Thimbleweed Park
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  • 3.3% Retired
  • 78% Rating
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santiagoqrg's Avatar'


12h 5m Played
Muy buena historia y voice acting. Gráficos medio feos, algunos puzzles muy rebuscados o forzados.
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


ineffableyve's Avatar'

100%Nintendo Switch

“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


abatage's Avatar'


6h 55m Played
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


Sientjuhna's Avatar'


11h 6m Played
This was pretty fun. :)

It's exactly what it says on the tin: a game made to emulate and relive the glory days of 80s point-n-click adventures games. The game doesn't hold your hand and I didn't know what to do a fair amount of times (the built-in hint system often wouldn't give me the clues I was looking for) so the further along I got, the more I was just following a walkthrough. It gets pretty convoluted towards the end and there were quite a few moments where I went "how was I supposed to know I had to do THAT??", but... that's the true 80s adventure game experience for ya.

Out of the five protagonists, I liked Reyes the most: he had an interesting motivation and was pleasant to be around, laughed at jokes and was generally easygoing. I wanted to spend most of my time with him. I really didn't like Ray's voice (I don't like this bored female/"Daria" type of voice acting, it's a personal preference) so I tried to avoid playing as her. Towards the end, I spent a lot of time with Delores, probably also for plot reasons. I didn't think I would, but I actually really liked being able to switch between all these characters. Should I play Maniac Mansion?

The ending is pretty cool. Or maybe it's dumb. I haven't decided yet. It's very Ron Gilbert, at least. Narratively, it felt a little lackluster, but visually, it's very fun.
Even if the ending is kinda "???", I still had a good time with this game overall. I might replay it someday. :)

I may play the Delores mini adventure next!
Updated 7 Months Ago


RawToast225's Avatar'


15h Played
The ending drops this game down from a 9/10. The build up is fantastic, it feels like a Monkey Island game, but it doesn't have the knock out ending that I wanted. I think that they just didn't know how to do it justice, quite.
Updated 10 Months Ago


barbapapa's Avatar'

85%PlayStation 4

17h 2m Played
Updated 1 Year Ago


dihstyle69's Avatar'


14h Played
+ Solid visuals;
+ Really interesting first half;
+ Some clever puzzles;
+ Good hint system;
+ Humor, for the most part;
+ Great voice-acting.

- Terrible second half;
- Awful ending;
- Cumbersome interface;
- Some jokes fall flat.

6.5 - Possibly worth waiting for a sale under 4€ if you're into point & click games.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Gagelhagel's Avatar'


10h 20m Played
Great adventure game with charm, great puzzles and interesting characters.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


LeonRez's Avatar'


30m Progress
It's got some decent humor, but a lot of meandering dialog. I'm not a fan of the interface taking up half the screen and still feeling cramped. There may be some cool gimmicks towards the end but I wasn't engaged enough to drag through it all.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


demus's Avatar'


10h 25m Played
Updated 3 Years Ago


knalb's Avatar'


11h 18m Played
Thumbleweed parks sets itself out to be a return to classic lucas arts point and clicks games but falls short of a story which leads nowhere.

The gameplay is setup with the old style of inventory available at the bottom of the screen and list of possible actions which the user can use. I feel that this works well enough but the actions could’ve been streamlined to know which items can work on which area.

The graphics are based around the old bit like style of Lucas art point and clicks and it works well with the game play as well as keeps the budget at a reasonable price (this was kick started after all) so that there aren’t any discrepancies in what could’ve been done with the graphics. It fits and I have no problems with it.

I’m thankful the game has a hint system and I wish more point and clicks had them. A lot of the time you really need a finger pointing you in the right direction. This isn’t the best system though for a hint system and I prefer the Sam and max telltale games version where max will sometimes drop hints when you haven’t completed a puzzle.

The biggest point in any of these games is the story and unfortunately I feel this is the weakest point in the whole game ultimately ruins it. It starts out fairly well with a decent premise and a series of weird characters like in the old Lucas arts game but it quickly drops the main premise to which you play the game for a series of throwaway objectives which ultimately leads to a quickly thrown together meta ending which is not really earned.

Ultimately Thumbleweed park is point and click decently made with a few outdated design decisions held back by a poor constructed story.
Updated 3 Years Ago


Pluggedingaming's Avatar'


12h Played
An excellent adventure game with a great sense of humor, interesting art, and quirky setting and set of ideas. Some moments can be slightly directionless, but the game's story and shifting characters make the experience a must play for fans of the genre
Updated 3 Years Ago


cyberangel's Avatar'


7h Played
Funny at times and witty with the multiple characters, but overall a little bland for my taste. Indy 4 is still the unbeatable king for me.
Updated 3 Years Ago


MrReebo's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

10h 43m Played
Amazing dialogue and very good sensibilities when it comes to story telling. The tone and atmosphere are fantastic. The gameplay is tedious and relies on way too much back tracking. Puzzles can be frustrating due to lack of context clues. The twist is incredibly disappointing.
Updated 3 Years Ago


SneppeYo's Avatar'

40%Nintendo Switch

10h Played
-First half of the story is much more interesting. The ending felt rushed and forced.
-The humour ranges from cute at best to just awful, outdated cringe and childish, unfunny popculture references.
-The 5 characters system made the game overly convoluted and exhausting. The constant switching between characters, never having the full inventory at hand, was painful.
-Too many junk-items
-The game's overall structure is too open from the beginning on. You get lost VERY quickly in this game, not knowing what you're supposed to do and having little to no motivation at all or direction to do anything.
-The characters range from nice reminiscences to just plain rip-offs
Updated 3 Years Ago


dolemite3000's Avatar'


14h Played
Fun! It took a lot of work on walkthrough websites to finish, but I completed it. Great story, funny, enjoyable. Great stuff!
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


papanelly27's Avatar'


10h Played
Classic point&click with modern sensibilities, glad Ron Gilbert let his truu nihilism bleed through on this one.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


Merclow's Avatar'


14h Played
An actual gem for the fans of old-school adventures. Got stuck in a couple of moments but the hint system helped just fine.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


Oiseau's Avatar'

90%Xbox One

30h Played
Great Adventure with a modern retro style. Has many references to older games, diverse characters that you can switch (my fave Ransom the Clown, lol), crazyness all over the place and in the plot later on too, 4th wall breaks, good soundtrack, tonnes of voicemail speeches to listen to and books to read.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


mrcrimpbiscuit's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 4

10h Played
A must play point/click Adventure game
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


Sh1FT's Avatar'

80%Nintendo Switch

15h 30m Played
Good example of the genre. Nice graphical and sound style - fun characters and some great puzzles. Some of my quibbles are just things I always run into in this genre - not specific issues with TWP.

Liked the tip function to help steer you in stages - made liberal use towards the end of the game to keep it enjoyable when I didn't have a clue.

Mixed feelings on the ending.
Updated 4 Years Ago


jhuang285's Avatar'


13h Played
Plot ended up being a waste of my time.
Updated 4 Years Ago


Greyma's Avatar'


12h Played
This game is wonderful. The artwork is marvellous, I love every pixel of this game. The stories of each of the characters is great and really makes you empathize with them in a way I would've never expected from a graphic adventure game (my favourite being of course Ransom the *** insult clown <3). This game is bound to be remembered among the greatest works of that motherfucker of Ron Gilbert.
If I must find a hitch it would definetly be the way of passing objects between characters: of course in graphic adventures more often than not you find yourself trying every object with anything, but in this game because there are multiple characters and eachone can sometimes interact with things in a different way wrt the others, in those moments you gotta try every object with anything while holding it with anyone. That multiplies the stall times and I found that annoying at times. I would've liked a convenient way to pass objects between characters more quickly.

P.S.: the hint system is the best there can be
Updated 4 Years Ago


tacosalad77's Avatar'


13h 48m Played
An excellent game, I couldn't recommend this game enough.
Updated 4 Years Ago


acjessen's Avatar'


13h Played
Sehr gut. Nur gegen Ende etwas schwerer und ein Rätsel auf das man eigentlich nicht kommen kann (Wald)
Updated 4 Years Ago


owenisnemo's Avatar'


13h 23m Played
Thimbleweed Park is a cute little point and click adventure game. I found the puzzles challenging but not so much that it was frustrating, while it also has a hint system to help you play at your own pace. Some puzzles, like finding the seckrit base or finding Ransome's comic, I found were too difficult. You sometimes need to spend hours running around everywhere clicking on everything you see. I wasn't a fan of the ending. I don't think it was written well enough to pull off the ending they were hoping for.

All in all, I did enjoy the game. The voice acting was well done, the characters were lovable, and I will admit there are a few good ones. Thimbleweed Park gets a 7/10.
Updated 4 Years Ago


j0nnynoname's Avatar'


6h Played
First half is great - meaty flavor and good puzzles - then the intermission occurs and the plot's focus shifts completely and the puzzles become interminably overlong.

other thoughts:
- the elevator takes way too *beep*ing long to get anywhere
- Ransome is needlessly forced into a playable character slot
- game is considerably less impactful if you don't have a deep affection for Maniac Mansion and its lore
Updated 5 Years Ago


KerfMerf's Avatar'


13h 45m Played
I was having a pretty decent time up until the factory opens up. After that point, the puzzles got a bit out of hand and all of the intrigue I'd investigated in the previous 10 hours went right out the window in favor of the half-baked twist ending.
Updated 5 Years Ago


Kratos's Avatar'


19h Played
História bem legal, personagens interessantes com profundidade, jogo bem humorado e dramático ao mesmo tempo.
Updated 5 Years Ago


yesnocancel's Avatar'

50%Nintendo Switch

15h 30m Played
Puzzles are fun at times - not as badly designed as the classic games are in hindsight. Story is terrible, it's purely Ron Gilbert's fourth-wall breaking masturbation on a 30 year old success. This guy reminds me of Al Bundy who won't shut up about his four touchdowns in one game.

This is a possible action in the game: "Talk to Ron Gilbert". Answer of the player character: "I'm too shy to do that, that guy is too famous". Hey Ron, your game is not half as good as you think it is. They never were.
Updated 6 Years Ago


Mandulum's Avatar'


9h Played
Five Word Review: Classic homage made for today.
Favorite Thing: It had a fun cast of characters and story.
Least Favorite Thing: That interface design should have stayed dead.

Date Completed: 2017-09-26
Playtime: ~ 9h
Enjoyment: 8/10
Recommendation: Point-and-click fans will love it.
Updated 6.5 Years Ago


Vlash's Avatar'


18h 30m Played
A very enjoyable throwback to yesteryear's type of adventure games, but with a bit of modern tech and sensibilities. If you ever liked any of the Lucas Arts or Sierra games adventure games, you'll probably like this as well!
Updated 6.5 Years Ago


N1GHTM4RE's Avatar'

80%Xbox One

24h 30m Played
Considering the game as a point n click, it does pretty well the job. Ron Gilbert delivered us another good game filled with his own humour and with an interesting ending.
Humour, the pixel art graphics and the 5 different playable characters personnalities are making the charm of it.
Updated 7 Years Ago


ntt4's Avatar'


12h 34m Played
Thimbleweed Park started out with so much promise, but by the end of the game I found myself disappointed. The first third of the game is fantastically well polished but the later stages feel rushed with the storyline having no real meaning. The graphics are gorgeous and so is the sound design! It just fell flat on its face at the final hurdle. It's worth playing, just don't expect to feel like the amount of time you have put into it to be meaningful.
Updated 7 Years Ago


Drogean's Avatar'


11h Played
REALLY GREAT Adventure game. Some stupid puzzles required lookup though but mostly awesome. Lots of fun and addictive
Updated 7 Years Ago
IGN's Avatar'

85%No Platform Specified

You certainly get your $20’s worth out of Thimbleweed Park. The voice cast doesn’t elevate the script in the way they always did in the LucasArts “talky” days, but an enjoyable, self-referential story and hundreds of puzzles to solve make it worthy of a place on your shelf next to Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island.
Updated 7 Years Ago