Custom Organization Roles are now GA

Organization owners can now create and assign custom organization roles, which grant members and teams specific sets of privileges within the organization. Like custom repository roles, organization roles are made up of one or more fine-grained permissions, such as “read audit logs” or “manage repository rulesets”, and apply to the organization itself rather than the repository. This feature is available in all Enterprise Cloud organizations and will come to GitHub Enterprise Server by version 3.13.

A screenshot of the role creation page, with a new role called "Auditor" that grants access to just the audit log permission.

Today, organization custom roles supports 10 permissions:

Roles can be assigned by an organization owner only, to prevent accidental escalation of privileges, and can be assigned to users and teams. Multiple organization roles can be assigned directly to a user or team. Users and teams inherit roles from the teams they are a part of.

A screenshot showing a user that's assigned to two different roles.

More organization permissions will be built over time, similar to how repository permissions were added as well. If you have a specific permission you’d like to see added please get in touch with your account team or let us know in the discussion below. Everything you can see in the organization settings menu is an option, and we’ll be working with teams across GitHub to get those permissions created.

To learn more about custom organization roles, see “About custom organization roles“, and for the REST APIs to manage and assign these roles programmatically see “Organization roles“. For feedback and suggestions for organization permissions, please join the discussion within GitHub Community.

The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 release candidate is here

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 gives customers more visibility of their instance. Here are some highlights:

  • Code scanning's default setup now does even more to protect your code, by performing scans on a weekly scheudule (in addition to scanning pushes and pull requests) and allowing you to include Swift in your analysis.
  • View repository history using the new Activity view, to see repository activity like pushes, merges, force pushes, tag changes, and branch changes, and associate them with commits and users.
  • The value of secret scanning is now much more clear thanks to push protection metrics that are available in an organization's security overview pages.
  • A GitHub CLI extension for the Manage GitHub Enterprise Server API allows customers to interact with their GitHub Enterprise Server instance via the gh command-line interface.

Release Candidates are a way for you to try the latest features early, and they help us gather feedback to
ensure the release works in your environment. They should be tested on non-production environments.
Read more about the release candidate process.

Read more about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 in the release notes,
or download the release candidate now.
If you have any feedback or questions, please contact our Support team.

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We're simplifying how Dependabot operates! Previously, if Dependabot encountered errors in its last run, it would automatically re-run the job when there were changes in the package manifest (like adding or changing dependencies). This often led to Dependabot running more than needed and creating unscheduled pull requests. To streamline the process and stick to the schedules you set, this automated re-run feature is being deprecated.

Dependabot will still run jobs according to your schedule, and you'll have the option to manually trigger jobs whenever necessary.

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