Doom (1993)
  • 90 Playing
  • 2.3K Backlogs
  • 118 Replays
  • 4.3% Retired
  • 82% Rating
  • 2.7K Beat
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XialonVIII's Avatar'


2h 30m Played
Holds up still. Can get repetitive and is shorter than I thought but great art design, well made levels, and some good shooting.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


ChairmanGonzalo's Avatar'


5h 7m Played
I had an immense amount of fun with Doom (1993), but it's not without its flaws. While I can overlook aspects that seem dated today, like the simplistic graphics, there are certain issues that even in 1993 would have drawn criticism from me.

Firstly, the inconsistency in difficulty is a notable problem. I don't mean the expected progression where each level gets harder, but rather the unpredictable spikes where some levels are surprisingly easy, and the next are extremely challenging, only to become easy again. This erratic difficulty curve can be quite jarring.

The absence of map markers exacerbates orientation problems in certain levels, particularly those with teleporters or door switches. It doesn't mean I need explicit map markers, but some levels fail to provide the necessary information for navigation through their design. It becomes extremely frustrating in maps where teleporters change their spawn points based on the entry point, leading to significant confusion and disorientation.

The boss fights are a mixed bag. While the first and second boss fights are thrilling and well-executed, the third and fourth fall flat in comparison. Additionally, the mechanic where dying in an episode run resets you to the beginning of the level with only a pistol, despite having accumulated a full arsenal, is particularly annoying and disrupts the flow of the game.

On the positive side, the soundtrack is fantastic and truly enhances the gaming experience, providing an adrenaline-pumping backdrop to the intense action. The levels in Episode 1 are well-designed and engaging, showcasing the game’s strengths. However, some of the later levels feel haphazard, resembling amateur mod maps, like those in Garry's Mod, where structures seem randomly placed without cohesive design.

In conclusion, Doom (1993) is a good game that offers a lot of enjoyment, but it also has its share of frustrations. Despite its historical significance and initial fun, the game's inconsistencies and design flaws make it unlikely that I will replay it.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


Ratpak's Avatar'


36h 59m Played
What do I need to say about this one - it's DOOM!!

I played DOOM back in 1993 when it came out as shareware on floppies. It was a revelation then and completely blew my mind in terms of what a video game could do for immersion. I used to stay late after work just to play this as I had no PC at home, discovering all the secrets on each level and taking the fight to every demon I could find.

The recent changes for modern PCs are very welcome, and of course I had to play through it again. What an absolute masterpiece!
Updated 2 Weeks Ago


FS1NG's Avatar'

90%Xbox Series X/S

played a bazillion times before
Updated 2.5 Weeks Ago


Jackabyte's Avatar'


Almost perfect video game. My one flaw one be that I hate the darkness mechanic where I can't see anything. You can really easily get screwed if you don't have the night vision goggles. Also Doom doesn't feel like Doom until you get the Super Shotgun.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Floyd67w's Avatar'

65%Xbox Series X/S

18h 3m Played
Pra época era incrível, mas mesmo hoje em dia ele conseguiu me divertir um pouco.
Updated 1 Month Ago


Raftacon's Avatar'


9h 30m Played
Truly revolutionary & the father of all FPS/action games we have today. Creative map design, satisfying weapons, & an incredible technical achievement throughout.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


mddk's Avatar'


Doom + The Ultimate Doom
Updated 2 Months Ago


Jetaiolia's Avatar'


Updated 2.5 Months Ago


vizon's Avatar'


1h 45m Progress
Игра на века. Но постоянный поиск и сбор ключей сильно сбавляет бешеный темп игры из-за чего беготня в поисках ключей уже по пустой локации может нагнать тоски.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


SodaMazing's Avatar'


Best game ever made
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


ElioTv's Avatar'


5h Played
A classic that has aged surprisingly well. The difficulty curve of the final campaign is a bit wonky, but an overall enjoyable and short experience.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


sylinowo's Avatar'


bought this for the epic modding community!
Updated 3 Months Ago


Rodistoo's Avatar'


8h 15m Played
Score would be a lot higher if there wasn't some huge enemy spam moments. Also I don't like rubber bullets with higher difficulties, there are also some parts where the game doesn't give you enough amo (at least for ultra violent). Also for a big part of the game the only viable weapon you can use is the pumpgun, partially because that's almost the only amo you'll get.
Updated 3 Months Ago


Stratelite's Avatar'

85%Xbox Series X/S

Obviosuly dated by modern standards, but still demon slaying perfection. A joy to play on the Xbox Series X.
Updated 3 Months Ago


jacobdude's Avatar'


7h Played
Played the homebrew Xbox version. The original Doom still holds up. Exploration would have been fucking terrible without a map, but instead manages to provide a satisfying loop (and only occasionally frustrating). The gunplay somehow manages not to feel clunky, maybe that's what happens when you practically invent a genre. The only downside comes with the jumping puzzles in Ultimate Doom/Episode 4, which the limits of the era prevent from being any fun (although somehow they were fun in Doom II).
Updated 3 Months Ago


Dorobo's Avatar'


7h 19m Played
DOOM is a must play. Despite being one of the earliest FPS games ever made, it still holds up extremely well. I was pretty skeptical of it at first, but as I played more and more, I found myself getting more and more hooked to it. The movement, shooting, and gameplay loop feel magnificent, and most of the level designs are pretty good and unique. I ended up enjoying this way more than I thought I would, DOOM is a genuine must-play game.
Updated 3.5 Months Ago


StingrayLord's Avatar'


5h 30m Played
I don't know what to write so I'm just going to dump it. 90% of the game was enjoyable, nothing revolutionary, but fun nonetheless! If I had done all 32 levels back to back it would've been so tiring, so I'm glad they put easy outs at the end of each chapter. Sometimes the levels were a little confusing on what the objective locations were, but generally boiled down to "get a key from the area with the monsters, and then bring it to the door." Honestly thank CHRIST this game had a map, if it didn't it would've made me drop it for sure. While it was confusing seeing it partially filled for the first time, it makes sense after a bit of inspection. For whatever reason, if a monster is standing below a drop, their hurtbox still body blocks keeping you from dropping down most times. It's a little detail but just a bit irritating. The level designs mushed together somewhat after a bit, but generally are unique enough to be a non-issue, and the speed of the levels helps from feeling bland. The last 3 or so levels when compared to the rest of the game are AWFUL though, they take forever and play like Quake levels instead of the rest of the game.
Doom 93 on the msi laptop.
Updated 4 Months Ago


Cybrad's Avatar'


4h 27m Played
This game is fifty percent shooting demons and fifty percent asking "Where in the actual hell am I?" I love it. I finally challenged myself to Ultra-Violence and was not disappointed. Maybe someday I'll give Nightmare a try.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


amara_'s Avatar'


6h 46m Played
Brilliant in its simplicity and its level design. Though a few levels were a tad too long. Mechanically, it's a little too barebones for me. Maybe I'd change my mind if I tried the mods idk. Did not touch Thy Flesh Consumed.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


k1m1nh4s's Avatar'


6h Played
Não tem como ser imparcial com Doom, é simplesmente o primeiro FPS que realmente fez sucesso e moldou toda uma industria, o jogo conta com uma ambientação muito bem feita para época e gráficos datados porém lindos para a época, uma trilha sonora impecável e uma jogabilidade que mesmo datada para 2024 ainda funciona.
Não fiz testes de hardware por que acredito que roda até na minha calculadora cientifica kkkkkk
Obs: Comprem na promoção sai quase de graça kkkkkkk
Gráficos: 7 - Era lindo para época (não vai entrar na media por ser um jogo muito antigo);
Jogabilidade: 8 - Intuitiva e rápida;
História: 8 - se aprofundem e matem demônios :) ;
Desempenho: 8 - Vamos dizer que conseguem rodar até em uma batata;
Nota Geral: 8 - Rock pesado, muitas armas e demônios kkkkk.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


tsquared's Avatar'


6h 58m Played
This game reminds me of the original Zelda in that it completely revolutionized a genre and is such a well designed game, it still holds up 3 decades later. A game anybody enthusiastic about the history of games should try at least once.
Updated 5 Months Ago


PokeMaster575's Avatar'


7h 12m Progress
After finishing the main story, it still feels like this game has so much more to offer. A few parts felt a little bit annoying, but it was still really fun. I played with the Brutal Doom mod and it felt like that helped enhance the experience. The final boss fight against the Mastermind was kinda easy though and left me a bit disappointed. I'm excited to check out more mods for this game, and to also play through the second one.
Updated 5 Months Ago


Ensareis's Avatar'


5h Played
It's getting worse and worse.
Gittikçe kötüleşiyor.
Updated 5 Months Ago


TvSonicSerbia's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 4

4h Played
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Oog's Avatar'


6h 12m Played
It's Doom what more can a man say?
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Vector99i's Avatar'


6h 10m Played
To sum up, Doom 1993 is a great option to relive the old classic FPS games accompanied by a great soundtrack, but with the actual game standards, the game can feel boring because it is too repetitive. The game is 5.25/10.
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


TerriblePerson's Avatar'


5h 30m Played
Excellent despite being one of the earliest shooters. Guess they learned a lot from Wolfenstein. Has a lot of super interesting mechanics and ideas. Gameplay feels fresh even for modern standards.
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Bladeee's Avatar'


3h 13m Progress
Its doom. If you havnt played it. Play it. If you have played it. Move on with your life you dont need to replay it.
Updated 6 Months Ago


Luitenant_Gruber's Avatar'


12h Played
*Warning: spoilers*

Most classic of them all.

You cannot go further back in nostalgia lane than DOOM. This is a work of art from a simpler time. Just boot it up and kill some demons. As a kid, I could never finish this game because of it’s difficulty, but many years later, I gave it a shot and it was still as enjoyable as I remember.

The concept and story is simple in DOOM. Humans have settled on Mars, but their greed takes its toll and they open a portal to hell itself. The Mars Colony is invaded by hordes of demons and it is up to the hero “Doom Guy” to save the day. You blast your way through different parts of the Mars Colony station and eventually end up in hell to take the fight to the demons.

Gameplay wise, you either destroy a boss or find the right keycards to reach the exit of the map. It is classic game design that spawned the foundation of all FPS games that followed. You choice five scenario’s, each consisting of a certain amount of levels. The campaigns are alle linked to each other and, for the correct time line, need to be played in order, although the game lets you decide what to play first.

You can find many different weapons to aid you in the fight against the demons. A shotgun, machine gun, plasma rifle and even a freaking chainsaw. In the end, you find the best weapon in the game, the BFG. The meaning of those three letters alone, is reason enough to play the game.

In terms of graphics, even today, it is still fine to look at. Of course, this game has been modded more times than I can count, with HD graphics and effects, but the original game on PC is still fine. I had no trouble with the “outdated graphics”.

Sound wise, DOOM is still a surprising piece of art. The screams and grunts of fallen demons still pierce through your ears and soul, and the music is just as badass as it was back then. For me, this was one of the biggest plusses.

I really enjoyed exploring the levels in search of secret areas. Secrets can be anywhere in the game so bumping against every wall, while pressing space, was a necessity.

DOOM is relentlessly hard, especially on higher difficulties, but it remains fair, even to this day. You can find enough health kits and powerups, giving the game a fair balance between difficulty and challenge.

Overall, it is, and remains, an all time classic, one that I can boot up anytime and play again. Its still fast paced, brutal and fun.

Definitely would recommend this timeless classic.
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


ShinjiHLTB's Avatar'


Cool game and the only shooter I'll willingly play
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


mauricioco's Avatar'


18h Played
Still a fantastic game even to this day.

Playing on Nightmare is a breath of fresh air after all these years playing on Ultra-Violence. Difficulty is all over the place but it's really fun to route and practice the tougher levels.
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


noTbsp's Avatar'


2h Progress
A surprisingly fun and challenging game considering how old it is. Gameplay loop gets kind of repetitive though IMO. I completed episodes one and two, each episode was refreshing, however I can only play in bursts. Still a blast.
Updated 7.5 Months Ago


Tresangamercz's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 3

Pro jednoho nesmysl, který je striktně lineární, pro druhého nostalgie, bod, kdy se pro něj všechno změnilo. Více se k této hře nedá napsat.

Ochutnávka v MUSIC ARCHIVE, co se týká soundtracku :
Updated 7.5 Months Ago


krystalize82's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

Played on ps5 this game is brilliant i cant believe this was made in 93 and thank god it was made because favourite genre of games is 1st person shooters .The level creations are so cleaver and challenging.Highly recommened
Updated 8 Months Ago


LiquidDivide's Avatar'


I've never played through the whole game before. Done some multiplayer deathmatch and some 2 console multiplayer in the past on PSX, but never much beyond the first few levels. It was a blast. I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Great fun. Will definitely visit some more of the series.
Updated 9.5 Months Ago


Oldboy1's Avatar'


Jogo favorito do meu pai.
Updated 9.5 Months Ago


the_mentalist's Avatar'


5h 30m Played
An extremely fun game, even to this day.

Playing on the second lowest difficulty, Episode 1 felt kinda boring, but Episode 2 and 3 turn the difficulty up enough to be challenging on first playthrough.

Replaying the game on the "Ultra-Violence" difficulty once you learn the mechanics is pure fun, though. There's many more enemies, you need to manage your ammo, prioritise the right targets and be constantly moving to dodge enemy attacks. Genuinely some of the most fun I had playing games recently.

What also helps is the fantastic music and sound effects, which haven't gotten old one bit.

Is it a must play for every FPS fan? No, not really, there are much better shooters nowadays.

But it is worth checking out for historical reasons and will bring hours of great fun to whoever decides to do just that.
Updated 9.5 Months Ago


Jredor13's Avatar'


6h Played
An important classic that paved the way for many shooters to come.

As someone who played DOOM 2016 and Eternal first, I went thinking its old gameplay would turn me off. Boy was I wrong.

Despite having not been allowed to move up or down, movement feels smooth and quick, and sprinting feels like The Flash. This movement makes gunplay feel satisfying as you can move around easily, dodging fireballs and shooting demons in a circle. Decent amount of weapon variety, but they all feel good to use, like the shotgun or BFG.

Level design is the biggest highlight here. Lots of areas that you're encouraged to explore so that way you can find hidden areas that will give you health upgrades, armor upgrades, full ammo stocks, or hidden weapons that won't commonly find like the BFG or chainsaw. I haven't gotten all of them, but it's insane where the secret areas are placed, without looking it up, it becomes a rewarding experience for you to discover. It also encourages exploration through the use of backtracking, in which you will have to find keys in certain areas which can be puzzling in a way as you try to figure out how you can get to the area that has what you're looking for.

A good amount of enemy variety here, as you have demon soldiers that can shoot you with a rifle or shotgun that does plenty of damage from a certain range. Imps are pretty much your standard enemy that throws fireballs. Pinky's that charge you on, and if you're surrounded by a group of them, then you're fucked. Barons of Hell that shoot green flames will do a significant amount of damage, and take more to kill, as rockets are your best choice. There are some annoying ones like the invisible Pinky's (Usually in dark rooms), or Cacodemons (Bullet sponges) that I really get tired of shooting at.

Onto some problems of mine, some of the special pickups like invulnerability for example, are WAY too bright for me, and sometimes I feel like I'm running into a wall that I can't even tell. The map is useful, but I dislike how it cannot be moved around and only moves along with your movements as you view it. This means you can accidentally run into lava and either lose a lot of health or die.

Lastly, I don't know if I'll ever finish episode 4, as the difficulty really spikes through here. Was really frustrating to get to, and eventually, I gave up. The first level and the amount of enemies thrown at you is insane, especially when you start with low ammo and Baron of Hell is already there shredding your health as you have about 15 shotgun shells left.

Overall, not much to say, it's a great classic with an amazing level design, that I'm glad I got to enjoy it.
Updated 11 Months Ago


Jorma25's Avatar'


Klassikko eikai siinä mitään muutakaan ole sanottavaa. Kaikessa huvittavuudessaan tämä oli hauskempi läpipelata kuin Doom 3. Ammuskelu vain tuntuu hyvältä, viholliset mäiskähtävät komeasti verimössöksi, liikkuminen ja täten action on absurdin nopeaa ja soundtrack yksinkertaisesti toimii (asia jota Doom 3:ssa ei tainnut ollakkaan tai en sellaista ainakaan muista).Tämä yksinkertaisesti vain toimii ja tuntuu hyvältä pelata. Muutamaa yksittäistä nihkeämpää pallohukassa kenttää ja hieman rajallista vihollisrosteria lukuunottamatta tää peli on erittäin timmi tapaus vielä tänäpäivänäkin!
Updated 1 Year Ago


Shadoo's Avatar'

95%Nintendo Switch

DOOM remains an essential entry in the FPS genre, with simple but effective gameplay that remains the groundwork for hundreds of games to come.
Updated 1 Year Ago


goodfeel's Avatar'


9h Played
doom is video games
Updated 1 Year Ago


BohdanZPM's Avatar'


6h 58m PlayedReplay
Best FPS Classic
Updated 1 Year Ago


Beato96's Avatar'


8h Progress
kvuli tomu portu na mobil jinak 8
Updated 1 Year Ago


TheChronosphere's Avatar'


5h Played
Updated 1 Year Ago


GankeyKong's Avatar'

70%Sega 32X

There's better ways to play Doom obviously, but Doom on the 32X is close enough to Doom for me. It's missing tons of levels like the entire third episode, which is where most of my favorites are. It's missing some enemies and weapons. Framerate is not high and the display is windowed, but its not too rough on the eyes and stays consistent while running. Controls are not too hard to adapt to and I even kind of like the "hold C to strafe" control set up, but you are given less evasion options that make the tougher enemies a pain. What's here is fun to play if you're already familiar enough with the game. I had a good afternoon with the 32X version even decades later.
Updated 1 Year Ago


MajorFelx's Avatar'


Gostei, achei inovador pra época e a jogabilidade é boa até hoje, joguei há uns anos atrás.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


zackyoiyoi's Avatar'


8h Played
now this is a video game. fun to play through
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


metric152's Avatar'

100%Xbox Series X/S

14h Progress
It took me a long time to actually play this game. I tried playing it back in 93 but my machine couldn't really handle it. By the time I had a good machine I had moved on. Glad it was ported to other platforms. The game still really holds up. Even after playing Doom 2016.

I was glad to play some of the older Doom titles after the disappointment of Eternal.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


sun_in_your0_0's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

15h Played
Respect it as a historic piece of media. Once you get the hang of the game’s visual language and design cues it’s a very fun time.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago