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discussions Search Results · repo:harfbuzz/harfbuzz language:C++

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131 results

inharfbuzz/harfbuzz (press backspace or delete to remove)

I m trying to render some ligatures in an OpenGL context, but a part of them has gaps between symbols. photo_2024-06-24_19-16-12 Font: FiraCodeNerdFont-Regular.ttf Maybe I need to activate some features ...

I m trying to implement a simple text renderer that can support variety of text (at least indic languages if not more) for an embedded system with very limited resources. I can get harfbuzz running. I ...

Hello everyone, While trying to implement the ways shaper API in rustybuzz, I inquired a lot on the Rust discord and reddit about the intricacies and idioms of wasm. One recurring theme was that the currently ...

Hello, This is more of a question. I am experimenting with Proxima Nova s features, and I see that ordn, Ordinals, does not work as it should in Chrome (Blink), while it works as expected in Safari (WebKit). ...

Hi, Someone made and it s been highlighted to my attention that your font library, ships supporting arbitrary code injection and execution on users machines. I Was ...

Lets say a font has a shadda+kasra ligature or mark-to-mark attachment between the two glyphs, but one wants to block that at text input level, so that the kasra is attached to the base glyph? My fist ...

I am using Speedata / Hardbuzz to produce a PDF of the Sanskrit New Testament in Burmese text using the Padauk font from Google. The word below in found in the middle of Matthew 4:21 and the marking characters ...

I m currently trying to investigate a discrepancy between rustybuzz and harfbuzz and have identified the underlying cause, but I m not sure who s right/wrong. Given the following font I m running the ...

I am having issues compiling ffmpeg with libfreetype with this commmand on windows MSYS2: ./configure --pkg-config-flags= --static --enable-libvpl --enable-libopenh264 --enable-version3 --enable-libfreetype ...

I am trying to compile harfbuzz because i need for drawtext on ffmpeg, yet is not install not installing hb-ft.h . If you look at the bottom of my install, the hb-ft.h is never isntalled. What am I missing? ...