. The only criticism I can offer is that if you achievement hunt, the objectives do get very repetitive. Don't know why I pushed this off for so long... its now one of my favorite games of all time!
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


LavenderGooms9608's Avatar'


47h 4m PlayedReplay
This game is truly fantastic I am a massive fan of Japanese culture and samurai in general but that aside this game truly is awesome! It doesn't get redundant it keeps you invested all they way from beginning to end nothing feels overwhelming it has a perfect balance of main quests to side quest to collectibles. The story is fantastic and keeps you invested till the very end and the game world is gorgeous and one of the best iv ever seen in a game. The PC port is done extremely well and nixxes deserves tones of credit for porting this game to PC. It plays great with m/kb or controller just whichever your more comfortable with doesn't matter you will enjoy this no matter how you play it. do yourself a favor and play this game and after your done tell your Friends to play it too.
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


Gazaka's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 4

65h 14m Played
Despite my initial inclination to rate this game higher, its repetitive gameplay loops hold it back somewhat. However, putting that aside, this is one of the most impressive titles available on the PS4 Pro, with an opening scene that truly blew me away. If you know, you know.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Playing it at higher frame rates would be a treat, though the experience was far from jarring even as is.
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


Sagashii's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 4

55h Played
Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece, difficult to describe how well-made it is. It has one of the best settings I've ever seen in games, with beautiful scenery and an amazing soundtrack. Everything is truly well done.

Regarding the story, this is also one of the game's strong points. The main story is very good and engaging, with well-developed and captivating characters. The side quests are just as impressive. There are 71 side quests, and literally all of them are good. This was one of the few games where I completed all the side quests without getting bored with any of them. Especially the missions involving secondary characters are a show in themselves.

Speaking of secondary missions, the mythical tales are incredible and totally immersive.

As for the gameplay, as usual, I played in hard mode. The combat mechanics are very interesting, based on posture and defense. It is very fun and initially challenging, but as you progress in the game, it becomes easier because you improve your stats and get used to the enemies' mechanics. The parrying system is very satisfying, and the mix between stealth and direct combat is interesting. Personally, I found direct combat more enjoyable.

The game itself has other great qualities, such as the navigation/tracking system with the wind, quality of life mechanics like a VERY fast teleport, the bird that guides you to objectives, the traveler's attire that helps you find important items, and more.

Negative points:

Personally, I don't understand how people could rate this game poorly (I imagine it might be related to a launch with more bugs). It is difficult to find negative points in this game; everything is well done, and I don't see anything that should be different.

One thing I would have liked in this game is more "bosses" and different enemies, but I'm not sure if it's a negative point because the ones that exist are very well done.

About the platinum trophy:

This was a VERY good platinum. Despite having collectibles, there are few, and each trophy is very fun to achieve. Even though it's an open-world game, it's enjoyable to explore every corner in search of foxes or shrines. The quality of life mechanics make it much easier.

One of the best platinums so far: fun, rewarding, and not tedious at all.
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


Duolo's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 5

57h 22m Played
Amazing visuals, great story. Lots to do and easy to find everything with the Wind and Travelers Outfit. Satisfying combat once you get the timings down.
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


VizualProphet's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 5

52h Played
It's been a long time since I enjoyed a game this much, off the opening scene alone I was hooked. I was starting to get a little burnout from open world games but this one was so refreshing, nothing in this game felt like a drag to do and I had a blast playing it the whole time.

It really feels like you're playing a movie, the story is incredible. The cast of characters you meet on your journey are great. The soundtrack is also amazing, hits hard when it needs to. Game also feels great to play, I would say it's easy to pick up but can be hard to master.

I can't recommend this game enough, please play it if you get the chance. I still have to go through the DLC as well, I'm looking forward to it!
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


CartmanIsSkinny's Avatar'


boring ahh
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


stupendeos's Avatar'

75%PlayStation 5

23h Progress
Very nice to look at.
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


Domnicate's Avatar'

95%PlayStation 5

27h Played
Loved playing as a samurai. The graphics, gameplay and story are all amazing! Its such a cool game in where I would just by myself explore the environment more love the wind idea and the interactions. The boss battles were very difficult
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


CuCumberJack_57's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

75h Played
Great game overall. A few redundancies regarding a few secondaries (no need for 49 fox sanctuaries honestly).
Great atmosphere, incredible color palette.

Main story has some great peaks, loved the DLC as well.
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


SouthKardel's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 5

61h Played
Ghost of tsushima, e um jogo com lindo desde gráficos ate sua historia, eu fui pegar pra jogar ele tarde bem depois de seu lançamento eu estava em uma ressaca de jogos e então eu resolvi dar uma chance pra ghost of tsushima, seus gráficos são bonitos mas ganham mais destaque quando falamos no quesito mapa e paisagem esse jogo detém de paisagens belíssimas e em que eu ate me aventurei no modo foto, seu combate e bem legal e eu joguei na dificuldade mais elevada e meu deu sim um certo desafio, suas guardas de diferentes estilos e sua mecânica de parry são bem positiva ao meu ver não e um jogo sols like de dificuldade mas jogando no difícil você pode ter momentos de desafio, seu mapa e bom e tem um bom numero de coisas a fazer como os contos ou as historias tem umas sides quests divertidas e os contos dos personagens são as vezes quase tao bom quanto o da principal, porem acaba se tornando meio repetitivo ao longo do tempo, a historia e boa devia dizer que e uma tipica historia samurai e legal mas nada surpreendente caindo no clichê em diversos momentos porem a ambientação de tsushima da uma ajudada, os personagens são legais tambem mas nenhum memorável que você vai se lembrar no decorrer da vida. Bem finalizando a review ghost of tsushima vale apena visto que ele esta de graça na plus e chegando agora no pc ! NOTA 8.5/10
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


alan7a's Avatar'


25h Played
El gameplay es bueno, un poco difícil porque mueres de 1-3 golpes pero se tiene muchas herramientas para matar si se usan bien. La historia está bien pero no me atrapó muchísimo, empieza un poco aburrido pero mientras más se avanza se poner mejor
Updated 4 Weeks Ago


blindly's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 4

33h 30m Played
This one has a tight theme to the whole world. Everything flows. It's a slower-paced open-world game, often meditative, but despite some cool innovations (the wind guide, the standoffs), I suffered from open-world fatigue while playing. I did pretty much everything in Act 1 and found myself with nearly all weapons and upgrades. That, coupled with the bland side missions, killed motivation to do much else in Act 2, and anything else in Act 3, aside from the main quest. I appreciated this game more from a thematic and design perspective rather than an experiential one.
Updated 1 Month Ago


PurpleWolf's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 4

Um dos jogos já feitos.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Hedonella's Avatar'


Updated 1 Month Ago


Ma6Nou5's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 5

An absolute amazing game
Updated 1 Month Ago


DashMan's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 4

80h Played
Amazing story and gameplay. Although the progression is too spaced out and the progression isn't too advanced to begin with, its still a great experience. Don't go in expecting a AAA masterpiece. It's not the next uncharted or god of war, but this more humble game still has so much to brag about. Some of the best visuals I've ever seen. Only one or two games like red dead redemption 2 top it slightly for me. I spent about 50 hours going thru the main game filling out the map far cry style, and although I hate this type of gameplay, for instance in the newer assassins creed games (origins-Valhalla) it isn't as tedious or level grindy here, not to mention the side missions with the great supporting characters is a highlight of this experience. Although I plan to put this down for a while I plan to revisit Tsushima sometime soon and clear the map of all of it's enemies, also I feel another game in the future, as they set up a visit to the mainland. Either way I am exited and pleased with this experience.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Koimonoseph's Avatar'


42h 24m Played
Ghost of Tsushima's opening hour of fire and fury promises a journey to match, one of scale, ambition and authenticity, but the next couple dozen hours will exhaust you in ways I can barely describe, and that's a damn shame.

This game has shades of brilliance hidden underneath hours of trivial kill quests, forced stealth missions, uncharted-esque sections and side-cast characters who are dull as rocks. Somewhere in the middle of my forty-something-hour playthrough I completely tuned out, the only way I could bear to go on another quest, rinse through another Mongol camp, follow another fox or climb another shrine was by turning off the in-game audio and blasting music into my eardrums to stay awake. It's incredible how quickly something can become an overwhelming chore. I hate to say it but this is another PlayStation Studio game with about as much individuality as a thirteen-year-old girl.

Maybe this isn't the best time to write this, because I feel nothing but rage and discontent for this title. I cannot believe that I managed to not only waste £40 but also forty hours of my time. I'm sitting here trying to brainstorm the positives, look on the bright side as they say, but I just can't. How can a game about 13th-century Samurai fending off the Mongol invasion against overwhelming odds be so f*cking boring? I can't figure it out. To me, this is the videogame equivalent of Frankenstein's monster, it has all the right parts, and yet... it doesn't look right, it doesn't act right, it doesn't feel right, it's just... soulless.

Alright, time to hop off the hate train and be rational here. So what does Tsushima do right? Well, the combat is fluid and never gets old, it's solid enough to ward off most of the immediate weariness but it is still somewhat basic. Stances don't do much, they just change your heavy attack and break guards quicker. Presentation is... great, but modern technology has made photorealism easy, I no longer see the magic of it. Questing sucks, gearing is self-explanatory and gives you no freedom. This is hardly an RPG, it has none of the staples. Oops, I slipped into hating again, my bad. Uh... eh.. well... the combat is kind of it for me, its a shining beacon in a painfully mediocre game. I can't help but feel like this could've done with some 'Warriors' type battles sprayed in, because it really lacks the scale of an island-wide invasion. You just fight ragtag, copy-pasted groups of idiots with your level-five sword and an arsenal of gadgets stored in an invisible pouch. Sorry, my bad, I'm hating again.

One last positive. Jin's story is a fascinating one, a tale of morality and a personal reckoning of sorts. I didn't like the games choice conclusion, it was cliched, but generally, his story was the only thing that could hold my attention. The things he does, the sins he commits under the guise of righteousness and the banner of his Samurai status. Is he just? Or is he just a killer? He walks the grey line and ultimately pays the price, and I appreciate the attempt to create some maturity within his tale. If only the game itself wasn't constantly at odds with occasionally fantastic story writing, I would've been more generous here.

Usually, this is where you write a summary, a closer, but you know what? I don't feel like it (proceeds to write one anyway). Wait for sale if you want an open-world slog or some virtual junk food. This is a solid PC port, but I would not recommend GoT at full price. It's not bad, it's not good. I tire of superlatives and hyperboles but I will say one thing... this is definitely... a videogame of sorts.


(Played on an R7 5700X/RTX 4070 combo at 1440p High with DLSS Quality enabled, using a Dualsense Controller. Also played on Steam Deck OLED at 800p40fps at Low settings + FSR Balanced with 15-22w total power draw and 2-3hrs of battery life.)
Updated 1 Month Ago


YankeeFlash's Avatar'

95%PlayStation 5

56h Played
Wonderful open world samurai game.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Zroxev's Avatar'


30h Played
This game is a very good example of an open world game. It has fundamentals that may lead you to believe it may end up being some more monotonous and cookie cutter than it is, something like a modern Assassin's Creed. But as I played on, boredom never came even when it felt like I was doing endless side content for no major progress in the game.

This game has the most beautiful open world I've ever played in. There's just so much variety and such great use of colour to build atmosphere everywhere throughout the game.

The gameplay is very satisfying, but I found combat gameplay itself a tiny bit annoying at points. The core gameplay revolves around switching between a number of stances in reaction to the enemy types that you're fighting. This only highlighted the lack of enemy types for me. There's swordmen, shieldmen, spearmen, brutes, archers, dogs, and bosses which largely play very similar to each other, with at most about 3 variants to each of these types. Had the game lacked this stance system or included more enemy types this review would have gained it's missing point, but I still really enjoyed the combat for what it was.

I found the story to be overall quite good, but it definitely starts off slow and really only picks up in the second half, but I ended up loving the dynamics at play by the end.

It really feels like every decision made by the developers of this game was made to respect the players time. Loading times are lightning fast on my midrange SSD, The game allows you to replay bosses upon completing the game, you can fast travel practically anywhere throughout most of the game, and does not block you from playing side content if you progress too far. The developers make sure you can have a play through with absolutely no downtime, in a world where that downtime of travelling through the spectacle of a map would not be a punishment. I look forward to what they do next in this story.
Updated 1 Month Ago


GKurt's Avatar'


36h Played
Ghost of Tsushima é um excelente jogo sobre ser um samurai. É uma experiência divertida para passar o tempo, um jogo mediano, mas que, no geral, me proporcionou momentos bastante agradáveis.

Aspectos Positivos

O que mais gostei no jogo foi, primeiramente, o design do mundo. A ambientação é muito bem feita, mesmo sem estar no Japão daquela época e sem conhecer nada sobre ela, pareceu realmente que eu estava lá. Outro ponto importante são os combates, que permitem uma grande variação na forma de matar os inimigos. É possível usar a katana para dilacerar os adversários de diversas maneiras, além de poder utilizar kunais, bombas de fumaça para ataques furtivos, e diferentes posturas para enfrentar diversos tipos de inimigos. Os duelos são uma das melhores partes, especialmente quando combinados com a ambientação incrível. A história também me cativou bastante, especialmente os aspectos relacionados à honra dos samurais.

Aspectos Negativos

No entanto, o mundo aberto do jogo é muito grande, e as atividades que se faz nele são bastante repetitivas. Muitas das missões secundárias consistem em conversar com um NPC, ir até um local a cavalo, lutar contra inimigos e depois voltar para falar com o NPC novamente. Embora algumas missões, especialmente os contos dos personagens principais, sejam importantes para aprofundar a história, a repetitividade pode ser cansativa. Notei também alguns downgrades nos gráficos em certas partes do mapa, especialmente onde não há folhas, árvores e flores que geralmente ajudam na ambientação. Algumas áreas parecem menos detalhadas e sem texturas.


Em resumo, se você procura um jogo sobre samurais, Ghost of Tsushima é uma excelente escolha e me fez apreciar ainda mais essa temática. Apesar de ser um jogo mediano, é uma ótima opção para passar o tempo.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Lqid's Avatar'


12h Progress
Ghost of Tsushima своим эффектным вступлением задирает настолько высокую планку ожиданий, что первые несколько часов ты гарантированно будешь впитывать этот открытый мир на топливе от ахуя, который тебе подарил зрелищный обучающий сегмент. Чем дольше игрок не трогает второстепенные и сюжетные задания – тем продолжительнее держится магическая дымка бывшего эксклюзива Sony, затуманивая разум красивой природой, интересной боевой системой, ветряным Google Maps и прочей мелочью. Где-то встретил лисичечку, и она проводила тебя до небольшого святилища, там-то кайфанул на горячих источниках, тут запиздошил сквад супостатов, ну а потом ебанул японский рэп в три строчки про своих мёртвых братков на фоне сакуры и погружающегося в океан солнца.

Когда же дело доходит до заданий – игра превращается в лютейшую хуету. На сюжет здесь откровенно похуй – такая мысль неприемлема для додиков из Sucker Punch, поэтому они решили, что диалоги скучающий игрок скипнуть не сможет, из-за чего прохождение лишь растягивается бессмысленной болтовнёй. Спектр разнообразия предлагаемых игрой квестов поражает: заебашь монголов здесь, расстреляй из лука – там, вот тебе тормозные ведьмачьи расследования с поиском следов, а вот тебе пиздец какие увлекательные миссии со слежкой уровня первой Assassin's Creed. А я уже и забыл, что прохожу проект Sony, точно.

Некоторые игры слишком мало тебе дают за то количество времени, что они требуют на себя потратить. Дядя сдох, монголы победили.
Updated 1 Month Ago


armonz's Avatar'


84h Played
one of the prettiest open world games.chef's kiss
Updated 1 Month Ago


s13c's Avatar'


40h Progress
Brilliant Game
Updated 1 Month Ago


keyljcma's Avatar'

75%PlayStation 5

61h 55m Played
Listen, I really liked this game BUT I feel as if I was gaslit into this being an absolute masterpiece. This game is literally Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey with a prettier bow on it. It has the same combat elements, it has the same story of familial dysfunction based in an ancient history setting, it has the same open-world mechanics, traversal, everything. The only thing it has over AC:O is that it’s an absolutely stunning game (although I find AC:O looks incredible as well).

I put this game off for a while because I got into it, stopped playing then rinse and repeat. But, I finally picked it up and decided to fully commit to it. Committing to it so much that I decided to 100% it. I am still trying to do so. It’s holding onto my attention enough where I’m having fun with it but it is a bit of a slog. Especially when you’re finished the game and you’re just overtaking camps and such (once again, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey). The side missions aren’t anything truly remarkable and the collectathon that the game requires you to do in order to 100% it is too much. But alas, I started to do it and I would feel silly to not complete it at this point as I’m 85% there as of writing this.

The story of the game itself was really nice but also… nothing remarkable. I think my biggest gripe with this game is that my expectations going into it were nearly astronomical as I had seen everywhere, including other reviews here, how incredible this game was and while it was a really good game, it’s not incredible by any means. I’ve sunk nearly 50 hours into this game as of writing this and it’s just not something that’s overly riveting.

I’m happy with the presence of bare ass every time you go into a hot spring though, especially since the main character is hot. That being said, I look forward to the sequel and I’ll inevitably play it.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Man1ac123's Avatar'


48h Progress
It has everything a good game needs. Good art style, gameplay, cinematics, story, music. Literally Assassins Creed in Japan but with better combat, story, and open world. That makes my expectations for AC Shadows, from ubi, very low. Let's see.

Possible spoilers
Only downside would be the forced ghost playstyle, maybe have diferent endings. I would sometimes do the samurai style, even in the Shimura castle, end of act 2, and it says that I was too much of a ghost with no honor. Well my 3rd act I just did that, stealth and dishonorable stuff
Updated 1 Month Ago


PrefixL's Avatar'


45h Played
awesome game!
Updated 1 Month Ago


Eichward's Avatar'


58h 24m PlayedReplay
Great Pc-Port.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


FallenSeiken's Avatar'

95%PlayStation 4

43h 21m Progress
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


Xoreus's Avatar'


50h 54m Played
42:21:41 w/o DLC 100% Map
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


ayeitzjacobb's Avatar'


41h 2m Played
super fun, nice open world.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


GlimboTheGreat's Avatar'


40h PlayedReplay
aura in video game form.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


kristya's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 4

70h Played
Satisfying gameplay and a great story. The combat is fair and brutal, which rewards skillful players.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


ArKiTroN's Avatar'


62h Played
Main story: A great game with fun gameplay. Beautiful graphics and amazing characters. A little too much repetiveness on the sidecontect (non story missions) to get a hight score. A amazing port by Nixxies again,


DLC: 80/100. Okay story but a little short with a cool island.

overall 85/100.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


morteza323's Avatar'


best samurai game ever!!
game has a strong gameplay like stand ups duel bamboo cutting and more
story have strong meaning . ask you real question would you sacrifice everything to achive freedom for your people ?
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


SuperMK's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

33h 15m Played
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


Zukkou's Avatar'


67h 45m Played
One of the few games that managed to hook me completely. The scenery, gameplay, armor, weapons, builds, characters, story completely captivated me. I will definitely play Iki Island and then start new game+ on Lethal / Lethal+ difficulty.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago