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  2. gta111

    The B*tch & Moan Thread (Part 4)

    Still no mansions.
  3. What GTA location is most accurate compared to its real life version?
  4. Dbzk1999

    Marvel Cinematic Universe

    Course people can perceive it as that, just as much as it can be perceived by many as not being that. With that in mind, I’m saying that I disagree with the notion that the Russos coming back to adapt a story that they’ve blatantly said years back is one of their favorites and would be one that they’d be interested in coming back to adapt is desperate. RDJ? Fine whatever, it’s specifically the Russos/Mcfeely part that I’m disagreeing with. When I think desperate I think of (as an example) the marketing Marvel did for The Marvels, that was true desperation. Meanwhile the Russos coming back is just good directors/writers for the MCU coming back to handle something they’ve shown they can handle before. That said, going to RDJ, I’m not gonna have a knee jerk reaction to this like I’ve seen others having. The prospect of having the guy who portrayed such a popular hero now becoming a prominent villain intrigues me (especially with where Loki is left off at the end of Loki season 2) and I expect the similarity in looks to even be focused on, hell, said scenario has already been acknowledged recently anyways.
  5. Ring Dang Do

    RDO Speculation & General Chat (Part II)

    Unfortunately they focused too much on the new players, resulting in the aura surrounding RDO becoming more and more negative from its long term playerbase, thus scaring away new players.
  6. Zapper


    It was very similar to RDR1 in that regard. Regardless, they do tend to show more random art of GTA compared to their other games, not that it holds true everytime. L.A. Noire had some great ones:
  7. Ring Dang Do

    RDO Speculation & General Chat (Part II)

    Even the ability to just buy different wagons in the game would have been amazing, St Denis alone has heaps of different wagons.
  8. Dick Justice

    [Poll] GTA VI Release Date Predictions

    It makes sense as Take Two had previously acknowledged the game to release in fiscal 2025 (which ends in March 2025) before the game was internally delayed beyond that date. This was all tied up to expected revenue, without ever actually announcing the game. They needed to let their investors know about shifting release windows because now that expected revenue had slipped into fiscal 2026 (April 25–March 2026). Most other companies are able to hide their big releases and surprise fans later on, but GTA being the behemoth that it is makes that impossible. All this stuff is more-or-less public due to this. As for Rockstar not acknowledging any of this, I agree it's strange. In the past they would announce their game around the time those projections would appear, and then delay accordingly (this is how you get a RDR2 situation where the game gets pushed by 6 months twice). It seems that this time they've already acknowledged they're unlikely to get the game out on the initial schedule and pushed it to 2025 so they don't need to announce the delays. I feel confident Rockstar won't announce the release window until they're confident it's accurate.
  9. FirsU

    Next DLC Speculation Topic Mk XIII

    R* patched some single-player street race jobs and pursuit race jobs which allowed players to get prize ride vehicles solo. After 3 years, they're gone.
  10. AUScowboy

    Vapid Dominator FX - Appreciation & Discussion Thread

    Man… I hope VI allows us to change fitment, tire profile and other finer details to achieve looks like this.
  11. AUScowboy

    Next DLC Speculation Topic Mk XIII

    Still amazed (and grateful) they haven’t wasted a space on the electric meme mobile yet… I’m probably jinxing us by even mentioning it.
  12. Today
  13. Lemoyne outlaw

    The RDR2 Beta Hunt

    oh okay i didint realize that it was a remix. but still the song that plays in that section still feels out of place.
  14. The-Ghost


    Despite how iconic that one is, I'll say I am a bit disappointed with the lack of general artworks of RDR2, besides character ones and two or three of Arthur, that was really it, GTA5 and GTA4 had a lot of random ones. GTAIV GTAV I'll have to say though, this one from Red Dead Online is really good: How can you not look at this and not be impressed?
  15. Dick Justice


    You think I'm insane for wanting to experience the game in the game rather than through internet posts? You've put so many words in my mouth. I never said I wasn't going to use the internet, just certain gaming sites and socials like reddit and youtube. This is easy for me because I don't live online, lol.
  16. zeko

    MOTW #253

    my entry https://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/88228
  17. MekhiSkyline

    The Vehicle Wishlist and Speculation Topic

    Beautiful American cars you posted here!, especially with the Riviera, hopefully we get more land yachts in the future since R* has been on a good streak adding like the Albany Brigham, Willard Eudora, Impaler LX & SZ, & etc. Albany Emperor Sedan 583ci (1972 Cadillac Sedan Deville 472ci) Albany Emperor Coupe 600ci (1975 Cadillac Coupe Deville 500ci) Albany Preston Brigham (1996 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham)
  18. Scottiedog123

    Canis Terminus Appreciation and Discussion thread

  19. wamaw

    [GTA SA] The Warriors Gangs Brawl

    Salute! This is great mod! Please update
  20. Arrows to Athens

    GTA Online General Chat

    It's super fun to use with the police cars. Giving chase to players in a police cruiser with the sirens blazing and catching up to their fully maxed out hypercar with ease is just so satisfying. A cool little stunt I got with it today:
  21. I wouldn't rule that out, but from what we know, several delays are already baked into that designated Fall 2025 release window. It has already been delayed internally and more than once. One such window was early 2025 that we know from T2's forecasts, and they definitely targeted 2023-'24 at some stage—possibly even 2022 before COVID.
  22. wamaw

    Grand Theft Auto - Sindacco Chronicles

    Fedora hats? Are you serious?
  23. wamaw

    Grand Theft Auto: Shark's Vengeance

    I just recently thought about a mod related to the shark gang - respect! In all the screenshots, the main character is wearing glasses and red sneakers, it seems to me that if he was wearing sneakers like the other gang members and without glasses, it would be better, but this is just my opinion. Good luck with your work!
  24. goldenplaysrdr2

    The RDR2 Beta Hunt

    The link you posted is of a fan-made remix, the actual song does still have a different tone to it at that part but fits as a generic nighttime ambush piece imo
  25. Keith Ward

    Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City '01

    You answer is literally in the first post.
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