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  1. Hi! I'm a weird sort and I obsess over spelling mistakes. I'm getting more familiar with the construction set and wanted to offer my help with proofreading.
  2. I am an high functioning, autistic, stay at home dad and I have a decent amount of free time. I would love to help anyone who wants assistance writing backstory and lore to add with their mods. I am not much of a coder or modder but writing is something I excel at. I will never ask to be credited on your work or expect any kind of reward for offering my services. This is the best way I could think of to help support all of your hard work. Marcus
  3. After many years of searching and looking through hundreds of mods i'm still struggling to find this any where The ability to write my own journal in-game like you can with the dragonborn journal but when you have finished writing it you can put it on a self (for later reading in your library) or sell it and then start a new one by means of making or buying/finding a blank book the only one i have found that was closeto this was player journal a pancake tale - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36069/? but its riddled with bugs and is heavily out dated. all other journal mods are written in-game but you cannot drop nor shelve nor sell it and start anew. if anyone has the skill to build this i'm not the only person who would appreciate it thank you for taking the time to read this
  4. Going to start posting all my writing stuff to this thread that way the forum will be less cluttered by junk 0-o Check out my main creative pages. http://zippydsmlee.deviantart.com/ https://www.patreon.com/ZippyDSMlee?ty=h -------- This is part of my Chronicles of the Lord of Power book series project, its a solid placeholder or detailed plot point to fill in later on. ============ YAY FOR ICE EARTH!! Been listening to alot of thier stuff lately got the end plot point to book 1 on my main book project. Been trying to get this out for acouple days now!(or 20ish years since I made her LOL) ========= COTLOP Adventure X(5?) Sarah placeholder World setting and setup Vanishes off the ship or wherever he was and lands on a gothic medieval world strangely like the first place but darker and more corrupted. The systems in place magic engines to control enemy and darkness spread dark disease, cast fire and light and make barriers. The forces of darkness here a demonic darkling king his forces dark wizards who riase and tend to the army of the dead. The vampire knights finish up whatever the hordes of mindless corpses and other undead creatures cannot. ================================ Main factions or villains Factions tend to broken down to common folk and guards of towns or farms. Solitary wandering warriors for hire. Bandits who steal and kill to gain power or kill time in this broken world. The faction of light has long been destroyed but the remnant gathers up forces and reduce the spreading darkness as much as it can. =========================== Main villains The dark ones are broken into 4 groups On the bottom ,mindless darkling’s that hunt and feed and spread the curse of the void. In charge of the mindless beasts and fighting the living are the warriors of decay who are rotting, parasitic vampire like creatures they manage to keep their sanity though they are nothing more than chaotic bandits that randomly work together to destroy the living.. The oath keepers mages of darkness who create both the darkling’s in the area and the warriors of decay. Above them all A Darkling King sits upon a putrid throne of decaying bodies some still living via dark magic. After a few days of wondering he came to a town fought off some bandits and got some money is now town drunk. ==================================== Main characters for this adventure Sarah a twin blade fighter, agility and speed using punches and kicks and her powerful twin sol wire daggers are her primary abilities. Magic wards and magic barriers are her secondary. She is short and polite, honorable and can be girly at times but she does not let the warriors ways take away all her femininity and elegance. (more girly than Saber from fate/stay knight) She is one of many remnant fighters. The broken guild of white hunts down the undead and darkling’s that spread darkness. ========================================= Story bits mostly notes to figure out later After a few days of wondering he came to a town fought off some bandits and got some money is now the town drunk that randomly fights of creatures of darkness. Though since alcohol dose not affect him he has to play the drunkard. Sarah(short, blonde, quick twin dagger user) checking up on the location is told about him and she checks by the well where they say he likes to nap, she gets some water out of the bucket and splashes him with it while he lays there under a blanket. Startled he gets up she moves quickly behind him and while still holding the wet blanket. She moves in with a knee to the back but he quickly throws the blanket at her without turning around himself she in an instant hits the blanket with a flying knee attack then whips up some energy to blow the blanket away while moving to a defensive stance with her arms. She looks around but does not sense him, a breeze blows and in an instant he is behind her with his back against her back with his hands the hilt of both daggers. Before she can speak.He sighs and says “Ya know I hate tests…. And morning… “ She replies with a smile “But ye seem so good at them!” He remains quite for a bit….She jumps forward and turns to face him. He then falls to his knees and pukes on the ground and gasps for breath as he wipes his mouth. She walks over and gets another bucket of water while he does not notice and he says. “I hope you are buying my breakfast that was a whole bottle!” She splashes water on him again and says laughingly. “Breakfast laddy, how discombob’d are ye? It’s time fer dinner. “ He gets up and faces her then says “ I hope “ye” paying…” She kicks him in the back of the left leg. He yelps, making her give him a funny look she shakes her head then says. “Auck come along ye fuzzy swapman, we seek people who can fight if it’s not me others will come to drag ye back with us. ” He stretches and sighs. ”Remnant right?” She looks at him and nods. He madly grin’s for moment not giving off a sense of evil or rage but frustration with tinge of sadness, he tosses the blanket over his shoulder and says. “I guess that’s what I was sent here for, time to get to work I guess.” She looks at him funnily trying to think on the words he said but as he walks by she then points at the blanket which was blown far away and yells. “How’d ye get that I sent that off to te trees!” He looks back at her with a simple smile and wink. “Ye not going to learn all my secrets at once”
  5. Hey there, when I try to install texture/model replacements to my skyrim installation via nmm, the directories are created as they should (e.g. "data\meshes..." and "data/textures...") but those directories stay empty. No actual meshes or textures are copied into them. Accordingly no new textures load up. But nmm pops no error message and displays the mod as active. If i copy the files manually to their place evrithing works fine. But i'd like my mods to be managed. Mods that come with an installer seem to be installed as intended. NMM appears to be unable to write loose files to the data directory. I tried Mod Organizer and that worked fine as well. I'm not familiar with MO, but as far as i read that programm takes a quite different approach of loading mods into the game. I'm playing the Steam version of the game (not sure if there is another version :huh: ) on Windows 10. I thought it might be a problem with write protection or rights management of the OS. But i couldn't find any solution. Reinstalling Skyrim and NMM had no effect on this matter. And yes, i tried running NMM as Adminstrator :mellow: . The problem stays the same. I hope someone knows that problem or has an idea to why that is. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  6. Every game studio hires a group of writers to create the concepts and bring in the meat of the game. What about modders? What're the modders thoughts on working with writers to create a masterpiece? What's the process of writing up ideas for mods?
  7. ****High school student available to write books, dialogue or letters for your Skyrim mods.**** I have extensive knowledge of Skyrim: the game itself and just about every vanilla aspect of the game.I'm good at writing fiction novels, but I can write just about everything.My writing is all edited and formatted for the Skyrim world.I can create lore-friendly authors, book characters and anything else that may revolve around the book/letter/dialogue.I'm able to write dialogue based on a small character write-up.The only payment I require is credit on your mod's page, unless you'd like to make a small donation to my Paypal on my profile.Message me via Nexus, check out my writing on Wattpad or message me via Tumblr.
  8. Hello all! I am a published author in the fantasy genera with my first novel 'The Dancing Soul of Fire' on sale at Amazon, Waterstones and other retailers. I have also signed a ten book contract with Ecanus Publishing. When I leave university I want to become a narrative designer and thus I am looking for experience writing narrative, quests and in game content for mods. I am not charging for this, I just want to build a portfolio. If you are interested or have any questions please just leave a comment. Thanks! Ben Anderson.
  9. Okay, I'll try to make this short. My name is Leo Siden from leosiden.com, I'm a writer, (voice/)actor, and a part-time stand-up comedian. Basically, I have an idea for a mod. I would create it myself, as I do have the know-how, but I'm not an expert. I'm looking for one or more mod developers willing to take my word that this is a good idea and help me design it. I can voice act at least a couple of characters, write the quests and dialogues, etc. The mod would include a unique storyline, separate from the main game yet lore-friendly, as well as new items (armour, weapons, misc. items), voiced characters, and more. It's something I've wanted in a game for a long time, and I really think it'd take off. If you're a mod developer, please contact me by sending an email to [email protected] or adding leo.siden on Skype (I check my email more frequently). We MIGHT need additional voice actors, but I'm not sure just yet. The reason I'm not sharing anything about the actual story is because I'm paranoid someone might steal the idea. Silly, I know. Thank you for reading. (Please do not comment on this topic as I will not be following it - email me with questions or comments instead). -K.L.S.
  10. Greetings everyone! In order to reduce clutter around the Druid's Garden, I have taken the liberty of establishing a collective location where you will find all of my legacy and long abandoned literature. As cringeworthy and unoriginal as it sounds, at the time, Commander's Hideout sounded like a respectable name, but now ironically embodies exactly what it is: a collection of literature that is definitely cringeworthy. Format legend: Literary works have been placed in spoilers and timestamped to keep everything nice and orderly.Strikethroughs indicate that the literary work is deprecated.All of my literary works have been categorized in the following top-down order: novel-length stories (and ongoing stories), short stories, poetry, and spontaneous writings. Capital Punishment (a Max Payne fanfiction) POETRY The Blood Veins of the World - October 30, 2013 0316 Untitled - February 1, 2012 1948 SPONTANEOUS WRITING November 8, 2013 21:45 November 8, 2013 21:30 Love Hurts - October 30, 2013 0430 LEGAL
  11. I am in the making of a quest mod. I have the story written and everything and I know what is gonna happen, but I need to write character dialogues. So if u have any skill writing or if you were decent at language arts in school, please reply to this and I will PM u the story, and u can help me with the dialogues. Thx Sn0w
  12. Hey there, I really want to get involved in a mod, and help write any dialogue for unique NPCs or followers or even to write out a storyline for modders who have great mods but don't want to be waste time by thinking of every word for every character in their mod. If it doesn't already show up, my username is Mastermachiavel, and I am available 24/7 (literally) and have already contributed some writing to the upcoming upgrade to the mod 'Better Cities'. I would love to get involved with mods which have a heavy emphasis on complex characters and good plots! Thanks alot for reading, and please do get in contact if interested! Yours sincerely, MM.
  13. I'm working on a mod right now that's adding a bunch of new quests to the game. They're not huge quests, mind you, since those take a huge amount of effort and there are plenty of "massive questline" mods out there. I've got some ideas for quests to implement in the mod, but if you'd like to share your ideas for some lore-friendly quests to add, I'll try to implement them, if possible. Before you post your idea, please make sure your idea meets all the following guidelines. Keep it small/medium sized. Your quest should be around the size of Blood on Ice at largest. So a bit smaller than one of the main quests at largest. But smaller is probably better, since I can create them faster. It must be lore-friendly. If your quest idea interferes with established lore, I won't use it. And use common sense, too. Just because TES lore never stated that Power Rangers can't exist doesn't mean that they should. (What I'm trying to say is that I'd reject a quest idea involving power rangers :tongue: ). It has to be possible. If you've got no modding experience, you might not be able to tell what is possible and what is not when modding Skyrim, but if you do have modding experience, then don't propose an idea that you know to be impossible. It has to be unique. This is the selling point for your quest idea. If it's not unique but it meets all the other criteria, I won't use it. By unique, I mean different. I don't want to make quests that are just like all the other quests in Skyrim. (I call them retrieve&reward quests - they're basically bounty-hunting quests with absolutely no story. Just "Go kill him and I'll give you a reward".) That said, you can have retrieve&reward quests as long as they've got an element of story, or a not-incredibly-predictable plot-twist.If it meets all the above criteria, then post your idea. If you could include a clever, witty quest name as well, that would be great, but it's not necessary. It would also help declutter this thread if you enclosed the quest idea in spoiler tags. (Do this: ["spoiler"]InsertQuestIdea["/spoiler"] without the quotation marks) If I use your idea, I'll credit you as the writer of the quest on the mod page once my mod is released, though I might modify your idea to fit the above guidelines slightly. However, this doesn't mean I'll accept all the ideas. Still, feel free to throw your idea out there, and I'll try to make it work if I can. Thanks, Matthiaswagg
  14. Hey Modders, If you need someone to look over a script, set of dialogue trees, or anything else that's written down/typed on a screen, feel free to get in touch! I've written for some small publications and currently edit the IGDA Perspectives Newsletter. You can get a hold of me easiest via Twitter, @ZacharySnader. Cheers!
  15. Hey New to the forum but I have managed to put in a good 50 hours a week to the Skyrim game, all thanks to the modders. One thing I have come across while downloading these mods is when reading the description a common thing I come across are people who say they are not good at writing. Great because I suck at modding but I am a good writer. So if there is anyone who would like me to write them a story for their mod. Feel free to contact and I'll see what I can do.
  16. Could anyone make a mod that allows you to write your own books in game? Not a journal, a normal book like all the others you can pick up. I would experiment myself but i have absolutely no experience in modding and i would be lost before i even started. I just think it would be cool to be able to write your own books, and keep on the shelves in your home. I have looked all over the nexus and steam and have found skill books, craftable books, and books that show you've read them... But no mod to write your own... I have a journal mod that is pretty cool... Maybe the mod to write books could work the same as that, but add a normal book to your inventory or something when you finish. I'm not sure if this is possible, or if it has been attempted before... I never look on the forums. :blush: *this has been posted 3 times because my internet connection was terrible when i tried to post this... sorry (I havent worked out how to delete posts yet... this is my first topic)*
  17. Hey all, New to the forum but not Fallout. I'm interested in writing and editing for story - oriented mods. I can help you focus on character development, dialogue, overall story structure, etc, for the low low price of a line on my resume. I've published a post-apocalyptic novella, several personal essays, and edited a post-apocalyptic short story collection. I have also played every Fallout game, and am mildly obsessed with them. Feel free to send me a message if you're interested.
  18. As a game developer and writer, I have been cringing my way through the writing in ME:A. I am now actively seeking other developers/modders to create a mod to replace the majority of the subtitles in the game with new ones. That way my team and I can sit down, write a little more naturalism into the dialogue, and remove some of the particularly egregious cliches. We would love to work with other writers and editors as well, as a diverse team and plenty of peer review make for stronger writing. I am going to look into the feasibility of programming this mod myself, but would welcome help from anyone with experience in the Frostbite engine. You can contact me here, or email me at [email protected] Cheers, Cameron
  19. Anybody know a mod that will allow me to create custom messages? I've only found mods that allow me to write in books, but I want to be able to create a letter, or a note, on a piece of parchement, and drop that parchement, to leave it somewhere.
  20. I am looking for someone to help me write a story, dialogue and character's personality for a mod in the near future. I've always wanted to create a casino heist mod like something straight out of the movies. I consider creative writing my weakness. I've only made one mod. (Pizza Boy) Hopefully it will give you the idea of the type of person I am looking for. I can be indecisive and unmotivated sometimes just so you know (Currently in a unmotivated mood). If your interested hit me up baby. I would like to start building the mod next month. :)
  21. Any modders who love writing? Are you thinking about writing your own book or series? Do you have a DeviantArt account? (WOW! How commercial did that sound? LOL) I would love to get with fellow writers and talk, compare notes, or shoot the crap with you. We have a group over at DA called writersresources now that databases articles, sites, references, and resources for writing. I know a lot of you have some amazing talent and I want to see us all succeed. We don't just deal in resources either, we want to build a group of people who are willing to share in feedback, improve their work, and help others. Even if you just want to apply your writing skills to modding scripts for characters and story. That's great I would welcome you to join us! Here's a link if you want to join us. I am still here from time to time just not as often since I need a new computer. I want to game... But the thing overheats easily now. https://writersresources.deviantart.com/ If you just want to talk or friend me at deviantart: https://ladyseshiiria.deviantart.com/ ETA: This is kinda my way of trying to stay close to my favorite people in this community. Since I've been away due to computer issues. I would really be sad if I lost connects with some of you. I really want to stay an active member and supporter so this is my way of doing so. I know tons of you just love to write and modding is a fun way to make stories come alive. I want to as well. Night and Good Luck!
  22. Hey all, I would like to write a script that will allow me to use the 'Update3d' function on all of the currently loaded NPCs when the player loads a save game. By currently loaded I mean all NPCs in the grid that loads around the current cell the player is in. I am planning on adding the script to my existing script, that runs once inside a 'getgamerestarted' check, so I don't need a whole script written. So, for example; scn myscript begin gamemode if getgamerestarted == 1 my script stuff new section that calls update3d on all npcs endif endMy script already does everything else I need in the 'my script stuff' part, I just need to know what to write in the 'new section' part. From what I have read I think I need to use an array, but all of the information I can find on the subject is well beyond my scripting capabilities. If somebody could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated and you would be credited for your help. Thanks in advance, BayK
  23. First of all, this is my first topic and I don't know if I put this in the correct section. Does anyone know where to find a mod that lets me write my own book? By writing my own book I mean writing stuff in it, and then it is a new item to be dropped/placed in inventory like in the oblivion mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15294/?# I've heard of the "Take Notes" mod, but I can't create my own books. I want to roleplay as a writer, and I would write my own books and use the "setitemvalue" command in the console to set the value of my books. I've searched for a long time on internet but couldn't find a mod like that. I'd be glad when someone actually sends me a link for it P.S: Sorry for grammar mistakes.
  24. Hey, y'all. I've been playing Skyrim on PS3 for years and been wanting to get a PS4 Pro, Skyrim, and make some mods. And since I'm a writer, I was going to try to make some really lore friendly quests that would take longer than 1-2 hours to complete. Sadly, I recently discovered that my laptop is (in the eyes of Creation Kit) a dinosaur. Which means I can't make any mods without setting my laptop on fire. Soooooo..............I figured I would offer my skills to anyone who wants to create such a quest or some other such lore friendly content, but doesn't really have the skills to do it justice. I've written several shorts and I'm currently working on a vampire script. To give a sense of what kind of stories I like, I love Conan the Barbarian, Blade Runner, The Princess Bride, Babylon 5, Bram Stoker's Dracula, 13th Warrior, and more fantasy and sci-fi stories. If you're interested, please leave a comment here or a send a private message. PS for the admins/moderators : If this kind of post isn't allowed, I apologize. I'm just trying to add content to something I love and in whatever way I can, due to not being able to do it directly myself.
  25. I have recently attempted to follow several tutorials online, in regards to quest creation, I have run into a wall. Everything I have researched to fix this problem has not been useful. I HAVE however while attempting my own quest mod, successfully learned to record custom dialogue, I have professional recording and studio equipment on hand, however I have not been able to find a solution to my quest creation problem, if someone could solve this problem of mine, I would be FULL willing to do dialogue lines for their mods. Please PM me.
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