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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Touchdown 3153: A Battletech AU

Hello all!

Over the past month and half or so, myself and a bunch of really extremely talented writers and Battletech nerds have been working on a collaborative fan fiction project, set in the Battletech universe.

It has grown to nearly 71,600 words as of writing this post (06/10/2024), and 24 fics posted, some of which are still WIPs!

And we’re nowhere close to finished! It would mean a lot to all of us if you would give a bit of your time and check out our stories! Even if you know nothing about Battletech, I hope there is something there to tweak your interest!

We have a collection set up to collate all the stories together (and there may be plans in the works for something even cooler down the line!)

Pinned Post battletech mechwarrior fan fiction collaborative writing collaborative fic

A parody of the "Myth of Consent" meme. A couple in bed have speech bubbles above their heads reading "I consent!". Next to them the logo of the US Coast Guard has a speech bubble reading "I don't!". Beneath them is a warning label that reads "WARNING: This is not a lifesaving device. Do not leave child unattended while device is in use". Beneath that are the words "Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?".ALT

"Surely there was a better way to convey this information" probably! That may be why I'm no longer asked to contribute to our social media page at work!

But its that season again and i want to remind everyone that just because an object is vest-shaped and floats does not make it a lifejacket. Only a Coast Guard approved PFD is tested and rated to save your life. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

A black, rectangular-shaped inflatable billing itself as a lifevestALT

This...thing pops up in searches for "child's inflatable lifejacket" and bills itself as such. But scroll down and we find an explanation:

In contrast to life vests meant to keep your head above water, our vest enables you to swim smoothly with your head in the water. It keeps you buoyant longer for a safe and enjoyable experience - without worry of surprise riptides or fatigue.

Catch that? This thing is not intended to and will not keep your head above water, the single most important thing a personal flotation device should do. What if you are in a riptide and fatigued while wearing this thing and not longer able to keep your breathing hole above the water's surface? You're shit out of luck. You drown.

Warning label from the alleged life vest. A yellow strap obscures the center of the text, making it impossible to read the message in its entiretyALT

Consumers may notice that there is a warning notice on the back, but the good people at Amazon have cleverly obscured it. We can still make out "does not protect [...] drowning". If your waterwings, floaties, or vest-shaped inflatable have a disclaimer like this then they are not rated to safe your life, your child's life, your dog's life, whatever!

By contrast, every Coast Guard approved PFD has labeling like this:

An example of a label indication the life vest is approved by the Coast Guard. Further information about the label belowALT

It will clearly say USGC approved and have an approval number. It will say WHO it is rated for (infant, child, youth, adult), the size (small, medium large), an upper weight limit, and generally what kind of recreation its approved for (near shore versus offshore etc). It will give you instructions for proper use and signs that your lifejacket is nearing the end of its utility and needs to be replaced.

Not all personal flotation devices are suited for all activities. Whitewater kayaking and deep-sea fishing need more specialized gear than a day at the lake. But you should have, at minimum, a correctly-sized, well-fitting, CG approved PFD in serviceable condition for any kind of activity on or near the water. Have it, but most importantly, wear it!!!!!

An image from the Safe Boating Campaign. An orange background with the words WEAR IT! and beneath that "Life Jackets Save LIfes". There is an image of a child made of blue water wearing an orange lifejacketALT


This explains a lot about my lack of asking for help when I clearly need it


Don't forget the fact that asking for help carries the risk of someone expressing mild disappointment in your inabilities, which will cause you to shut down for 5 to 7 working days.


[id: ADHD culture is not knowing:

-*when to ask for help b/c 'overwhelmed w/ things to do' is your normal, default state

-*how* to ask for help b/c you don't even know how to describe what needs doing, so organizing the help would be more work than just doing it yourself

-tweet by free to fic (call me foff) @/freetofic 12/1/19 9:49 am. end id]


what's so striking to me about younger queer generations rn isn't the lack of knowledge about queer history, but the complete unwillingness to engage with it, when confronted with an identity or history they haven't heard of before they react with disgust rather than curiosity. (for example) instead of asking where the leather pride flag came from and what the leather community is and represents they immediately question the need for something like that to exist, not even willing to listen and learn from both elders and peers. this is also more broadly a problem in leftist spaces in general, being reactionary is somehow the default now, and anything that's different or unknown must be an attack and bad. really hoping y'all manage to grow out of this deeply conservative way of interacting with the world.