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  1. Hi, I'm the author of the kurbits vallaslin mod, which was made before the amazing Frosty tool suite. However, after days of having viewed many tutorials and modding forums, I can't seem to make the textures work with Frosty. The last time i did this (2016/17 in Daimods) it required a .DDS file and a special plugin to properly compress the textures for them to show up in game. Now PNG and TGA files are available and i'm honestly at a loss, as nothing shows up when i use those as well. Since vallaslins are stored in the color channels in the image format, other texture tutorials which edit face or clothing textures don't really apply (to my knowledge). I would love to convert my mods to frosty and add a 4K resolution option to them too, but honestly i've been out of the modding game for like 5 years now and i'm very lost at the moment. I understand the modmanager and the loading order of mods, so at least that's something. Does anyone out here know how to mod the vallaslin-textures, which image-format to use and how they should be handled/compressed? Or perhaps there's a tutorial i've not seen yet that someone could point me to? Again, those only talking about face textures and clothing don't really work for me, as they don't cover the us of RGBA channels. Thanks so much, Tropelicious/Suveraen
  2. I'm using the enhanced character creator and the equal opportunity solas mods. I've also been crafting unique lore for my inquisitor (as one does :sweat:). I want to be able to add the human tattoo I had for my Trevelyan back in the Black Emporium's mirror of transformation after it was removed in the romance line. I could use the blood swipe, but I don't like the color and I also want to use that to add Mythal's vallaslin. I also think it would be cool if others' Lavellans and other inquisitors could get new, different tattoos after Solas removes their vallaslin/tattoos instead of just having the option disappear from the emporium entirely. Ideally, a mod for this would be for daimod and compatible with both the mods I mentioned above so I, personally, can use it for the purposes I want it for - but having it exist for anybody would be amazing tbh. Does anyone have any thoughts? - Metro
  3. Hello! For an entirely silly reason (trying to recreate my Warden in DA:I for screenshot purposes), I'd like to have a mod replacing Inquisition's Ghilan'nain vallaslin (this one) with the version from Origins: http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w419/apeacebone/dragonage/lyna-sideey2_zps1dce0b24.png Is there something like this available already and I've missed it, or anyone willing to help me out?
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