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Release notes


Released 25 July 2024.

For players:

  • The tooltip scrolling feature will now try not to lock up other UI scrolling, unless you hold the tooltip up for a while without interaction.

For developers:

  • Added IsShowingShips and PreviewingShip APIs to Nickel.Essentials.
  • Added EnglishFallbackLocalizationProvider and MissingPlaceholderNonBoundLocalizationProvider implementations.
  • Fixed JsonLocalizationProvider returning comments as strings.


Released 24 July 2024.

For players:

  • Added a new ship selector to the new run screen.
  • Long tooltips are now scrollable with a mouse scroll wheel or the controller right thumbstick.
  • Fixed complex card trait situations resulting in wrong states (fixes Natasha's Dark Web Data artifact).
  • The game will no longer crash when trying to display a run summary containing cards or artifacts that are not currently loaded.


Released 18 July 2024.

For players:

  • Toned down on one optimization, fixing a crash when playing any card with specific mods installed together.


Released 17 July 2024.

For players:

  • Updated for Cobalt Core 1.1.2.
  • General optimizations.

For developers:

  • Artifact.ReplaceSpawnedThing is now hookable.
  • Added ModUtilities.Harmony, ModUtilities.DelayedHarmony and ModUtilities.ApplyDelayedHarmonyPatches(). Using DelayedHarmony should be preferred if possible - it improves patching performance the more mods use it.


Released 14 July 2024.

For players:

  • Nickel.UpdateChecks now advertises itself as just "Nickel" whenever there is an update.
  • Updated the Pintail library, fixing a problem with some mods not working if Debug was disabled (the default).

For developers:

  • Added StatusConfiguration.ShouldFlash.
  • Mods can now access the IProxyManager used by Nickel for proxying purposes via IModUtilities.ProxyManager.
  • Updated the Pintail library. It now validates whether a type can be proxied before defining a proxy type, preventing an exception being thrown when GetTypes() was called on the assembly containing the proxy types.


Released 12 July 2024.

  • Potentially fixed Nickel not being able to find the game files with some Steam Deck / Linux / Proton setups.


Released 8 July 2024.

For players:

  • [#91] Split the Debug setting into two.

For developers:

  • [#92] Fixed artifact hooks losing access to captured variables, seemingly accessing garbage memory.


Released 4 July 2024.

For players:

  • Fixed mod setting navigation issues on controllers.
  • Fixed a mod setting visual issue on the Profile setting submenu.


Released 3 July 2024.

For players:

  • The pre-installed Essentials mod is now renamed to Nickel.Essentials. Be sure to remove the old Essentials folder when updating Nickel.
  • Changed the default path where mod saves are stored from the Nickel's folder to the user's application data folder (%AppData%\CobaltCore\Nickel\Saves). You will have to re-import your save files, or move the files manually.
  • Nickel now lets you resize its window.
  • Improved mod load times.
  • Added Nickel.ModSettings, creating a common interface for all mods to add their settings to.
  • Added various settings for all Nickel modules.
  • Update checks now remind you to set them up properly, and when your API key / token gets revoked or expires.
  • Update checks now happen much earlier and even for mods which failed to load.
  • The game no longer proposes memories which don't exist (for modded characters).
  • The Memories menu now highlights the arrow buttons if you have any unlocked but not yet seen memories scrolled away.
  • Mod descriptions now also show up for enemy characters (as long as they are added by the Nickel API).
  • Nickel now ignores mods in ZIP files, if they also exist extracted.
  • Nickel now sanitizes any file system paths it logs, by replacing full user home paths with just ~.
  • Nickel now has a different error log message when a mod cannot be loaded due to a missing dependency at a specific version (as compared to missing altogether).
  • Fixed Nickel crashing when starting the game in a non-English language or when switching to one.
  • Fixed starter deck preview sometimes showing up an extra Basic Shot on Normal difficulty, even though Hard+ was selected.
  • Fixed card Codex deck filters sometimes not being properly scrollable, and weirdly jumping visually.
  • Fixed controller support for the Save Import menu.

For developers:

  • Nickel now has full XML documentation for all public members.
  • Added APIs for storing mod settings in a common place.
  • Added APIs for copying all mod data from one object to another.
  • Added APIs for registering non-playable characters (enemies or story characters).
  • Added an API to register dynamic sprites.
  • Added a way for mods to get a list of all resolved mods (including ones which may not have been loaded, for various reasons).
  • Added additional APIs for obtaining new collision-free enum case values.
  • Added an event mods can subscribe to to get informed about the game closing, either normally or via an exception being thrown.
  • Added AwaitApi and AwaitApiOrNull methods, which wait until a mod is loaded before returning the API (unlike GetApi).
  • Split IModCards.OnGetVolatileCardTraitOverrides into OnGetDynamicInnateCardTraitOverrides and OnGetFinalDynamicCardTraitOverrides. These can now also affect vanilla card traits.
  • Actually implemented part-type-exclusive artifacts (these used to do nothing).
  • [ModBuildConfig 1.0.0] Legacy mods can now use .NET 8 and interact with Nickel directly via a new INickelManifest interface.


Released 15 May 2024.

  • Added update checks for installed mods.
  • Fixed Nickel.Legacy not generating nickel.json files for mods after the latest changes.


Nickel.ModBuildConfig is also updated to 0.12.0.

  • ModBuildConfig now validates the Version in the nickel.json file against the provided ModVersion property (defaulting to Version).


Released 13 May 2024.

  • Additional improvements to the save recovering mechanism.


Released 11 May 2024.

  • Replaced the current save recovering mechanism with a new one. If a save cannot be loaded, Nickel will attempt to return you to the "new run" menu, keeping other progress. If that fails, it will forcefully reset the save, while trying to keep the progress.
  • Added an option to import vanilla saves into Nickel straight from the Profile Select menu.
  • Added additional indicators for the current pile the card is in when browsing cards with CardBrowse.
  • Added enemy support for mods.
  • Fixed character starter artifacts showing up in various unexpected menus like the Codex Logbook.
  • Improved/fixed assembly sharing between mods.
  • Additional caching for card traits.


Nickel.ModBuildConfig is also updated to 0.11.0.

  • Legacy mods' CobaltCore.dll is also publicized now.


Released 27 April 2024.

  • Fixed card traits being half of the time active, half of the time not.


Released 27 April 2024.

  • Added an API to add "volatile" card trait overrides - overrides, which act as if they were innate card traits, but which can actually depend on other traits, including other overrides.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur within the new card trait system.
  • Fixed EXE blacklist checkbox appearing on run summary if CAT is currently selected for a new run.
  • Fixed Codex filter buttons using Spr directly, breaking on various game versions.
  • Fixed modded ship part behavior for legacy mods, causing some of their ships to become invisible.


Released 23 April 2024.

  • Essentials: Added More Difficulties alt starters indicators.
  • Essentials: Added an option to disable a given EXE card from the starter pool.
  • Essentials: Added a starter deck card preview.
  • Essentials: Added a character starter artifact preview.
  • Essentials: Fixed Isaac unlock condition.
  • Added character lookup to IModCharacters.
  • Card trait icon and tooltip callbacks' Card parameter is now nullable.
  • Fixed card traits rendering at wrong spots, sometimes not appearing at all.
  • Improved "missing string" text.


Released 18 April 2024.

  • Playable characters and ships are now sorted by their mod's UniqueName.
  • Fixed a crash when serializing some API proxied types, again.
  • Fixed a crash when multiple mods registered for the same artifact hook with different arguments.


Released 15 April 2024.

  • Fixed temporary card traits being so temporary, that they disappear before the cards get to be removed from the deck.


Released 14 April 2024.

  • Updated the Shrike.Harmony library to 3.1.1, fixing an error in Essentials.


Released 14 April 2024.

  • Updated the Shrike and Shrike.Harmony libraries to 3.1.0.
  • Added support for custom card traits.
  • Added GlossaryTooltip to be used by mods, which mimicks vanilla TTGlossary, but accepts any content.
  • Fixed a crash when serializing some API proxied types.
  • Fixed re-registered cards counting twice for codex, preventing full completion.
  • Improved Nickel.ModBuildConfig NuGet package, which should hopefully fix any issues with extracting the CobaltCore.dll file from the CobaltCore.exe file provided by the game.


Released 10 February 2024.

  • Added Nickel::OnAfterGameAssemblyPhaseFinished and Nickel::OnAfterDbInitPhaseFinished events for legacy mods' event hubs.
  • The Crystallized Friend event now grants the selected character's starter artifacts.
  • Fixed Steam achievements not working.
  • Fixed registering artifact hooks in the AfterGameAssembly phase throwing exceptions.
  • Fixed legacy mods using EventHub each having their own hub, instead of a shared one.
  • Deprecated CharacterConfiguration.StarterCardTypes and CharacterConfiguration.StarterArtifactTypes in favor of CharacterConfiguration.Starters.


Released 8 February 2024.

  • Added a --vanilla commandline flag, mostly for Thunderstore integration.


Released 3 February 2024.

  • Nickel is now high-DPI aware - it should scale the same way vanilla does. Keep in mind this can make the debug menu very tiny on high resolution screens. If needed, this can be addressed in a future update.
  • Added sprite lookup to IModSprites.
  • Essentials: General card codex filtering improvements (including performance).
  • Fixed some IFileInfo/IDirectoryInfo path relativity issues.
  • Fixed non-void artifact hooks crashing when registered.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience ™️.


Released 27 January 2024.

  • Added support for registering EXE cards for new playable characters.
  • Improved mod error handling - Nickel should no longer completely fail when a mod fails to load - the mod will be skipped instead.
  • Nickel and Nickel.Legacy now validate assembly versions against data provided in nickel.json files and will log a warning on mismatch.


Released 22 January 2024.

  • Added an experimental legacy mod change, calling BootMod during Mod instance construction. This should allow using mod APIs properly when the dependencies are set correctly, but has the potential to break if mods didn't use GetApi right.
  • Fixed artifact hooks possibly being called on the same mod multiple times, instead of each mod once.
  • Fixed ModData deserialization of non-primitive types.


Released 20 January 2024.

  • The Essentials mod now adds deck filtering in the card codex menu.
  • Updated the Pintail library to 2.4.2, which fixes even more issues with proxying default interface method implementations.


Released 20 January 2024.

  • Updated the Pintail library to 2.4.1, which fixes issues with proxying default interface method implementations.
  • Fixed console logs not being colored on some terminals.


Released 18 January 2024.

  • Nickel now has an icon!
  • Initializing Steam even in debug mode.
  • Essentials: Controller support for crew selection.
  • Essentials: Memories screen is now scrollable, and also supports controllers.
  • Cards and artifacts no longer register themselves as their Type.Name, so they can no longer conflict. This however means that codexes will have to be filled in again.
  • Added a ModData system (akin to Kokoro's ExtensionData).
  • Added a LOT more logs.
  • Various bugfixes.


Nickel.ModBuildConfig is also updated to 0.4.0.


Released 14 January 2024.

  • Added auto-generation of nickel.json files for legacy mods.
  • Added automatic creation of "Character is missing" statuses.
  • Added some basic save file fallbacks when removing modded content.
  • Changed the preferred ModType to Nickel instead of Nickel.Assembly - Nickel will still load both for now though.
  • Some small public API changes and new overloads.
  • Various bugfixes.


Released 10 January 2024.

  • Essentials: Added mod source tooltips -- enable these by holding Alt.
  • Added a way to lookup modded content by their unique name.
  • Publicizing the CobaltCore.dll assembly.
  • Added missing reference to the OneOf library in ModBuildConfig.
  • Fixed not reusing assemblies provided by the game.
  • Fixed the AfterDbInit phase actually being too late.
  • Fixed character serialization.
  • Fixed hookable artifacts showing up on run summary screen.


Released 9 January 2024.

  • Initial alpha release.