Important update

Online Participants: Connection details for viewing live talks will be shared in the conference slack workspace. Registered participants have received a slack invitation by email.

Physical Participants: The SOC and LOC require that all those travelling to Leuven abide by all laws and guidelines for hygiene and safety.

conference picture


Asteroseismology is a young and rapidly developing field in stellar astrophysics. It enables efficient probes of stellar interiors and provides critical input to many fields in contemporary astrophysics. Being very sensitive to the total time span and precision of individual stellar brightness measurements, observational asteroseismology has experienced significant boosts with the launch of space-missions such as CoRoT, Kepler/K2, and TESS. The interior macro- and micro-physics are now being probed with unprecedented precision for isolated stars, as well as stellar populations across the entire HR diagram. Powerful synergies between asteroseismology and the fields of binary stars, exoplanets, stellar clusters, and galactic archeology are emerging fast. In this collaboration focussed workshop, we aim to place asteroseismology in a wider context, reach out to other fields in astrophysics, and focus on the synergies of joint exploitation of large-scale space- and ground-based surveys. Now more than 10 years since the seminal workshop at Aarhus University, Denmark, where Kepler asteroseismology was put into practice for the first time, space missions have opened a new horizon for observational asteroseismology as we know it today. This workshop will highlight the ongoing successes emerging from the full-sky, double-hemisphere TESS data exploration, and place a strong focus on the synergy with complementary large-scale surveys. The workshop will take place from 11-15 July 2022 at KU Leuven, Belgium - one of the most active asteroseismic centres in Europe - and the scientific programme covers a broad range of research topics.

The SOC and LOC aim to create an environment of discussion and participation. This collaboration focussed workshop will include a tutorial on asteroseismology for the non-expert, dedicated time for starting new collaborations between different fields, a poster session, and formal presentations from invited and contributed speakers. In this way, we hope to maximise the time for collaboration amongst members of different fields of astronomy.

the SOC and LOC


Travel Information

The TASC6/KASC13 workshop will be held in the historical city of Leuven. Information on the venue and accommodation can be found here.

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Information on the invited speakers and the provisional scientific programme for the TASC6/KASC13 workshop can be found here.

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More information on registration fees, payment procedure, abstract submission and the corresponding deadlines can be found here.

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Important Dates

  • mid-February 2022: Registration and abstract submission opens
  • 16 May 2022: Deadline for contributed talk abstracts and financial support applications
  • 1 June 2022: Deadline for poster/pitch abstracts
  • 30 June 2022: Registration payment closes (for on-site participation)
  • 4 July 2022: Registration closes
  • 11-15 July 2022: TASC6/KASC13 workshop