Far Cry
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Ratpak's Avatar'


40h 32m Played
I played this game when it came out in 2004 and had so many good memories of the experience that I played it again here on Steam. Twice! At the time, the graphics and gameplay were like nothing I'd seen before, and they still hold up well today. It's still pretty epic flying over the jungle in a hang glider!

You're Jack Carver: one man against multiple groups of mercenaries on a tropical island. Choose your tactics: stealth or go in with guns blazing. I prefer stealth, so liked to approach encampments quietly and scope out the enemies, marking each of them with my binoculars so that I could trace their movements, and then stealthily taking them down one-by-one.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


Digiscar's Avatar'


11h 30m Progress
mm bueno no ta mal pero muy mejorable
Updated 3 Weeks Ago


turts555's Avatar'


6h 6m Progress
This is a game I really want to play, I just cant justify continuing to play it. I enjoy some games on the hardest mode possible, but even on the easiest mode this game is one of the hardest games I have ever played, even on the easiest mode. I downloaded the fan patch to fix the AI (you have to do this to enjoy this game) but it was just to much for me.

I might come back to revisit it in the future, but I find it unlikely as I've been "playing" it for a year without spending more 6 hours in the game.
Updated 1 Month Ago


DanielCaldodecana's Avatar'


11h 21m Played
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


Malevolentia's Avatar'


11h 30m Progress
An absolute classic. I streamed the whole thing. It was fun, but also very frustrating. The difficulty is not consistent at all. No quicksave and quick load functionality, which could make the game more playable. Anyhow, it is worth checking out for enthusiasts, but I doubt a casual modern game enjoyer will find much value in this.
Updated 3 Months Ago


CypherD3's Avatar'


7h 38m Played
Cryteks first step into the Far Cry franchise that puts us in the boots of bright red shirt wearing retired soldier Jack Carver as he sets out to save his journalist *wink* partner Valerie that got kidnapped in a mysterious island.

Things I liked about the game:
-beautiful and varied levels ranging from beaches, forests, bunkers and even volcanos
-ragdoll physics that never gets old when you see it
-some missions are set in a wide area that have multiple ways of approaching your target

Things I did not like about the game:
-sluggish movement, it depends on the weapon you are carrying but even with the lightest one you still move slow
-you have a very pathetic stamina system, depletes pretty quick and recharges at a snails pace
-foliage has very small draw distance and just pops and grows as you approach it
-enemies have laser eye syndrome and can see you through thick dense foliage while all I see are jungle leaves and the red outline of the screen while getting shot from God knows where

It had its bullshit moments especially towards the end of the game where some developer decided that placing me in a volcano surrounded by mutants with rocket launchers and assault rifles that identify as sniper rifles is "fun" but after getting good and clearing everything it felt satisfying. Good game that is definitely worth your time.
Updated 3 Months Ago


SawadaTsunayoshi's Avatar'


9h 43m Played
Sehr unterschiedlich zu den späteren Teilen, aber absolut im positiven Sinne. Das Spiel kommt komplett ohne den nervigen Humor der Nachfolger aus, überzeugt dafür mit einer tollen Waffenhandhabung, anspruchsvollen Leveln und einer für Schiessspiele verhältnismäßig guten Handlung. Alles in allem sehr unterhaltsam und kurzweilig.
Updated 4 Months Ago


Kal_wardin's Avatar'


9h 6m Played
The first Far Cry is a fascinating game, especially when compared to the rest of the series. Instead of being an open-world sandbox, Far Cry 1 is a linear game that plays like a weird mash-up of DOOM 3 and Crysis 1, with the levels alternating between lush, tropical forests and claustrophobic labs and offices.

The gameplay for the indoor sections is about what you'd expect. You sprint down dark, dimly lit corridors gunning down enemies with close-range weapons and finding keycards to open doors. These sections are fun but hardly unique, and you're better off just playing through DOOM 3 or Quake 4 if that's the type of gameplay you're looking for.

The forest sections, on the other hand, are where the game both shines and falters. While it definitely shows its age in parts, Far Cry's colorful visuals and atmospheric sound design still manage to effectively immerse the player into its unique setting; I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the island as a result. As far as the gameplay is concerned, these sections can be completed in a variety of ways (stealth, loud, a mix of both, etc.)... in theory.

Whenever Far Cry 1 is brought up in conversations, it's often accompanied by a few sharp comments directed at its A.I. and stealth mechanics. There's a reason for this: the A.I. is unbelievably broken. When sneaking around, they will somehow be able to detect and hit you with pinpoint accuracy from miles away, and if you're playing the game without the necessary patches, they will even shoot you through walls. This makes the stealthy approach almost impossible, especially in the last few levels of the game. Speaking of...

The last few levels drop any pretense of being open to different approaches. There is only one strategy: duck behind cover and pick off targets one by one with a long-range weapon. Alternatively, find a vehicle, camp it in a corner, and mount the turret. The loud approach is fun, but it's a shame that it's basically the only way to play the game.

As for the story, you know how the sequels are known for having unique, eccentric villains and compelling, character-driven narratives that are --drug sequences aside-- mostly grounded in reality? Well, this game has a bizarre B-movie narrative featuring evil scientists, mutants, inane dialogue, and a cartoonishly macho protagonist. It's complete schlock, and personally, I had fun with it. Not every game needs to have a deep story, you know?

I'm not sure if I'd recommend Far Cry 1 to most players. But, if you're like me, and are interested in exploring the origins of one of the most influential open-world franchises, give it a go.
Updated 4 Months Ago


Brukhalian's Avatar'


20h 40m Played
Visually stunning when it was released, and still good-looking now. This first-person shooter pioneered the open world format that’s become ubiquitous in the genre.

However, a fan patch is compulsory to ensure you don’t run afoul of the plethora of bugs. Without it, enemies can see and shoot you from outside of tents, making for a frustrating experience.

Hampered by the lack of an option to save in between checkpoints and an inconsistent difficulty level, progress can often slow to a crawl. Coupled with the clichéd story, Far Cry’s only worth playing briefly to provide insights into some of the foundations its successors have innovated upon.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


Bladeee's Avatar'


46m Progress
Easily the worst Far Cry game. If you are a fan of the newer games it does not mean you will like this one. Much more linear gameplay and somehow still easier to get lost in. Enemies will shoot you from a very long distance and you wont even see where you are being shot from. After 46 minutes of this I got bored and uninstalled. If this is your favorite Far Cry game, please stay away from me.
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Massenmord's Avatar'


33h 9m Played
FPS is one of my least favorite genres, but I enjoyed Far Cry a lot. This is a very straightforward game without any genre biases - your only way to survive is to shoot, and shooting brings a lot of fun here. The game is terribly difficult for a modern player, and one of the reasons for that is a broken Steam version, which makes leaves and tents transparent for enemies (but not for you).
However, I played it through without any patches, accepting that as an extra challenge. And I died, and died, and died, reaching each checkpoint as a reward. (but yes, some sections, as a machine gun Jeep mission may seem completely unfair)
The plot is very simple, and worked well for me, as I am not a fan of sophisticated plots and long cut-scenes in action games. It has two twists though, one of each can be completely unexpected if you don't know anything about the game.
An open world is not really open, and rather small, but it is very-well made, and provides you a good opportunity to choose your path and way to clear it from hordes of enemies.
All in all, it was a beautiful experience, and a promising introduction into the Far Cry series.
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Oxygeneral's Avatar'


16h 36m Played
Very janky, but overall playable.
Updated 6 Months Ago


noTbsp's Avatar'


5h 15m Progress
Played it a while ago, I remember playing for an hour on the hardest difficulty, resetting it to one lower, being interested for the first couple of hours before it getting stale. Was just same old, same old. Story was kind of cool as it developes and you learn about the island you washed up on. The following far cry's I've played (2, 3) miss this kind of cool supernatural discovery stuff. 3 made up for it with some aight character development regardless, this thang ain't aged well.
Updated 6 Months Ago


asif47's Avatar'


30h 54m Played
Very very good far cry game to play.
Updated 6 Months Ago


Nikstoun's Avatar'

60%Xbox 360

A good game on paper turned out to be something like a prototype. The main feature of the game - a beautiful open world - is leveled by the fact that for a good half of the game we wander through some catacombs.... Well and good, because in the open area the enemies can see for a kilometer through a ton of vegetation, because of which the battles are an attempt to understand from which of the hundreds of bushes you were shot at. The game also has a serious inputlag, which makes firefights even less enjoyable
Updated 6 Months Ago


Tresangamercz's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 3

Dodnes tuhle hru považuji za jednu z nejlepších, co jsem hrál. Ve své době obří, nápaditá, otevřená a hlavně, je to o stoprocent jinde, než přeceňovaný Crysis 1, který je v porovnání prostě mrtvej. Velká paleta zbraní, inteligence nepřátel a k tomu různé typy. Hodně, hodně moc možností, jak naložit s hru a jejím průchodem, zkrátka neexistuje slovo lineární, ačkoliv to paradoxně lineární je... ...ale je to něco, co bych dneska bral v remaku. Tahle hra si to zaslouží více než dosti a třešničkou byl a je dabing ...jen na pc, ale je. Mínus na PS3 je port, na tuhle hru jsem se neskutečně těšil, nikdy jsem ji nebyl schopný dohrát a pak jsem na ni kápnul po letech ...a myslel jsem, že se z toho PS3 portu pobliju. Je to ořezané a hnusné!!!! Ale ve vzpomínkách a k úctě, lásce k této hře si to zkrátka cchci zahrát znova a znova. Miluji FC1!
Updated 7.5 Months Ago


nd172934's Avatar'


A pretty fun game that starts to become a pretty frustrating game one the Trigens are introduced. Final boss fight felt like total BS; I actually gave up and used an infinite health cheat mod to beat it. Last 25% of the game is pretty difficult even on easy.
Updated 8.5 Months Ago


CarmillaTLV's Avatar'


30m Progress
Masterpiece or Unplayable? Admittedly, it's kinda in between the two

I am not very skilled with video games but I still love playing them. Far Cry 2004 is everything I don't like about shooters from the era. Twitchy controls, terrible accuracy... I mapped it onto a controller to more like later games in the series but that didn't really help. I couldn't get out of the tutorial

Stealth is terribly difficult in the early game and enemies can swarm and are very difficult to see through the foliage. Nothing compared to the everything is the same color and impossible to see details of FC2 but still real hard to play

Without cheat codes working in the GOG version of the game, I can't recommend this game unless you are VERY good at shooters from the era. For me, it's utterly unplayable
Updated 8.5 Months Ago


Avuloch's Avatar'


15h Played
The first in a storied franchise, and one that is often forgotten, it is easy to see where many elements that are now a hallmark of the Far Cry series began.

The story itself is fairly nonsensical. The basic overarching plot is somewhat okay but the narrative progression is wildly contrived and inconsistent. There is a lot of fading to black at the end of a level and waking up in a totally different situation at the beginning of the next one, with no explanation as to how you got there. However, shooters with strong stories are not the norm, especially in 2004, so I'm willing to be a bit lenient on Far Cry for this aspect. The graphics are excellent by 2004 standards, and still get the job done today. Sound design is also fairly good, although the voice acting leaves a bit to be desired. The overall feeling of tension through the game is very well crafted, and as you progress through there are areas that borrow a lot from horror shooters like Half Life.

Though not an open world, Far Cry is played across 20 expansive levels where there are often multiple ways to complete an objective. While it is certainly no Deus Ex, the freedom that the player is given to complete objectives is something of an outlier among its peers in the tough guy noughties shooter genre. The level design is also quite accomplished, with enough new and different elements being introduced throughout the game that there's always some thinking to be done to decide how best to approach a level. The actual progression through the levels was generally repetitive, unfortunately, although there were some fantastic set pieces involving combat between the trigens and the mercenaries that did spice up what would otherwise be straightforward combat encounters. Vehicles (jeeps, boats and hanggliders) are also frequently an option and the mounted weapons are a huge help in certain areas.

The gunplay is actually very good. The guns sound great and each feels unique with its own pros and cons. I tried out most of the weapons I came across throughout the game and as I reached the last few levels I found myself using all four of my allocated weapons (shortgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, RPG) in various situations.

My main issue with the game is the difficulty. I played through on medium, the second easiest difficulty, and the game was excruciatingly unfair in some areas. There were multiple segments that I grappled with for the better part of an hour, and in a ~15 hour game spending so long on one segment is very frustrating. The enemies are unreasonably accurate, even from great distances, and seem to know when you're coming before you turn a corner. There were many occasions I'd be laying in wait for a merc, only to have them round the corner and headshot me immediately as they entered the frame. Headshots in general are a big problem. Regardless of difficulty, or how much health and armour you have, headshots have the ability to immediately kill you. In segments where you are unable to take cover (the jeep gunner mission comes to mind), it only takes one lucky bullet from a spraying enemy to end the mission and reset you back at a checkpoint. Checkpoints themselves are probably not as generous as they could be, so this can sometimes mean spending five minutes getting back to where you were only to die again. What I will say, though, is that the unfair nature of the game does make for a very rewarding experience when the stars align and you manage to push through a difficult area and reach that checkpoint.

Overall, though, a fairly enjoyable experience. There are some rough areas that can be expected with age, and the difficulty is a genuine concern, but the game was engaging enough to be completed without too many issues.

NOTE: I did inititally have a bug where the game wouldn't launch at all. It was fixed by reinstalling the game and changing the lighting settings (that appears on initital startup) from maximum to one setting below max. The game otherwise ran completely fine.
Updated 10.5 Months Ago


Optim's Avatar'


Updated 1 Year Ago


Montoya33Rus's Avatar'


Очень понравился сеттинг, то что ты на тропическом острове воюешь против каких то повстанцев, у них есть лодки, катера. Графически игра была очень красивой. Помимо этого это простой шутер с большим миром, неплохим сюжетом и изюминкой того что в конце это уже не просто обычный шутер.
Updated 1 Year Ago


GKTheCasualPlayer66's Avatar'

60%Xbox 360

After so many years wanting to play this game and experience the first game of this incredible franchise, I actually did it and well... it was a rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least. Graphics are very nice for the time, really beautiful for 2004 and even a little cartoonish. Controls are very ok, they're responsive and don't give trouble, but the real problem is the dificulty. I'm not the best person to play a hard game, since I have some anger issues, but my man this game is just so, SO UNFAIR at times. Your health decreases in a matter of seconds, and the enemies? Well, they follow that same old philosophy of "You can't see them, but THEY can see you". The story is really not the focus of the game, since it is uninteresting with a villain that is more forgettable than anything. But hey, the level desing is pretty well made, the island is actually really vivid, with some animals walking here and there and the ragdoll is something that I just adore in any game. Looking back at FC1, Crytek made a more of "experimental" game with their engine, so I can understand why they didn't gave the necessary focus on the story, but on the gameplay and world desing. Even though the difficulty is really unfair at times (most of the time), I respect FC1 and how unique it was for the time, with incredible graphics and a overall unique gameplay. Personally, I recommend it to people that like a good challenge... even a little unfair one.
Updated 1 Year Ago


hardscans's Avatar'


19h 24m Progress
Keeps the teeth sharp and plenty of mods
Updated 1 Year Ago


MajorFelx's Avatar'


Lembro-me que gostei demais do jogo, jogabilidade e os gráficos eram impressionantes pra época do lançamento
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


tacticalcraptical's Avatar'


21h 5m Played
I really liked this game. It could have been 100% if not for some bugs that cause some frustration at parts. Also, make sure you patch to the unofficial patch if you play the Steam version because 1.4 is broken and pretty much impossible because enemies can see through buildings, tents and most of the foliage, which ruins the game.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


ali3_6iq's Avatar'


7h 21m Played
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Greyma's Avatar'


13h Played
Too artificially hard, and wtf is with the shooting through the tents. Also laggy. Somehow it's more functioning than Far Cry 2
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


StealthMissionTeam's Avatar'


Klasyka gatunku FPS. Choć misje są dosyć liniowe, fabuła jest prosta i upływ lat jest mocno widoczny to produkcja dalej zachwyca i daje wiele frajdy. Szkoda tylko, że na Steam nie ma polskiej wersji.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


MMachineCodeV's Avatar'


15h 10m Played
Why is the Medium difficulty harder than most modern shooters?!
Updated 2 Years Ago


jordanisplaying's Avatar'


7h 41m Played
The environment still looked good in my opinion, and it was an enjoyable shooter. I was surprised at how different this was from the now traditional Far Cry formula. It felt almost like a semi-open world DOOM at times. The AI is wack though and enemies will detect you through anything so good luck.
Updated 2 Years Ago


ErmaN's Avatar'


Solid game, still not as good as the rest of them.
Updated 2 Years Ago


maverickdm's Avatar'


It did not age well
Updated 2 Years Ago


SnoringFrog's Avatar'


16h Played
Not a bad FPS, but the ending was lame and some cutscenes made no sense at all.
Updated 2 Years Ago


wicked_poch's Avatar'


Updated 2 Years Ago


BiorrBranwen's Avatar'


13h 35m Played
Imagino que el juego no estaba mal en su momento, pero Crytek decidió romperlo con el último parche y no se molestó en arreglarlo.
Los npc tienen aimbot, visión a través de paredes y te disparan desde 20 km con una pistola, Y TE DAN.
Todo jugando en normal btw.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Nathan_Drake's Avatar'


46m Played
Gameplay: 80
Story: 73
Music: 72
Graphics: 75
Technical: 73

Average: 75 ~ 80
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


The_Kevin's Avatar'


13h Played
Good game, ended up becoming soft locked when I was on the 19/20th mission which was annoying
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Coruchiril's Avatar'


7h 32m Played
Can't say it has aged very well, although the graphics still look pretty good for vistas (which was always a strong-point of the cryengine), anything up close doesn't. This is an issue that all older games aiming for realism suffer from though, and if the gameplay is good it's not an issue.

The problems is that the gameplay is average at best and horrible at times. It suffers from weird difficulty spikes, from telling you to avoid enemies by sneaking at the start, to throwing you in a locked corridor against 15 or so armored enemies, some with rocket launchers at the end.

It can also feel a bit random, I played on medium and fairly often I was killed from full health by a sniper that I couldn't see because of draw-distances unless I used a scope or binoculars as well (same for guys with rocket launchers, they hit you from 100s of yards away).

The enemies become more and more bullet-spongey towards the end, while you still die in a few shots, and whether an enemy spraying at you from 30 feet away misses every shot or almost kills you is down to luck.

The story is okay, although I couldn't hear most of the dialogue as much of it is during gameplay and therefore got drowned out by explosions or engine noises. But the voice actor for Jack was so bad, that I was glad I was missing his "performance".

I would only recommend it to people with a strong tolerance for dated games, or those who want to experience the entire series (like myself).
Updated 3 Years Ago


goodusername123's Avatar'


7h Played
I actually really liked this game. It had a decent story that actually sorta had a plot twist. The gameplay of the game was also great with really great shooting. The world and graphics that this game built were also great especially for the time. However, I have a major problem with this game. It too damn hard. I played on the easiest difficulty and I would still call this one of the hardest games I have ever played. There is a boss where you have to hit a flying helicopter with a rocket launcher 7 times, before the boat you are on sinks. Keep in mind this is easy mode so it may be even more for higher difficulties. The AI can also see you from a mile away and they can hit you with great accuracy from just as far. They always see you first no matter where you are or what your doing. It got so bad that in mission 17 there was a part where your the gunner in a vehicle and you have to have perfect accuracy to survive this part. In the end I ended up just turning god mode on to get past this part and beat the game. This game is too hard, which is quite a shame because I actually really liked this game. Oh and the people who talk to you over the radio is too quiet and the voice acting can be pretty bad. Overall, I would recommend skipping unless you are good at fps games or wanna play in god mode. Its a shame too because this is actually a really good game in the end.
Updated 3 Years Ago


AmericanCarioca's Avatar'


15h 15m Played
This first player set in an island and jungle environment was to set the stage for the legendary series, and was copied (and improved upon) by the famous Crysis that came out a few years later.
Updated 3 Years Ago


AndroidMarvin's Avatar'


Good graphics, but difficult due to bad collision detection.
Updated 3 Years Ago


Poltergeist's Avatar'


16h 1m Played
Game is really good imo and very different from the rest of the games in this series. Aged a lot better than i was expecting thanks to the engine so visuals still hold up really well. Compared to other Far Cry games I'd say this is the most difficult as enemies have aim bot tier aiming. I personally liked the twist of having mutants later in the game and at that point the game gets slightly more difficult.
Updated 3 Years Ago


RRC123's Avatar'


8h 24m Played
Good gunplay, level design is okay (last level is awful and feels like a student made it for a game design class, it's unbelievably unbalanced but also easy to glitch the door open with a chair). The AI is okay at first but its shortcomings become more clear in levels with wide open spaces as one enemy spots you from a mile away and all his friends shoot you with pinpoint accuracy (not all their shots land, but enough of them do that you can die). The Trigen are massive rocket sponges but die surprisingly easily to head shots. The leaping Trigen are terrible as their melee attacks have a longer range than their attack animation suggests. Overall okay, the game was pretty good and open-ended at first, but as the story goes on the flaws in Far Cry begin to grow larger and harder to ignore. I played the GOG version with the tent wallhack fix, but that did not seem to really help all that much.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


TheOro44's Avatar'


17h 15m PlayedReplay
+ gute Story
+ Hammer-Grafik
+ liebevolle Details
+ sehr intelligente Gegner
+ tolles Missionsdesign
+ recht umfangreich
+ beklemmende Spielatmosph�re
+ Spannung durch Autosave
+ vollkommene Freiheit innerhalb eines Levels
+ spa�ige Fahrzeug-Steuerung
+ coole Physik-Engine
+ gut eingesetzte Musik

- lange Ladezeiten
- etwas gelangweilte Sprachausgabe

Wertung: 90% (herausragend)

(Beendet auf Realistic)
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


gagust's Avatar'


A open world fps story driven... in 2004!
Cryengine, so it's good.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


TheInnocent99's Avatar'


29h 11m ProgressReplay
The original Far Cry (2004) is high up in my personal all-time favorites list. First and foremost, it is still a visually impressive game with an incredibly vibrant eye-candy color palette. The environments, physics, and shooting mechanics still hold up well - 16 years post-launch! Some things that didn't age well are the character models and their face-animations, which look flat and low-polygon.

Gameplay and level-design hold up well for the most part. The levels are big and allow the player to approach the objective in different ways. Of course, it is nowhere near the modern titles, but still impressive. Plot-wise, Far Cry has a pretty interesting sci-fi story with horror elements, without being overly complicated. Expect like 1-2 plot twists, but nothing crazy.

In the sound department, Far Cry excels across the board. The weapons sound impactful, explosions are powerful, characters sound believable. You can hear the enemies talking over the radio and making footsteps, mutants growling, making their presence known from the distance.

But, man, can Far Cry be infuriating at times! It is a challenging game, even played on Normal. I beat the game twice - on 'Normal' and 'Realistic'. It can be extremely unbalanced, and you will die over and over again. Enemies are smart, use tactics, flank the player, and throw grenades. Mutants are brain-dead and will swarm you with zero sense of self-preservation, like firing a rocket from a point-blank range.

Overall, Far Cry is a must-play for any fan of the FPS genre. It is a game that pushed graphics forward and helped to make gaming what it is today.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


shounaiden's Avatar'

60%PlayStation 3

Updated 3.5 Years Ago


2ManyGamesBro's Avatar'


22h PlayedReplay
FUCKING HARD!!! recommend getting Tent fix as well so you don't get owned when you can't even see the enemy
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


geratius's Avatar'


25m Progress
You're better off getting it elsewhere. Good game but nobody should be able to shoot through or see through walls.

Jeden gość tak napisał i się z tym zgadzam. Żadnego info, czy jestem jakoś widoczny przez nich, czy mam się skradać. Po prostu strzelają znienacka przez ścianę, nawet jak się czołgam. Znikąd zza krzaków goście wychodzą, a nie wiadomo, czy moje skradanie coś pomaga. Nie polecam.
Updated 4 Years Ago


LP_'s Avatar'


13h Played
Technically impressive, but not very fun to play after the mutants start showing up and ruining the gameplay.
Updated 4 Years Ago