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Module : Fleet Events

This module will setup Fleet Events reference solution in an existing Google Cloud project.


  • Turn on prerequisite services in the project
  • Setup Firestore to be available in the Google Cloud region of choice
  • Setup Fleet Engine's logging integration so that log events flow into Fleet Event project's Pub/Sub topic. (This part uses another module fleetengine-logging-config)

Usage examples

examples usage of this module can be found under folder "examples"

  • with_existing_project : setting up reference solution in a existing project
  • with_new_project : creates a new project for the reference solution prior to setup


Name Source Version
func-fleetevents ../fleet-events-function/ n/a
logging_config ../fleetengine-logging-config/ n/a


Name Type
google_firestore_database.database resource
google_project_service.firestore resource
google_project_service.gcp_services resource
google_project.project-fleetengine data source
google_project.project-fleetengine-logs data source
google_project.project-fleetevents data source
google_pubsub_topic.events_output_topic data source
google_pubsub_topic.logging_topic data source


Name Description Type Default Required
FUNCTION_NAME Name of the Cloud Function. This will used as the indentifier of the Cloud Function (v2), and has to follow naming rules. Only lower case alphanumeric and '-' allowed. string "fleetevents-fn" no
FUNCTION_SRC_DIR Path to the directory where the Cloud Functions source code is located. string n/a yes
GCP_REGION Default GCP region for Cloud resources string "us-central1" no
GCP_REGION_FIRESTORE Refer to to choose GCP Region for Firestore. If not set, will use value of GCP_REGION. string n/a yes
GCP_REGION_FUNCTIONS Refer to to choose GCP Region for Function deployment. If not set, the value of GCP_REGION will be applied. string n/a yes
GCP_REGION_STORAGE Refer to to choose GCP Region for Cloud Storage Buckets. If not set, the value of GCP_REGION will be applied. string n/a yes
ME Account ID (in the form of email address) of the developer running terraform. string n/a yes
MOBILITY_SOLUTION Mobility solution of use : either LMFS or ODRD string "LMFS" no
PROJECT_FLEETENGINE Project ID of the project where Fleet Engine (ODRD/LMFS) is enabled. string n/a yes
PROJECT_FLEETENGINE_LOG Project ID of the project where Fleet Engine logs are persisted. (LogSink of Cloud Logging settings.) string n/a yes
PROJECT_FLEETEVENTS Project ID of the project in which to setup Fleet Events reference solution. string n/a yes
TOPIC_FLEETENGINE_LOG Pub/Sub Topic to which Fleet Engine logs are published following Cloud Logging setup. string n/a yes
TOPIC_FLEETEVENTS_OUTPUT An "Existing" Pub/Sub Topic to which the deployed function will be publishing events. string "fleetevents-fn-output" no


Name Description
function defails of function deployed
logging_config details of logging config