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  1. So, I am having a huge issue with a mod I am making. Basically, it crashes at the same time every time. Not the same part, but almost exactly 4.5 minutes in. I have tried everything I can think of. I am running no other mods, I have tried disabling anything that runs a script from the beginning, and the only information I have gathered is that this crash does not happen when I don't run FOSE. The issue is that FOSE is absolutely necessary for this mod to run. I am running out of ideas, and have worked to hard on this mod to make up. If anyone can help me, please, reply. Thank you for your time.
  2. Hey Guys, I've been thinking about this for some time. I need streetlights to only be on at night (say 7pm till 7am), I'd like it even better if they wouldn't use power during the day, but I'll take visual over functional. Would this be possible to do? Joe
  3. So I saw this example script that could be used to make a timed quest and decided to try and make one. The story is pretty simple. An npc has been poisoned and you need to find a cure within a certain amount of time. Otherwise (s)he'll die. The script compiled nice and well, but whenever I fast travel and/or in-game the game crashes. So something is obviously wrong, but I have no idea what, because I suck at scripting. Scriptname ASURG02TimedQuest extends Quest GlobalVariable Property GlobalDays auto ;initial days to complete GlobalVariable Property GlobalTime auto ;counter for hours left Quest Property TimedQuest auto ;the quest (I used two scripts on same quest while cause I modified a vanilla one) int Property FailObjective auto ;objective that will fail when hours left reaches 0, it is the one to display the time left and will be refreshed int Property FailStage auto ;stage to set the quest to, fail whole quest from it's fragment or whatever Float endTime Event OnInit() if (GlobalTime.GetValue()>0) ;Debug.Notification("Starting countdown") GlobalTime.SetValue(GlobalDays.GetValue()*24) endTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()+GlobalDays.GetValue() TimedQuest.UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(GlobalTime) RegisterForUpdateGameTime(0.10) EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() if (!TimedQuest.IsRunning()) UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() EndIf float step = Math.Ceiling((endTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime())*24) - GlobalTime.GetValue() if (step != 0) if (0-step > GlobalTime.GetValue()) ;avoid displaying less then 0 step = 0 - GlobalTime.GetValue() EndIf if TimedQuest.ModObjectiveGlobal(step, GlobalTime, FailObjective, 0, false, false) GlobalTime.SetValue(0) TimedQuest.UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(GlobalTime) TimedQuest.SetStage(FailStage) UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() EndIf EndIf EndEvent I have no idea what I'm doing, but I really want this to work. So plz help me find out what's wrong. If you want to share any better way/script to create a timed quest that would work too. :smile:
  4. Is it possible to remove the time limit from trials/challenges? If not remove, then to change the times needed for results (gold, specifically)? Or, basically, just any solution that would either enable me to have infinite time on the challenges (preferred) or to be granted gold. I do not enjoy the trials in this game at all and the DLC is basically reliant on them. If it is possible, where would I look in the files to change this? PS. Skill issue, ik. Get good, etc. :laugh:
  5. So, I used alternate start to start a new game using over 100 mods, most notably Requiem, Death Alternative, and DAYMOYL. I started the game as a vampire, and after doing a few random things in the north east part of the reach (killing a hagraven, killing some enchanted spiders, looting a random vigilant finding a stray dog and getting it to follow me) I was walking u the hill to the place where the guy is worshiping the deadric prince of puking,you know the one, halfway up I died randomly at half heath with no effects on me but requiem telling me that because of vampirism,i didn't like fire. I loaded the save a few times with the same result and then loaded saves progressively further back and the only difference was the further back I was, the longer it took to randomly die. Eventually I made my way back to the first save and still it happened, I have no clue what to do, I don't even have DAYMOYL active.
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