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Managing larger runners
Manage larger runners
You can configure {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s for your organization or enterprise.
{% data reusables.actions.larger-runner-permissions %}<br><br> Enterprise or organization owners can manage larger runners.{% ifversion custom-org-roles %} Users with the "Manage organization runners and runner groups" permission can manage larger runners at the organization level.{% endif %}

{% note %}


  • {% data %}
  • ARM-powered runners are currently in beta and are subject to change.

{% endnote %}

{% ifversion ghec %}

Adding a {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %} to an enterprise

Enterprise owners can add {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s to an enterprise and assign them to organizations. By default, when a {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %} is created for an enterprise, it is added to a default runner group that all organizations in the enterprise have access to. While all organizations are granted access to the runner, the repositories in each organization are not granted access. For each organization, an organization owner must configure the runner group to specify which repositories have access to the enterprise runner. For more information, see "Allowing repositories to access {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s."

{% data reusables.actions.add-hosted-runner-overview %}

{% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.access-enterprise %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.policies-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-runners-tab %} {% data reusables.actions.add-hosted-runner %} {% data %}

{% endif %}

Adding a {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %} to an organization

Organization owners{% ifversion custom-org-roles %} and users with the "Manage organization runners and runner groups" permission{% endif %} can add a {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %} to an organization control which repositories can use it. When you create a new runner for an organization, by default, all repositories in the organization have access to the runner. To limit which repositories can use the runner, assign it to a runner group with access to specific repositories. For more information, see "Allowing repositories to access larger runners."

{% data reusables.actions.add-hosted-runner-overview %}

{% data reusables.organizations.navigate-to-org %} {% data reusables.organizations.org_settings %} {% data reusables.organizations.settings-sidebar-actions-runners %} {% data reusables.actions.add-hosted-runner %}

  1. To allow repositories to access your {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s, add them to the list of repositories that can use it. For more information, see "Allowing repositories to access {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s."

Allowing repositories to access {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s

Repositories are granted access to {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s through runner groups. Enterprise administrators can choose which organizations are granted access to enterprise-level runner groups, and organization owners{% ifversion custom-org-roles %} and users with the "Manage organization runners and runner groups" permission{% endif %} control repository-level access to all {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s.

Organization owners can use and configure enterprise-level runner groups for the repositories in their organization, or they can create organization-level runner groups to control access.{% ifversion custom-org-roles %} Users with the "Manage organization runners and runner groups" can only manage organization-level runner groups. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."{% endif %}

  • For enterprise-level runner groups: {% data reusables.actions.about-enterprise-level-runner-groups %}
  • For organization-level runner groups: {% data reusables.actions.about-organization-level-runner-groups %}

Once a repository has access to {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s, the {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s can be added to workflow files. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

{% data reusables.actions.runner-groups-org-navigation %}

  1. Select a runner group from either list on the page. Organization-level runner groups are listed at the top of the page, and enterprise-level runner groups are listed under "Shared by the Enterprise."
  2. On the runner group page, under "Repository access," select All repositories or Selected repositories. If you choose to grant access to specific repositories, click {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Settings gear" %}, then select the repositories you would like to grant access to from the list.

{% warning %}


{% data reusables.actions.hosted-runner-security %}

For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."

{% endwarning %}

Changing the name of a {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}

{% data reusables.actions.larger-runner-name-note %}

{% ifversion ghec %} You can edit the name of your {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s.

Changing the name of an organization runner

{% endif %}

{% data reusables.organizations.navigate-to-org %} {% data reusables.organizations.org_settings %} {% data reusables.organizations.settings-sidebar-actions-runners %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions.rename-larger-runner %}

{% ifversion ghec %}

Changing the name of an enterprise runner

{% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.access-enterprise %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.policies-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-runners-tab %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions.rename-larger-runner %} {% endif %}

Configuring autoscaling for {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s

You can control the maximum number of jobs allowed to run concurrently for specific runner sets. Setting this field to a higher value can help prevent workflows being blocked due to parallelism.

{% ifversion ghec %}

Configuring autoscaling for an organization runner

{% endif %}

{% data reusables.organizations.navigate-to-org %} {% data reusables.organizations.org_settings %} {% data reusables.organizations.settings-sidebar-actions-runners %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions.configure-autoscaling-for-larger-runners %}

{% ifversion ghec %}

Configuring autoscaling for an enterprise runner

{% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.access-enterprise %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.policies-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-runners-tab %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions.configure-autoscaling-for-larger-runners %} {% endif %}

Creating static IP addresses for {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s

{% note %}

Note: To use static IP addresses, your organization must use {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_cloud %}. {% data %}

{% endnote %}

You can enable static IP addresses for {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s. When you do this, the {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s are assigned static IP address ranges. By default, you can configure up to 10 different {% data variables.actions.hosted_runner %}s with IP ranges for your account. {% data reusables.actions.larger-runner-static-ip-contact-support %}

The number of available IP addresses in the assigned ranges does not restrict number of concurrent jobs specified for autoscaling. Within a runner pool, there is a load balancer which allows for high reuse of the IP addresses in the assigned ranges. This ensures your workflows can run concurrently at scale while each machine is assigned a static IP address.

{% ifversion ghec %}

Creating static IP addresses for organization runners

{% endif %}

{% data reusables.organizations.navigate-to-org %} {% data reusables.organizations.org_settings %} {% data reusables.organizations.settings-sidebar-actions-runners %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions..networking-for-larger-runners %}

{% ifversion ghec %}

Creating static IP addresses for enterprise runners

{% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.access-enterprise %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.policies-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-tab %} {% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.actions-runners-tab %} {% data %} {% data reusables.actions..networking-for-larger-runners %} {% endif %}