TEI of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights | Microsoft
Read this 2024 Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Microsoft to learn about the potential ROI of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.
The 2024 Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
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The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Explore the cost savings, revenue increases and productivity gains that organisations experienced using Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, a customer data platform that facilitates and automates the creation of customer journeys.

Read this 2024 Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Microsoft* to learn about the potential benefits of using Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, like:

  • A net present value of USD 7.86 million and an ROI of 324% over three years.
  • A payback period of less than six months.
  • 75% time savings on customer journey development and 25% time savings on customer outreach and reporting.

* To understand benefits, costs and risks, Forrester interviewed five customers with experience using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. For the purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the results from these customers into a single composite organisation.

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