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  1. So it looks like there is no way to do this?
  2. I'm very new modding ME3 so i have been trying with not much success the swap, first time i replace the headmesh had no eyes, and the textures looked weird and transparent, i was kinda "inspired" when i found a mod from ELE, It changes the awful default headmesh from femshep for a better one. so i'm not sure if is it even possible the swap, that is why i would like anyone if knows any way or atleast tell me there is no way to do that, so i can move forward to do other things. thanks in advance!.
  3. Hi all, I found out now that you don't need custom nif files to change textures in CK.(i can now get rid of unnecessary files before i upload my mod) :smile: So learned how Material Swap works, i managed to make a Material Swap for all my objects. After that i applied all my Material Swaps to all my objects and all worked fine except one (maybe cuz has no original Material) :confused: Does anyone knows why i can't choose my Material Swap for this specific object (Shelf_Big_Wood_HalfLength) or do i have to use a custom nif file? :confused: Here i have screenshots of one working and one not working object: > Working . > Not working .
  4. I'm attempting to turn the Temerian armor set to look like the Manticore set. I've changed both items\dlc1_items.xml as well as items_plus\dlc1_items.xml in the following manner (xml example in spoiler): However, nothing changes ingame. Are the armors "cached" somehow so that I need to start a new game? Is the game attempting to get the equipment templates / variants from the dlc1 folder only? Thanks for any help.
  5. Someone please save the community from the devious color schemes some of these neat new iconic weapons have, please! I'm begging! It's like they don't want us too use them! (Looking at you Kyubi X-MOD2)
  6. Hello! I am a complete amateur with making my own mods. I have been attempting to swap Leon's default hair for his romantic hair, but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm able to use noesis and blender, and I can export meshes, but I don't know which meshes to export, or what to do once they're exported into blender. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Is it possible to change Vasco's model to the one Kaiser uses?
  8. It would be really cool to see Scarlet Spider with lenses from Advanced Suit!
  9. I was wondering if anyone can make a mod that will allow character model swap. Here are my suggestions: #For Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Nathan Drake > Elena Fisher / Chloe Frazer #For Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Chloe Frazer > Nathan Drake / Elena Fisher
  10. You cant get starlight until the near end of the game (which sucks), and can only have it for new plathroughs after beating the game once but i wanted it for a clean save. thanks in advance to whoever does it.
  11. Hello everyone! I really adore Vivienne's "mask+hat" look when we meet her for the first time. Unfortunately, she takes it off and stays at Heaven/Skyhold without her pretty accessories. Is it possible to swap her default Heaven/Skyhold outfit to the 1st look with mask and hat? Additionally it would be great to stay that mask on her face even in battles (and still tintable hat of course). Could someone please make a mod for it? Or show me the necessary directory in Frosty Mod Manager where I can change it? Thank you!
  12. Hello, i need help i have tried for 4 hour to swap the paladin's mantle with the Wyrm Hunt Mantle (Because i love that cape so much) but i always have a problem with the m_body_c000.dwm file, i don't know what to do, please if you can explain to me what to do or if you can give me the swapped .arc i'll be so thankful. Please help.
  13. Does anyone know of or know how to make a mod that makes battleaxes and warhammers use the same animations as the greatsword? I like using the immersive first person mod but I noticed that I almost never see my battleaxe while using it and I prefered the normal first person animations but I still wanted the realistic first person view and movements, so my idea is to get a mod that replaces the battleaxe animations with the greatsword ones since that would be similar to what it looks like in normal first person EDIT: Damn, nevermind I just tested it and I can't see a greatsword in immersive FP either anyway
  14. I ran across this while browsing for a ciri armor mod http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/12445966_1662523250680985_1008678041_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE3MzUwNzM0MTA1ODY2MzQ2Nw%3D%3D.2 and i was wondering if an outfit swap like this would even be possible to get into the game? Converting Geralt's armor to fit ciri i don't think would be much of an issue seeing as someone has converted it to work in fallout 4 and in Nora. http://www.modsfallout4.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Witcher-Geralts-Prologue-Gears-5.jpg I imagine body slide could be used to shape it to Ciri's proportions.
  15. I've tried following this tutorial but I can't seem to figure out how to do this, identify what armours are what in the mod maker and make the edits. Halp pls.
  16. I edited the loadouts.ini file and figured I'd just break the Outsider by changing it's weapon, turns out, it works fine also gave it a grenade and a Plasma Pistol which yielded interesting results, the Outsider will actively use the grenades however, when it comes to the pistol, I was disappointed, since I couldn't figure out how to add perks to aliens I decided to give them the pistol so they could still attack after moving, at first I thought they just didn't have the pistols, however, when swapping its team I could switch weapons, animations worked and all, I could even fire it, but the Ai just stopped working after I gave it back the Outsider with the pistol in it's hand, rather disappointing honestly there was a lot of hope, could someone guide me through how to give them Snapshot or any other perk for that matter
  17. First of all, I'd like to say, I love this modding community, you guys are awesome and there is no limit to the creativeness and mod ability of you guys. Down to the request, I would like to have a mod that would allow me to quickly switch between two sets of weapons, primary and secondary weapons, I'd like to switch between my bow and daggers to my sword and shield without having to go through any Immersion breaking menus. You people have showed me things I didn't believe was possible within the programming of some of these games. I want to know if you can do it, or if it's possible. Thanks.
  18. Hello fellow modders. I have one question. Is there a mod or a way to have 2 characters per save. Now i got khajiit archer but some times i want to play as nord mage. Is there a way like to press a buttom and change ur character with all the presets (body, hair, tattoos) and keep all the items quests everything. Like in GTA V character swapping. Sorry for my bad english. Hope someone helps me out. :blush:
  19. You must enter a post.You must enter a post.
  20. It's not necessarily immersive, but for the sake of convenience (and because, until follower AI is improved I'll mainly just keep using them for pack mules to get their perks) it would be nice to have access to follower inventories from a greater distance. Besides, the fact that they can just teleport whenever pathing gets tricky is as unrealistic as teleporting items into their invisible pockets. Ultimately I want maximum realism, but until followers stop getting in front of me when I'm aiming, pushing me when I'm on narrow walkways and blocking my way in general, I just want to be able to make them as convenient and unobtrusive as possible.
  21. I don't know if it is possible but to make a mod so you can switch between the husband and wife. I find it a waste that I customized both characters but cannot see or play as both; almost like in Assassin's Creed Syndicate switching between the brother & sister whenever you wanted to. I tried the "sexchange" console command but it just made my male a female but not the wife character that I had customized in the beginning. Also, when switching back to your male character with the husband got rid of some features on my character like the beared he had.
  22. I have had some trouble with downloading armour mods that look really good but have really bad stats! My idea is that we could use the transfusion stones idea from guild wars 2 and impliment it into skyrim. You would be able to buy the stones or craft them and they would destroy both armours and combine the armour rating of one armor with the look of another (also the weight used would be the heavier of the 2 armours and the value would also take the value of the more expensive armour) so that people can look awesome and play awesome. It is just an idea and if anyone would be able to take my idea and put it into a mod that would be awesome!!!! IF a mod like this already exists then please could you give me a link so I can download, I have looked everywhere without luck ;)
  23. So the other day I was playing Breakdown and I wanted to create a game where it would be all military, but don't survivors have the military model.I've seen it done before so I know it's possible but I simply lack the knowledge to do it. I was wondering if it would be possible to switch character models, Ex: making a regular survivor to look like a Army grunt. I've scoured the internet to find little help on this matter. All i've seen was two mods that supposedly changes all survivors in your group into a army soldier. 1. http://www.nexusmods.com/stateofdecay/mods/282/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fstateofdecay%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D282%26preview%3D&pUp=1 2. http://www.nexusmods.com/stateofdecay/mods/5/? But to no avail neither did anything. To the point " How do I switch Character models? " (Side note incase any of you are wondering I have all DLC's and I have both SoD and YOSE)
  24. Hi i'm trying to swap the characters models more specific i'm traying to change Ashley for Jack or maybe Liara for Jack... anyone knows how can i get this? or maybe get a tutorial for the better way? thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english
  25. Let me get this out of the way - I AM NOT A PERVERT. But sometimes, everyone wants to try being something they're not in video games. So I wanted to see if it is possible to make a mod to swap the lines for female couriers so NPCs will say lines they would give to males. This is because if I have family around, they might think I am wrong in the head. Also, I wouldn't want to miss out on things that happen in the Willow companion mod. So if someone could tell me if there is a mod like this, or if you could make one? Thanks. :happy:
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