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Enhance your pull request workflow: Copilot pull request text completion now in beta

Copilot text completion for pull request descriptions is now available to all Copilot Enterprise customers. After typing just a few characters, Copilot will suggest completions to finish your sentences, leveraging the context of the PR and linked issues to ensure highly accurate and relevant suggestions.

This feature is currently in beta. An enterprise or organization admin must enable beta features using the “Opt in to preview features” Copilot policy to access text completion.

animation of getting Copilot help writing a pull request description

How to enable text completion for your Enterprise

An enterprise admin can enable beta features using the Copilot policy.

screen grab of enterprise policy for enabling preview Copilot Enterprise features

For more information about policies for Copilot Enterprise, see the documentation.

Users can control the feature

This feature is on by default if you have a Copilot Enterprise seat and your organization has the “Opt in to preview features” policy enabled. Additionally, individual users have the ability to easily disable and reenable completions based on their personal preferences.

screen grab of user controlling text completion using the copilot menu in the pull request description

Learn more

To learn more, check the documentation for Copilot pull request text completion. This beta feature is subject to GitHub’s preview terms.

As always, we welcome any feedback on Copilot Enterprise in the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Secret scanning now helps you more easily define custom patterns with GitHub Copilot.

Generally available as of today, you can now leverage AI to generate custom patterns without expert knowledge of regular expressions.

Generate a secret scanning custom pattern with AI

What’s changing?

Defining custom patterns is now simpler and more efficient. You can leverage AI to generate patterns via text input — without expert knowledge in regular expressions.

With secret scanning, you can create your own custom detectors by using custom patterns. Formatted as regular expressions, these custom patterns can be challenging to write. Secret scanning now supports a pattern generator backed by GitHub Copilot in order to generate regular expressions that match your input.

How do I use the regular expression generator?

When defining a custom pattern, you can select “generate with AI” in order to launch the regular expression generator.

The model returns up to three regular expressions for you to review. You can click on the regular expression to get an AI-generated plain language description of the regular expression. You should still review this input and carefully validate performance of results by performing a dry run across your organization or repository.

Who can use the regular expression generator?

All GitHub Advanced Security customers on GitHub Enterprise Cloud can use the regular expression generator today. Anyone able to define custom patterns is able to use the regular expression generator (e.g. any admin at the repository, organization, or enterprise levels). You do not need a GitHub Copilot license to use the regular expression generator.

Learn more about the regular expression generator or how to define your own custom patterns.

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GitHub Copilot Enterprise subscribers in Visual Studio can now use Copilot Chat to get answers enriched with context from Copilot knowledge bases. To try out this functionality, you’ll need to be running Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 3 or later.

You can access a knowledge base from any Copilot Chat conversation by typing @github, pressing the # key, selecting a knowledge base from the autocomplete, and then entering your question. Copilot will respond, using the Markdown documentation in your knowledge base as context for its answer.

For more details, check out the docs for Copilot Chat in Visual Studio. To try Copilot Chat yourself, download the extension.

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In June, we released a number of improvements to the GitHub Mobile apps, mostly focusing on accessibility and enhancing existing features.


  • You can now navigate to GitHub URLs by pasting them into the search bar on the Home tab. This makes it easier to quickly access repositories, issues, and pull requests from the app.
  • You can hide disruptive comments within GitHub discussions, and have added syntax highlighting for Haskell code snippets.
  • Addressed memory leaks when viewing changed pull request files and pinned repositories on user profiles.
  • Enabled opening draft releases without a tag directly within the app.
  • Displayed line counts next to long file names in pull request files changes navigation.
  • Aligned placeholders in comment views to the inputted text.
  • Improved keyboard navigation in the Explore feed to open selected repositories within the app instead of a web browser.
  • Aligned the account selection chevron next to the username in the Profile for accounts without a display name.
  • Scaled the current account login and display name with Dynamic Type on iPad.
  • Enhanced usability by opening the context menu on the first tap of the context button on comments.
  • Resolved issues causing crashes when viewing GIFs within repository source code.
  • Wrapped long URLs in repository profiles onto multiple lines for better readability.
  • Improved VoiceOver functionality by announcing no search results when searching for favorite repositories.
  • Made project single-select field pickers appear as buttons for assistive technologies.
  • Scaled usernames and repository names within headers in profile views with Dynamic Type.
  • Displayed the review author’s name for dismissed review events in the timeline.
  • Enabled expanding or collapsing security vulnerability reference details using VoiceOver within Copilot Chat code blocks.
  • Implemented an error message display when Copilot chat fails to generate a message.
  • Improved accessibility by announcing the role of reason selectors when sending feedback about a Copilot response.
  • Implemented a flash scroll bar indicator for Copilot suggested messages at large font sizes.


  • Updated the name input dialog in the new file creation flow to alert users when attempting to use unsupported recursive paths.
  • Resolved issue where in-app language preferences were not applied to all sections in the issue or pull request screens.
  • Fixed commit id mismatch after updating a branch in pull request screen.
  • Fixed the accessibility role for comment author badges.
  • Improved color contrast and TalkBack in Home and Repository screens.
  • Improved keyboard shortcuts in Projects and Repository screens.
  • Improved keyboard navigation in the Profile screen.
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June CE Changelog

Another month, and another exciting set of updates for Copilot Enterprise. Let’s dig in:

Copilot Chat in can now answer questions about your pull requests, discussions, and files.

Catch up on Pull Requests: Copilot can answer questions about a Pull Request and give you an overview of the changes the Pull Request introduces. To learn more, see “Asking questions about a specific pull request” in the GitHub docs.
Try it yourself: Navigate to a Pull Request on, and ask Copilot to Tell me about this Pull Request

Get more out of Discussions Copilot can help you get up to speed quickly by summarizing discussions and discussion comments. In addition, Copilot can identify themes in the discussion and commentary made by different participants aiding you in catching up on context seamlessly. To learn more, see “Asking a question about a specific issue or discussion” in the GitHub docs.
Try it yourself: Navigate to a discussion on, and ask Copilot to Summarize this discussion

Ask about Files and learn about recent changes: Copilot can now tell you about a file or retrieve the most recent changes in the file on any branch. Ask Copilot to tell you what has changed in a file to gain a deeper understanding into your codebase and what’s changing in it. To learn more, see “File details skill” in the GitHub docs.
Try it yourself: Navigate to a file on, and ask Copilot to What's changed in this file recently?

Copilot Enterprise features are now available in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio

As announced earlier this month, Copilot Enterprise features are now available in Visual Studio Code and in Visual Studio for the first time. (For Visual Studio, you’ll need to be running Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 2 or later.)

Chat with the context of the web in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio: GitHub Copilot can now search Bing to find information outside of its general knowledge or your codebase. Just mention @GitHub, and Copilot will intelligently decide when to use Bing. Bing search is only available if enabled by an administrator – for more details, see “Enabling GitHub Copilot Enterprise features”.

Get answers from across your entire codebase in Visual Studio: Copilot Chat can now answer questions with understanding of your full repository, not just the tabs you have open. Index your repository on, and then ask a question mentioning @GitHub. You can ask questions like @GitHub Where is device detection implemented?.

Access your Copilot knowledge bases in Visual Studio Code: You can now access your knowledge bases from any Copilot Chat conversation by typing @GitHub #kb, selecting a knowledge base from the list, and then entering your question. Copilot will respond, using the Markdown documentation in your knowledge base as context for its answer.

As always, we welcome any feedback on Copilot Enterprise in the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Since the initial beta release of the Copilot User Management API, we’ve heard feedback that obtaining the full set of Copilot seats and their associated activity status has been cumbersome. Many enterprise admins did not have the necessary “write” permissions and needed to iterate over multiple organizations’ data due to the lack of an enterprise endpoint.

With today’s update, we’ve added a centralized enterprise endpoint for listing Copilot seats and associated metadata across the enterprise. We have also updated the necessary scope to read:enterprise. Now, all enterprise admins can quickly gather their enterprise’s Copilot seats details with just one API request!

Likewise, for existing, non-destructive endpoints on the User Management API, we have updated all minimum permission requirements to read from write.

Check out our updated documentation to learn more and try it out today! You can share your feedback with us in this discussion.

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GitHub Copilot Enterprise users in Visual Studio Code can now get answers from Copilot Chat enriched with context from Copilot knowledge bases and Bing search results.

To get started, make sure you’re running the latest release of the GitHub Copilot Chat extension for VS Code, and then check out the docs.

Access your Copilot knowledge bases

You can now access your knowledge bases from any Copilot Chat conversation in VS Code by typing @github #kb, selecting a knowledge base from the list, and then entering your question.

Copilot will respond, using the Markdown documentation in your knowledge base as context for its answer. This allows Copilot Enterprise users to combine search results and internal documentation with editor context using existing chat variables like #file and #selection.

Search with the context of the web

GitHub Copilot can now search Bing within chat conversations in VS Code to answer questions and find information outside of its general knowledge or your codebase.

To get answers enriched with Bing search results, start your message with @github. Copilot will intelligently decide when to use Bing – or you can ask it to run a search by adding #web to your query. You can ask questions like @github What is the latest LTS version of Node.js?.

Bing search is only available if enabled by an administrator – for more details, see “Enabling GitHub Copilot Enterprise features”.

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GitHub Copilot Enterprise subscribers in Visual Studio can now use Copilot Chat to get answers enriched with context from their entire repository (not just open tabs!) and Bing search results.

To try out this functionality, install Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 2, and then check out the docs.

Get answers from across your entire codebase

Copilot Chat can now answer questions with understanding of your full repository, not just the tabs you have open. Index your repository on, and then ask a question mentioning @github. You can ask questions like @github Where is device detection implemented?.

Search with the context of the web

GitHub Copilot can now search Bing to find information outside of its general knowledge or your codebase. When you mention @github, Copilot will intelligently decide when to use Bing. You can ask questions like @github What are the breaking changes in Next.js v14?.

Bing search is only available if enabled by an administrator – for more details, see “Enabling GitHub Copilot Enterprise features”.

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We are excited to announce that compliance reports are now available for GitHub Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise. Specifically, GitHub has published a SOC 2 Type I report for Copilot Business (including code completion in the IDE, and chat in the IDE, CLI, and Mobile). This Type 1 report demonstrates that Copilot Business has the controls in place necessary to protect the security of the service. We will include Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise in our next SOC 2 Type 2 report coming in late 2024, covering April 1 to September 30, 2024.

Additionally, Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise are now included in the scope of GitHub’s Information Security Management System, as reflected in our ISO 27001 certificate updated on May 9, 2024. This certification demonstrates that Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise are developed and operated using the same security processes and standards as the rest of GitHub’s products.

Together, these reports reflect GitHub’s commitment to demonstrate our high bar for security and compliance to our customers. To learn more, please review our documentation on how to access compliance reports and certifications for your enterprise or for your organization.

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We’re excited to introduce a wave of updates this May 🌟 in GitHub Copilot Enterprise!

Copilot Chat in has leveled up 🔋. It can now summarize and answer questions about your repositories, releases, commits and more.

  • Learn about repositories: Copilot can answer questions about a repository or compare repositories based on its owner, description, stars & forks count, and various timestamps. To learn more, see “Asking exploratory questions about a repository” in the GitHub docs.
  • Try it yourself: Navigate to a repository on, and ask Copilot to Tell me about this repo
  • Ask about releases: Copilot can now tell you about a release or retrieve the most recent release in a repository. Ask Copilot to summarize the latest release from your favorite open source projects and use Copilot to dig into issues or changes tied to the release notes. To learn more, see “Asking exploratory questions about a repository” in the GitHub docs.

  • Try it yourself: Navigate to an open source repository on, and ask Copilot to Tell me about the latest release

  • Understand changes happening in your codebase: Copilot can now list changes (commits) related to a pull request and dig into specific commits if you need to understand a change in detail. To learn more, see “Asking a question about a specific commit” in the GitHub docs.

  • Try it yourself: Navigate to a commit on, and ask Copilot to Summarize the changes in this commit

Don’t know where to begin? Copilot Chat on now makes suggestions when you open a new conversation based on where you are. Whether you’re summarizing issues, creating unit tests, or discovering what Copilot can do, Chat already knows your GitHub context and what you might be trying to achieve.

With these latest updates for Copilot Enterprise, it’s now easier for you to get up to speed on your repos, their releases and latest changes faster and more seamlessly. You can learn more in our docs.

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GitHub Copilot Extensions Limited Beta announcement

GitHub Copilot Extensions is now in Limited Public Beta. With extensions, you can now extend the capabilities of GitHub Copilot Chat and enhance the experience to perform a wide range of actions across third-party tools, services, and data. Create feature flags, check log errors, access API documentation, and even deploy your application to the cloud all through natural language.

We’re starting with GitHub Copilot Extensions from DataStax, Docker, Lambda Test, LaunchDarkly, McKinsey & Company, Octopus Deploy, Pangea, Pinecone, Product Science, ReadMe, Sentry, and Teams Toolkit on the GitHub Marketplace. In the coming weeks, all users will be able to access extensions from Stripe, MongoDB, and Microsoft (including Teams Toolkit and Office) on Visual Studio Marketplace for VS Code as well.

Sixteen GitHub Copilot Extensions from GitHub Copilot partners laid out as grid of tiles

Currently, access to Copilot Extensions is limited to a small set of users and we are planning to gradually roll out larger-scale access as we learn more & gather feedback. To learn more about Copilot Extensions and how to use them, check out the documentation and the GitHub Marketplace.

If you’re looking to build a GitHub Copilot Extension, there are several ways. Join the Copilot Partner Program to explore opportunities to bring your developer tools and services into the GitHub Copilot ecosystem and have extensions light up across all supported clients (VS Code, Visual Studio, and If you’re looking to build a VS Code extension specifically, documentation is available here.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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We’ve updated how we calculate Last Activity to give you better clarity and are pausing access to the Team endpoint in the Metrics API.

Updating the Last Activity calculation

Ahead of the GitHub Copilot Metrics API launch, we made an update to how we calculate Last Activity in order to provide more useful information for admins. Previously, this data point indicated the last time a user generated a Copilot authentication token, which happened automatically if the user’s editor was active. This did not mean the user was engaging with Copilot but rather, the extension was ensuring it could provide completions or chat access if needed.

To align this data point with actual usage, we updated our system to grab the most recent instance where the user deliberately engaged with the Copilot system. These actions include but are not limited to:
– Code completion suggestions show
– Chatting with Copilot Chat in IDEs
– Creating or updating a knowledge base
– Creating a pull request summary
– Interacting with Copilot on

As part of this update, we also needed to perform system cleanup on the vast amount of previous token generated events that were no longer relevant to providing this data point. Some data was erroneously removed but has since been restored.

The Last Activity date should be consistent across the CSV generated via Get Report in Copilot Access settings as well as through the Seats Management API.

Pausing access to Team slicing in the GitHub Copilot Metrics API.

Based on trends in feedback, the product team has learned that the Teams route of the Metrics API returns data that is not meeting the goals of our intended customer experience. In light, they have made the decision to temporarily pull the Teams route from production as of May 9th, 2024. During this time, the team will implement a collection of fixes intended to improve end users’ data experience and plan to re-enable the route by the end of June, at latest.

We understand this may be disappointing but the team is working to restore access as soon as possible. You can provide feedback and follow along for updates via this Discussion.

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GitHub Copilot Enterprise banner

Another month means more exciting updates to GitHub Copilot Enterprise! 📆 Check out what’s new below:

  • Ask Copilot Chat in to summarize and answer questions about specific issues: Copilot can read an issue and answer questions based on its title, author, status, body, linked pull requests, comments, and timestamps. To learn more, see “Asking a question about a specific issue” in the GitHub Docs.
    • Try it yourself: Navigate to an issue on, and ask Copilot to Summarize this issue
  • Stop Copilot Chat in mid-response with the “Stop” button: If your question wasn’t quite right, you’ve already got your answer, or Copilot isn’t heading in the right direction, you can now stop Copilot mid-response with the “Stop” button, like you can in your IDE.

Got feedback on any of these updates or Copilot Enterprise more generally? Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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