The Witcher Adventure Game
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  • 7.9% Retired
  • 64% Rating
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Recoilx's Avatar'


4h Played
I didn't hear great things about the Witcher boardgame - so when I bought it (for $1 at GOG) I was pleasantly surprised by it. The graphics and presentation are top notch, and it's pretty fun! I play it as a "background game" - as in I'm doing work, and then go back and make my move on this boardgame (offline vs. computer). I had alot of fun and if you're a fan of the Witcher I say give it a go!
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Caesar's Avatar'


23m Progress
Gorgeous, bland and uninteresting. Overly complex and unexplained mechanics that leads to several "what?" moments throughout the experience, which happened to be severely short lived, given the lack of content in the game.

Yes it mimics the classic "tabletop RPG", however it's very unimaginative at the gameplay mechanics, with whatever "story" there is to be read, slipping through your fingers, and every move you make being so restricted that you always follow a boring script.

A tabletop RPG needs one CORE mechanic to be successfull, which is *freedom of choice*, and this game lacks freedom for everything.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


geratius's Avatar'


1h 35m Played
Gra planszowa w wersji na komputer. Najlepiej grać z kumplami na dużym telewizorze. Gra się dobrze i niby jest szybciej od wersji planszowej, gdzie trzeba ciągnąć te wszystkie karty i rzucać kośćmi, ale... No jednak traci się klimat gry planszowej i obcowania z tymi wszystkimi elementami na stole. Na pewno jest jednak bardzo dobrze wykonana wersja gry i sprawia wiele radości. Sama gra w sobie jest wg mnie bardzo dobra, a jej wersja na PC jest zrobiona cudownie. Poza tym jest tańsza od wersji papierowej :)
Updated 4.5 Years Ago
IGN's Avatar'

70%No Platform Specified

The Witcher Adventure Game is a faithful (perhaps too faithful) translation of a mildly fun tabletop experience saddled with simplistic, repetitive objectives. Learning the strategies behind playing each of the four heroes is where the fun lies, though it often feels like you’re just playing alongside other players - not against them. It doesn’t try to be more than a digital board game, either, so if you’re hoping for outrageous battle scenes and visual splendor, it’s best to hold out for The Witcher 3.
Updated 9.5 Years Ago