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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Localization actions

Extend your software's reach. Localize and translate continuously from GitHub.

The action for translating Non-English issues content to English

Markdown translation into any other language powered by ChatGPT

Runs misspell-fixer as a Github Action

This action allows you to manage and synchronize localization resources with your Crowdin project

Automatically create machine-translated PRs of translation files. Supports: .resx, .restext, .ini, .xliff, .po, and .json

Continuous Translate your repo with an action

This action translates any text to any language supported by chosen provider

Upload localizable files to the Localazy translation management platform

Download localizable files from the Localazy translation management platform

Get last translation on Phrase and create a pull request

Push your strings automatically to Transifex when PR is ready for translations

Auto Translate Android s strings.xml

Translate non-English GitHub issues and GitHub discussions into English automatically

Localize your project with GPT

Automate acknowledging translators and proofreaders to your open-source projects in Crowdin

Measures and check i18n coverage of your project

This Action Generates POT Files for your wordpress Plugin / Theme based on the content inside Github Repo

Generates .pot file for your WordPress plugin or theme repository

🗒️ Generate a summary for your notes repository

A GitHub action to find missing and potentially outdated translations for existing locales in Android projects