Best Employers Club

Best Employers Club

The Great Place to Work® Best Employers Club is an exclusive forum limited to the CEOs and CXOs of organizations that are recognized as the Best Workplaces in Sri Lanka.The Best Employer’s Club members come together in a series of regular meetings once every quarter, across a year to learn, share and contribute towards creating a great workplace culture – a culture that fuels performance.

        Members meet four times a year to support each other in:
  • Learning best practices, principles and new ideas in practice
  • Connecting to build supportive networks with other leaders
  • Raising the Bar for all organizations on the most relevant practices and the business benefits of creating great workplaces Business.

Registration for membership to this exclusive networking forum is by invitation only. It is open only to a limited number of organizations that have made to the list of ‘Best Workplaces in Sri Lanka’ over the last few years.

Great Place to Work® hosts unique knowledge sharing sessions and various Cocktails & Dinner networking sessions as a part of the activities of the club through the course of the season. Right Selection is our collaboration partner for this club and brings in global thought leaders for sessions during the year.

        Some of our speakers from the past sessions have been:
  • Dr. Sumit Mitra – CEO of TESCO Global Business Services
  • Nikhil Advani- CEO of AIA Insurance
  • Parul Thakuria- HR Senior Value Advisor of SAP SuccessFactors
  • Ritu G Mehrish – Executive Coach, Global Speaker and Author
  • Bingumal Thewarathanthri – CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Sri Lanka
  • Thushari Perera – Director-HR of AIA Insurance

Glimpses of Best Employers Club Meetings

Building a Future Fluent Culture - Great Place to Work® CXO Forum

Great Place to Work®  launched an exclusive forum of recognized Best Workplace in Sri Lanka titled the ‘Best Employers Club'(BEC) in Sep 2019. The Inaugural event was a breakfast briefing titled “Building a Future Fluent Culture” which was held alongside the Annual Great Place to Work® Conference. The inaugural event was initiated featuring thought provoking orations on “Building a Future Fluent Culture” by Dr. Sumit Mitra – CEO of TESCO Global Business Services, Nikhil Advani- CEO of AIA Insurance and Parul Thakuria- HR Senior Value Advisor of SAP SuccessFactors

Best Employers Club Conclave- Leadership Forum & Fireside Chat

At the  second Best Employers Club event, we had renowned Speaker, Executive Coach and Author – Ritu G Mehrish who will deliver the key note of the Leadership Forum and in conversation at the fireside chat we had Bingumal Thewarathanthri – CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Sri Lanka, and Thushari Perera – Director HR of AIA Insurance Lanka

This thought-provoking session was followed by networking and cocktails.

BEC Members Get Preferential Rates For The Events Below