Simplified dependabot.yml configuration with multi-directory key (directories) and wildcard / glob (*) support

Dependabot version updates requires developers to configure and check in a dependabot.yml file. In the past, it was challenging for administrators to configure a dependabot.yml that works for all repositories without per-repo customization. With this change, you can now specify multiple directories of dependency manifests using the directories key. Directories can be configured with wildcards or globbing to make targeting easier as well. This will simplify the process of creating configurations and allow greater flexibility for developers who wish to customize their behavior.

To learn more, visit our dependabot.yml configuration documentation for the directories key.

Developers can now run their Actions workflows using Ubuntu 24.04 on the GitHub-Hosted arm64 runners that are currently in public beta.
To get started using Ubuntu 24.04, create an arm64 runner in your organization/enterprise, and select the “Ubuntu 24.04 by Arm Limited” partner image. Then update the runs-on syntax in your GitHub Actions workflow file to match that runner name. To learn more about how to set-up arm64 hosted runners, you can check out the documentation.

This new image is provided by Arm and is not maintained by GitHub. If you spot any issues with your workflows when using Ubuntu 24.04, or if you have feedback on the software installed on the image, you can provide feedback in the partner-runner-images repository.

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